Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 220 The cannon fodder of a wealthy family becomes a scientific research boss

The people around him were dismissive.

"This kind of stuff is all a lie. My old man saw it while browsing the short video two days ago and showed it to me. He said it was a rain bomb used as a rocket to be launched!

Isn’t this pure nonsense! "

Xu Mu: "Did you watch the video?"

"I didn't read it, why are you wasting that time! Some people actually believe this thing that is specifically designed to deceive the elderly!"

Xu Mu asked other people.

"You didn't even see it?"

"I haven't watched it. If I have that time, I might as well sleep more and drink some wine."

People who can become friends have something in common, that is, they waste their time on spending money. Except for sleeping, they will never sit down and check their mobile phones as long as they have time.

"After all, it's the task given to you by Uncle Xu. You still have to do it, but it's better to investigate clearly and don't be deceived."

Xu Mu looked at her with soft eyes and couldn't help but reach out and pat her head gently.

"You love to worry about our affairs. Instead of doing this, I hope you can think more about your own affairs. Now it seems that Lin Qin has made up his mind to divorce Jin Shu. Why don't you ask him out for a chat tonight?"

Yu Keke gritted his teeth and said with embarrassment and bitterness.

"I had nothing to do with him before, and you all know it but you are still here making fun of me!"

Seeing Yu Keke walking away angrily, Xu Mu and others quickly followed.

"Don't be angry. If you really don't mean that, then we will never mention it again. It's good for us to be friends for life. Besides, Lin Qin is divorced and his eyes are not good. Such a man is worthy of I won’t fuck you.”

Yu Keke's eyes turned red silently.

"Lin Qin is a very nice person. I don't allow you to say that about him."

"Okay, okay, let's not talk anymore. How old are you? If you feel a little wronged, you will cry again. Let's go. Can you take the brothers to a big dinner?"

Several boys teased her together, and finally Yu Keke was amused.

After coaxing Yu Keke, several people went to drink together. Xu Mu excused himself because he had something to do at home and then drove home.

At this time, there were already several familiar uncles sitting in the study room at home. They were all usual partners. They used to meet at the company, but today, for the first time, they all came to Xu's house.

As soon as Xu Mu came back, Xu's father urged him to ask.

"Have you asked about the things I asked you to ask about?"

"I'm asking, but dad, why are you buying that? We're not in the agricultural machinery business, what kind of rain bombs do you want?"

"That is not an ordinary rain bomb. Nowadays, many companies are squeezing their heads to buy the first batch of pre-sold products. If our company can buy it, many things in the future will be easy to handle.

Anyway, do this as soon as possible! No matter how much the price is, you must buy back the first batch of rain bombs! "

Xu Mu disagreed.

"Dad, I just asked. The price of one has been raised to more than million. Is it worth it? It's just a rain bomb."

"It's just a rain bomb? Didn't you watch the video?! Do you know how important this rain bomb is to the industrial development of our country? We are all engaged in industry. There are some problems that cannot be overcome technically, but we can solve them from The answer is found in the internal structure of this rain bomb!

Take ten thousand steps back! Even if we can’t use it, there are many companies that can! We can use it, but we can’t live without it, do you understand? ! "

Father Xu was already a little angry.

Because Xu Mu still has a disapproving expression until now.

"You will never be as good as Lin Qin in this! You have been like this since you were a child! You think you are smart! At the same age, look at Lin Qin, he has already taken over everything in the company, and look at you! All day long All I know is eating, drinking, and having fun! Hanging out with those gangsters!"

"Dad, if you think Lin Qin is good, then make him your son. I'm useless. I will never be as good as him in my life!" Xu's father realized that he might have spoken a little too hastily, so he tried to control his tone and said sincerely.

"Young people have to study hard! Okay, just do this. Now I know that the Lin family is also trying their best to buy rain bombs. You should also hurry up. Our Xu family is already too far behind the Lin family."

Xu Mu had a cold face, turned around and left without saying a word.

He gets angry whenever this is mentioned.

The Lin and Xu families were the only ones doing business in the compound at the beginning, and they obviously had the same starting point. However, the Lin family grew bigger and bigger. On the other hand, the Xu family developed well at the beginning, but now it is obviously declining and starting to go downhill.

Today, Lin Qin is already an entrepreneur worth billions. Look at him again? He is still a rich second generation who is asking for money every day!

Outsiders think that he owns cars and houses, and squanders a lot of money, but only he knows that the money in Lin Qin's card is more than his entire net worth!

Thinking of this, Xu Mu could only quickly send someone to contact the purchase channel of rain bombs. Xu's father gave him million in funds, and the rest was his own.

At first, Xu Mu thought that a mere rainfall bomb could be obtained for several million.

Unexpectedly, the price on the market is now as high as over million, so it may not be possible to buy it.

In the end, all the million yuan was spent, and we found a reliable channel. We negotiated directly with the manufacturer. If the price was right, the manufacturer might be able to increase production.

"Changheng agricultural equipment..."

When Xu Mu came, he happened to run into a familiar face.

"Lin Qin?"

"What a coincidence, you are also here to discuss business?"

I actually met Lin Qin here.

Xu Mu had a smile on his face, but the smile didn't reach his eyes.

If Lin Qin also comes, he will have no advantage.

"My dad asked me to come and take a look. I don't understand. It's just a rain bomb. Why is it necessary to go to war?"

Lin Qin smiled, said nothing, and walked into the factory with several business leaders who came to buy.

There are so many people who want to buy rain bombs, and there are no less than ten company leaders standing here right now.

Lin Qin stood at the end with an indifferent expression. Different from the nervous and concerned attitude of other competitors, he seemed to be here for a visit, just looking around at the equipment around him.

Xu Mu stood beside him, asking questions intentionally or unintentionally.

"How much do you know about this factory?"

"A two-year-old branch of the head office specializes in agricultural equipment and has no useful patents in the past."

"So, how much do you know about rainfall bomb designers?"

Lin Qin glanced at him.

"Don't worry, you don't know, and I don't know either. After that live broadcast, all the content about that anchor on the Internet disappeared. Even if the state takes action, even I can't find any clues."

Except for those who watched the live broadcast and the news at that time, no one now knows the origin and identity of the anchor at that time. They can only retell a general image from others.

Xu Mu nodded.

"Actually, I don't want to come. The old man at home is forcing me. In my opinion, this thing is completely alarmist."

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