Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 212 The cannon fodder of a wealthy family becomes a scientific research boss

【What? ! ! Five thousand kilometers? ! Anchor, are you awake? The longest distance between our country's territories is only [-] kilometers! You just go [-] kilometers! 】

[The professionalism of current anchors is too low. They can say anything. Do you know what the concept of five thousand kilometers is? Talk nonsense when you open your mouth】

[Laughing to death, a [-]-kilometer rain bomb, do you think it is an intercontinental missile? 】

[It is estimated to be fifty kilometers. The host mispronounced it. There is nothing to be sarcastic about. After all, the live broadcast looks good. I can forgive all of this]

The barrage flooded the screen like crazy, all ridiculing.

At this time, there are still many people in the company paying attention to the live broadcast content, including Director Zhao and others.

Director Zhao was just thinking about how to get this girl to get out, but he didn't expect that the other party would make him stupid to death without any effort on his part.

"Hahahahaha five thousand kilometers!! Hahahahaha she dares to say it! She is really not afraid of laughing out loud!"

"Every model is put out for sale. If this wasn't our own company's live broadcast room, I would directly report her for false advertising! It's still unblocked!"

"Hurry up and get her off the air. Don't embarrass yourself. To be honest, I'm embarrassed for her."

"Hahahahaha, the general manager shot himself in the foot now. He obviously wanted to see Jin Shu's beauty, but he still found an excuse to say that he cherished his talent. Now, Jin Shu just slapped his face crooked. Got it!"

Director Zhao stopped his subordinates who were about to notify the next broadcast, looked at the live broadcast room and smiled slightly.

"Why worry? Let's take a look. Maybe she has some good skills that she hasn't used yet."

Of course, Manager Zhao will not let her off the air easily. There are not many opportunities to see jokes like this, so she must cherish the opportunity now.

I've long been unhappy with the general manager, so now I'm seizing the opportunity to make him look bad!

At this time, the general manager did feel a burning pain on his face, and the live broadcast had to be ended manually by Jin Shu.

But no matter how he winked, Jin Shu remained indifferent and continued to introduce his rain bomb without changing his expression.

"Five thousand kilometers is my conservative prediction. The actual distance may be a little longer than this data.

This live broadcast room operates with integrity and will never make false propaganda. Otherwise, you will be compensated ten for every fake one. Reports are welcome. "

[Hahahahahaha, I will compensate you ten for every fake one, and then I will place an order and send you eleven small missiles directly]

[What a beautiful anchor, but it’s a pity that he is a fool]

[You'd better dance for everyone, then maybe everyone can forgive you]

[You said you didn’t make false propaganda, then prove it to me! My hometown, Bo County, Qing City, Su Province, is just over [-] kilometers away from you. There is little rain and drought all year round. This year, we have encountered a severe drought that is rare in a century. If what you say is true, then launch one and try it! 】

[The one above is right! Anchor, don’t you operate with integrity? Just launch one to prove it! 】

[Brother above, if you say this, don’t you just expose it! How boring! 】

[Hahahahaha, it’s so fun to tease fools! I want to see how she blows it next]

[She will most likely choose to turn a blind eye]

However, the next second, Jin Shu stepped forward and whispered every word.

"Bo County, Qing City, Su Province...are you sure this is the place? If so, then I will enter the location directly."

[Stop acting, really, I’m embarrassed for you]

[Hahahaha, the acting looks real, so hurry up and launch it! ]    【Do you believe her or believe that I am Qin Shihuang? 】

[One thing to say, her launcher is really good. Maybe this thing can really be launched]

[Are you kidding? Just ignition and launch requires a lot of technology, let alone launching to a distance of five thousand miles. Do you know how much power energy this requires? How could her tiny transmitter station provide so much energy? 】

Soon, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room increased from a few hundred at the beginning, to a few thousand, and now it’s almost [-]! The skyrocketing number of people in a period of time directly put this live broadcast room on the popularity list.

Jin Shu suddenly stood up and muttered to herself.

"I want to launch in an open outdoor area. I will eject the rain now. Guo Xu, help me hold the phone and continue shooting."

Guo Xu, who was watching dumbfounded, didn't want to move at all, but when he saw the calmness in Jin Shu's eyes, his feet moved inexplicably according to the command.

With the launcher, the oval-shaped rain bomb, which is larger than a basketball, was easily pushed out. During this period, more and more barrages were posted, and the popularity increased, reaching the top of the live broadcast platform's popularity list.

There were many others who had followed the trend and asked in confusion when they saw Jin Shu dragging rain bombs out of the dried noodles.

【What is this selling? Diamond? 】

[The giant rainfall bomb, with a firing range of [-] kilometers, is a unprecedented masterpiece in history. Everyone can witness it with their own eyes and die without regrets!
  (Fifty cents a piece, remember to delete this sentence)]

[Hahahahaha, don’t make me laugh to death, there is no lower limit for live broadcast rooms these days, right? None of this is sealed? 】

The live broadcast room has become very popular now, and the general manager who has been standing aside from the beginning to the end has a complicated expression.

Good news, their live broadcast room is now the most popular and continues to rise.

Bad news: The live broadcast room is about to be permanently banned for false propaganda to gain attention.

He wanted to stop him, but two people from the R&D department stopped him.

"Manager, we have to give her a chance to perform. Maybe this thing can really be launched successfully?"

"Yes, I am optimistic about Jin Shu, and even if you turn off the live broadcast now, it will not help. The popularity has already increased. Turning off the live broadcast now will only arouse the curiosity of those people. It will be more difficult for us to end it by then. It is better to start Look, even if it’s just for everyone’s entertainment, our company’s promotional purpose has been achieved.”

The general manager stared at the two of them, knowing that they didn't hold it in well.

They were all related people sent by the head office. He couldn't do anything to them yet. He could only watch Jin Shu's every move uneasily, hoping for the last possibility.

Maybe it can actually be launched.

As long as it can be launched, even if the range is not enough, it will still attract people's attention.

At this time, Jin Shu was standing in front of the live broadcast camera. After saying hello to everyone, he turned back and opened a panel at the bottom of the rain bomb. The buttons inside were quite simple.

Two yellow, one green and one red.

"Press the first yellow button first to start the machine."

[This thing won’t explode, right? 】

[It’s even cruder than the pirated PHS in Huaqiangbei]

Just when everyone in the barrage was still waiting to watch the excitement, suddenly, a cluster of green and white bright flames emerged directly from the bottom of the launcher. (End of chapter)

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