Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 125 9 Leaked Fish Actress Is the King of Rolls

Chapter 125 The Nine Leaked Fish Actress Is the King of Rolls (8)

The three of them went in, filled the cupboard, and closed the door.

Then He Shaoyu turned around again and walked towards the window. Two people could hide behind the small curtain.

He glanced at the remaining two people and then spoke bluntly.

"You two hide inside."

Shen Mianyi looked at him.

"What about you? I'm not going. I'll find a place with you."

"Hurry, it's almost out."

He Shaoyu urged again.

Shen Mianyi refused, and the two were in a stalemate. Jin Shu stood in the middle with an expressionless face, then passed through the two of them and hid behind the curtain.

No matter whether others live or die, you have to live first anyway.

[Jin Shu really looks like a light bulb]

[Hahahahahahahahahaha, the three of them were in the Shura field, and in the end Jin Shu chose to protect herself and give up]

[Shen Mianyi, don’t love He Shaoyu too much. I can’t help but bless you two if you do this]

[Inexplicably, I felt that there was a trace of disgust in Jin Shu’s eyes just now]

Seeing that the unknown object at the end of the corridor was about to crawl out, Shen Mianyi and He Shaoyu were still standing outside, looking at each other, with ambiguous pink bubbles rising around them.

"There is still someone hiding behind the curtain, hurry up and hide in."

"what would you do?"

"It's better to eliminate one person than two."

"If you get eliminated, I won't be interested in playing alone, so we might as well go together."

He Shaoyu was silent. He, who had always been taciturn, didn't know what to say at this time. The struggle and touch in his eyes revealed the emotional fluctuations in his heart.

Just when everyone in front and behind the screen was moved by the relationship between the two people, Jin Shu suddenly walked out from behind the curtain.

The earthy sentiment is brewing and is ready to stir up the male god’s slumber:

He Shaoyu, who was immersed in emotion at the side:

Even the audience in the live broadcast room had questions on their heads, and then watched Jin Shu walking towards the other side of the corridor.

The back is thin and thin, and the steps are firm and decisive.

【? ? ?What is she doing? 】

[Go to your own death to fulfill your lover? 】

[Holy shit, she’s really making me cry to death! 】

[The person I like is tired of others, and no one else can hide it, but Jin Shu is still fierce. Is she being stimulated and planning to self-destruct?]

[What is Jin Shu doing?Directly to death?Oh my god what was she thinking? 】

Shen Mianyi was also surprised. She didn't expect that she had just planned to leave a highlight shot in the show, but the next second, Jin Shu took the shot away.

The romantic atmosphere that was finally created was now completely dissipated. Seeing that the thing was about to come out, Shen Mianyi was pulled directly behind the curtain by He Shaoyu.

"Shaoyu, what will Jin Shu do alone?"

"Others have other people's choices, save your own life first."

Shen Mianyi couldn't help but snicker.

As expected, the male god was still attracted to him.

It didn’t matter that the highlight lens was snatched away. It was just right for Jin Shu to commit suicide like this, so that she would continue to hold him back later.

Everyone hid, but in the camera at this time, a headless clown holding a chainsaw slowly emerged from the clown's fangs!

He fired the chainsaw, and a terrifying and horrifying sound instantly spread throughout the bedroom.

The three people hiding in the cabinet were shivering, while the two people hiding behind the curtain faced each other and talked in low voices.

"Jin Shu likes you, can you tell?"

He Shaoyu replied in a low voice.

"That's her business, it has nothing to do with me." "Are you so cold to girls? Do you hate others taking the initiative?"

The man looked at her and said dumbly.

"It's a hit."

"What about? For example... if someone like me or someone like Jin Shu chases you together, which one would you hate?"


He Shaoyu watched Shen Mianyi staring at him with a flushed face. Before he could finish his words, a sudden sound of footsteps stopped in front of the curtains.

Shen Mianyi was very courageous. She was not afraid of these false things at all, but she had to pretend to be afraid at this time. When she heard footsteps, she immediately squeezed towards He Shaoyu.

"Don't be afraid, it's all fake."

"I'm not afraid if you're here."

After saying this, Shen Mianyi spoke with determination.

"If I am No. 1 this time, can you agree to my request?"


"Don't go back on your word, I'm determined to be number one this time!"

After saying that, Shen Mian listened attentively to the reactions outside.

Not only her, but also others, everyone was waiting for the sound of Jin Shu being eliminated.

But at this moment, a sharp cry sounded, and Shen Mianyi quickly looked over.

Jin Shu must have been caught.

As a result, when I looked outside, I saw three people in the closet being dragged out by the clown. Xia Ke was caught red-handed. The other two people were about to run away, but unexpectedly the giant clown doll in the room suddenly moved!
Screams came and went.

Xia Ke, Jicheng, and Kong Weishang were all captured.

Shen Mianyi and the two people behind the curtain had not yet breathed a sigh of relief. Suddenly, a hand directly opened the curtain, and then a ferocious clown's head popped out.

"Hahaha! I caught you!"

Just like that, the five people were neatly tied up by the clown.

"Hahahahaha, you stupid humans still want to escape from under my nose?

In 5 minutes, the door to this world will close. In 5 minutes, you will stay here with me forever!

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! ! "

The laughter grew farther and farther, and the clown's figure gradually disappeared.

At the same time, a blood-red countdown suddenly appeared on the wall of the bedroom, and the 5-minute countdown began.

The hands of five people were fixed on the iron rings on the wall. The lock was a combination lock. Five people were tied to a chain. No matter how hard they struggled, it was in vain.

Xia Ke was so frightened that he finally calmed down and shouted at the camera.

"I don't want to play anymore! I don't want to play anymore! It's so scary to me that my heart will stop!"

Ji Cheng also wailed along with him.

"Let me out! Ahhh let me out!"

Kong Weishang: "Where is Jin Shu? Why isn't she here? She couldn't have been directly eliminated, right?"

Shen Mianyi sighed.

"Well, I guess so. Don't act rashly. You will definitely find the key to unlock it and escape within 5 minutes. Let's see what's different around us."

He Shaoyu looked at the clown's smiling thumbtack placed on the cabinet in front of him.

"There should be some rules here."

Everyone wanted to look back, but their hands were tied too tightly and they couldn't move their bodies. At this time, their bodies suddenly turned. When everyone looked down, they found that there was a rotating disk under their feet!

"What's the pattern? So many smiling faces make me dizzy."

"Colorful, I guess numbers and colors are related."

"And the color keeps changing, so fast!"

(End of this chapter)

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