Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 226 The cannon fodder of a wealthy family becomes a scientific research boss

Looking at the exciting shooting and clearing in the screen, the entire live broadcast was filled with shouts and screams.

【Ahhhhhhhh my sea spider! ! My little baby! ! 】

[Damn spider dealer! I can tell at a glance that this is my long-lost precious little spider! ! 】

[Experienced a leap in the forest from a first-person perspective, which was more exciting than watching a movie! ! Laser shooting is awesome! ! Oh my gosh, if I use this as an immersive gaming experience, I guarantee I’ll make crazy money! ! 】

【I want to buy, I want to buy, I want to buy! ! No matter how expensive it is, I will buy it! ! Please put it on the shelves! ! I won’t be able to sleep if I can’t buy it tonight! ! 】

[Too sci-fi and too hardcore! ! Is this horse riding a live broadcast room for agricultural machinery? Is this something I can see without paying? ! 】

At this time, Lin Qin, who was also watching the live broadcast, was silent for a long time and could not speak.

He looked out the car window thoughtfully, looking at Yu Keke who had just walked upstairs.

"It's not you..."

The anchor is obviously outdoors now, and Yu Keke, who just went upstairs not long ago, cannot teleport there.

Lin Qin had actually guessed this. He knew that the anchor was most likely not Yu Keke. The reason why he didn't expose it was because he guessed that Yu Keke most likely knew the other party's identity.

Based on what I know about her, if I ask directly, she will never tell him easily. The best way is to continue to cooperate with her performance. When one day she is exposed and can no longer perform, she will naturally choose to find that person.

Thinking of this, Lin Qin arranged for people to continue to stay in the live broadcast room, and as long as the product was linked to the link, he would grab it no matter what, while he drove home.

Before that, he still had a troublesome thing to deal with, that was his troubled marriage and his troubled ex-wife.

On the other side, Jin Shu is preparing to broadcast.

【Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh but ​​but but did you forget something Bunny! ! What about product links? 】

[Don’t make me kneel down and beg you, hurry up, product link]

Jin Shu glanced at it, then thought about it and replied.

"There was no plan to sell it at the beginning, so I didn't set a price. I was just thinking about how much it would be appropriate to sell."

Later, General Manager Heng Chao immediately reported a number to her silently.

"Five...five hundred thousand."

Heng Chao: "..."

He had just said fifty thousand, but when he got to Jin Shu's side, he turned around and said five hundred thousand.

What farmer would buy a small pest-killing robot costing half a million?

So he gestured wildly and jumped up and down with exaggerated expressions.

fifty thousand! !

Fifty thousand, you idiot! !

Who spends half a million to buy a small metal spider that can be scary?

Jin Shu nodded and confidently reported a number to the camera.

"Yes, half a million. Let's pre-sell a hundred units first and post the link."

Heng Chao looked helpless.

"It's over, it's over. She priced something that cost less than 5,000 yuan at 500,000 yuan. Now people must think that we lions are so open-minded. Who would spend so much money to buy this thing when they have nothing to do!"

"Manager Heng!! It's empty! It's empty in a second!! People below are shouting that they didn't get it!"       "It's all gone? What's the price? Is it five hundred thousand?!"

"Yeah, what's wrong, Manager Heng? Is the price too cheap?"

Heng Chao quickly shook his head and gave instructions.

"Turn off the link, a hundred is enough!"

He has a bad conscience after selling too much!

【Woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, it's actually cheaper than I thought! 】

【Didn’t get it! ! ! Ahhhhhhhhhh I didn’t get it! ! Hurry up and add more! ! 】

[Ahahahahahaha I got it! 】

[I hate every damn rich person equally tonight]

[Fifty thousand one? ? ? Does no one really think it’s expensive? Although the stuff is indeed hardcore, is half a million too exaggerated? The down payment for a house is just for a sea spider? 】

[Technology is priceless. There will always be people willing to pay for technology and creativity. Even if it were priced at one million today, countless people would want to buy it. There are far more rich people in the world than you think.]

[Is half a million still expensive? ? Brother, do you want to think about its economic value? According to the anchor, it can deal with pests in hundreds of acres of fields in one day. Even if one can only be used for a month, it is still thousands of acres. Even if the yield per acre is only increased by one-fifth, the economic impact it will bring The benefits are far more than half a million! Five million is possible! 】

[The above is correct, you can’t just look at it one-sidedly. I bought it just for fun, but if it is really used in agriculture, this sea spider will be a great killer of pests, and it will be a great deal for farmers]

At this time, dozens of agricultural product companies have come to Changheng Agricultural Machinery Factory for cooperation.

The pre-sale of 100 pills was obviously far from enough to meet the market demand. At first, Heng Chao felt a little uneasy, but after feeling the enthusiastic demand from the outside world, he suddenly thought about it.

"Sell! Close the online sales channels and negotiate privately with the manufacturer. The more you buy, the more discounts you can get."

"There is a company that asks for twenty pills!"

"Manager, someone here wants to buy ten!"

Heng Chao has never felt the feeling of orders coming in like snowflakes in his life. The most important thing is that he does not need to nod and bend down to talk to Party A like before, racking his brains to please the other party. Just sitting there will be someone not far away. Qianli made a special trip to see him to discuss business.

Naturally, he knew exactly who to thank for all this, so when it came to dealing with Jin Shu, he almost built a temple to offer him as an offering.

And this project, unsurprisingly, became one of the national secret projects. It was incubated as a key project and transformed from benefiting agriculture to strengthening the army and industry.

Jin Shu doesn't need much interpersonal communication. What she has to do every day is very simple, including doing research, eating and resting at two o'clock.

Not long ago, she had a dedicated residence, driver and bodyguard. In addition, she also had a dedicated private chef to cook for her alone.

This alone was not enough. Because of the accident of sudden fainting last time, I was worried that Jin Shu might have another accident like last time, so we simply arranged a professional medical team for her to provide precise services to her 24 hours a day. .

Every day at six o'clock in the morning and six o'clock in the evening, someone would come over on time to take her temperature, blood pressure, and physical examination. Sometimes Jin Shu couldn't even be lazy, so those people just stood by and waited, very dedicated and patient.

Sometimes Jin Shu vaguely felt that she had separated from a person's existence and became a fragile object that was protected.

Heng Chao also transitioned from the general manager of a factory to Jin Shu's personal assistant. In addition to handling the company's orders every day, he also handled Jin Shu's personal business.

I went to XX Research Institute to give a speech today.

I will go to a certain university’s internal research meeting tomorrow to participate in a seminar.

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