Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 209 The cannon fodder of a wealthy family becomes a scientific research boss

A boy in the group raised his hand and asked.

"I have also done some research on artificial rain bombs. I feel that the possibility of self-development is not high. It is better to use the research and development money to purchase other people's patents."

"Hmm, so you think our research is impossible to achieve?"

"You yourself said that we can speak freely, so I said so. This idea is outrageous. I think it is a complete waste of time."

Jin Shu nodded, her mood stable and her tone calm.

"Okay, you can leave now. I won't say anything to you in front of the manager. You are not suitable for our group. Let's get together and go."

The boy simply got up and left.

The remaining two boys looked at each other and then expressed their opinions.

"I am quite interested in this research. Regardless of whether it can be realized or not, it always makes sense to try it."

"Finally, someone is as whimsical and unrestrained as I am. They make inventions at public expense, how cool is that?"

Well, great, the team members are done now.

Jin Shu didn't expect them to be of any use, but just took a fancy to their strength and innocent ideas. Such people were suitable for research, and they should save themselves a lot of effort in the future.

Just do it, import the drawings into the computer, and prepare various parts configurations according to the contents of the drawings.

At first, the two boys thought that this project was just for fun. After reading the contents of Jin Shu's drawings in detail, the look in her eyes was completely gone.

The sitting posture of the two people also changed from being lazy at the beginning to being upright at the end. They were stunned to read all the drawings and explanations from beginning to end. At the end, the two people followed Jin Shu step by step, saying "Teacher Jin" one after another. shouted.

"Teacher Jin, have you really just graduated from college?"

As both graduates, why are they still practicing how to draw a complete drawing, while Jin Shu has progressed to the end and started studying how to launch rain bombs to imitate missiles?
  One of the boys named Guo Xu sighed.

"The gap between humans is probably about the same as the gap between a loach and a dragon."

Another fatter boy named Meng Jin followed suit.

"For the first time, I felt that the meaning of my life in this world was just to increase my numbers."

Both of them are talkative but practical and capable, so they decided to work overtime and stay overnight with Jin Shu that night.

There was a rest room in the workshop, but Jin Shu couldn't use it at all. Meng Jin and Guo Xu, who were responsible for helping her, couldn't bear to go to bed after ten o'clock. Jin Shu naturally didn't feel sleepy and continued to do it on her own.

At half past eleven, time stood still. Jin Shu put on a mask and hat in professional protective clothing and began to put the drawings into production.

The drawing she showed to the general manager was just the most basic sketch. The real drawing had been memorized in her heart. Every step and every data was accurate to two decimal places. She remembered them clearly.

For twenty-four hours, Jin Shu made improvements again and again. After discarding three failed products, the fourth finished product finally came out.

The basic version of the JS001 artificial rainfall bomb is currently sitting firmly in the middle of the launcher slot.

Jin Shu had a bit of obsessive-compulsive disorder and saw that there was still some time left, so she painted the rain bombs into a pattern she liked, and even drew a sunflower at the bottom.

Early the next morning, Guo Xu woke up first. After a brief wash, he immediately went to the independent workshop to see the current situation.

As soon as he opened the door, he happened to see Jin Shu walking out of it.

"Teacher Jin, did you sleep in there last night?"

"Don't call me, I haven't slept all night, go back and catch up on some sleep." Seeing Jin Shu walking around him like a fugue, Guo Xu couldn't help but mutter with admiration in his eyes.

"The boss worked hard all night, Xiao Guo, Xiao Guo, why do you have the nerve to sleep!"

No, he has to work hard now to help Teacher Jin organize the information!
  Then he turned around and opened the door, and what he saw was a huge football-shaped object. The unexpected scene made him freeze in place for a long time.

The thing in front of me is two meters long and half a meter in diameter at its longest. The bottom is placed on a device similar to a ejector. At first glance, it looks like a mini version of a small missile.

What is this stuff? Why does it look familiar?

Suddenly he suddenly remembered something, rushed to the operating table and pulled out the drawings, and hurriedly turned to the last page. Guo Xu finally knew why it looked familiar.

Isn't this thing the finished product of the artificial rainfall bomb researched by Teacher Jin?
  In just one night, Teacher Jin made the model? !

"Oh my god, you are indeed Teacher Jin...so amazing..."

Guo Xu tried to reach out and touch it. It felt very heavy and he couldn't move it even if he pushed gently.

At this time, Meng Jin also came after washing up. His reaction when he saw the rain bombs was similar to Guo Xu's.

"Damn it, the model came out just one night! Teacher Jin is so awesome!"

"Not to mention that this model has even restored its weight. It's so heavy that I don't even know what kind of filler Teacher Jin used."

"Where is Mr. Jin?"

"I haven't slept all night, so I went to catch up on my sleep."

At this time, Meng Jin suddenly asked again.

"Isn't this rain bomb a bit too big? It seems to me that ordinary rain bombs are only about the size of a palm. Why does this one look like a small missile?"

"As for the model, let's enlarge it to the same proportion so that we can easily observe the details."

The two of them talked about it for a while, and finally agreed that this was a model, and when the general manager came down to the workshop for inspection, they pulled him over with a look of pride and showoff.

"The model made by Teacher Jin has perfect shape and proportions. Let's see if it can be put on display directly?"

The general manager observed it carefully for a while and couldn't help nodding in praise.

"It's really lifelike. If it weren't for the wrong size, I would have thought it was real!"

Soon the R&D director came, and he was dismissive of Jin Shu's research project from the beginning.

At such a young age, you still want to study difficult artificial rainfall bombs? There are still people behind such an outrageous idea.

When he saw the model, he was startled quietly at first, then smiled strangely.

"My son could build a similar model when he was five years old."

Several of his team members also echoed.

"You said why can't we be reincarnated as women? We don't have to do anything and can do whatever we want with just a face."

"Hahaha, we are like cows and horses. I have been in the factory for more than ten years and I have never done a single project. How can you, a low-level male social worker, compare with other people's beautiful little princesses? Save it, they can just pinch it with mud. Even when a model comes out, some people are praising it!"

"Let's take it as a joke. So much rare material is wasted. It will be a good show when the financial deficit is at the end of the year."

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