Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 228 The cannon fodder of a wealthy family becomes a scientific research boss

The surrounding Bai was unmoved at all, and continued to stare at the phone screen in fascination, talking to himself.

"You may not believe it. I have been watching her in the live broadcast room for the past few days. Although I can't see her face, I am deeply fascinated by her. She has a special temperament that firmly grasps me. heart of!

Lao Chen, tell me, is this the feeling of falling in love? "

Chen Zetian kicked him without giving him any face.

"You are acting like an unrequited love! You said the same thing when you had a crush on Ke Ke. Then you became honest after being beaten by Xu Mu. I think you deserve a beating now."

The white people around him shook their heads crazily, with serious expressions.

"No, no, no, this is different from how I felt about Ke Ke before. I felt for Ke Ke purely out of my love for my sister. I was young and naive at that time.

But my heart beats uncontrollably towards Tutu, and I just want to show her my heart!

Don't move, I am very innocent, I have not been in love for so many years, it must be just to wait for her. "

Chen Zetian was no longer willing to look at him.

At this time, another member of the quartet also came. The three of them sat together and watched the live broadcast for a while. Soon Xu Mu also went upstairs with beer.

When Bai Bai saw him, he couldn't wait to rush over and stared at him expectantly.

"How's it going? How's it going? Did you get the infield ticket?! Talk, did you get it?!"

Xu Mu kicked him away.

"Shout daddy."

Zhou Bai: "Dad."

"Good boy, daddy got it."

Around Bai: "Dad!!!"

Father Zhou was passing by with a teacup in his hands. He looked at the closed door in front of him with a complicated expression, sighed and left again.

Everyone gathered around to watch the ticket in Xu Mu's hand.

"Holy shit, did you really get it? I heard that people were crazy about this thing! This lunatic Wei Bai spent more than a million and ended up buying a fake ticket! Are you being honest?"

Xu Mu opened his mouth and sneered.

"Do you think I'm a fool like Bai Bai? My father got this ticket and gave it to a big shot so that I could broaden my horizons and get to know more big names in the industry.

I heard that big names from all over the country will attend the conference and listen to Tutu’s speech, so this ticket is basically a gold check. Not only must you have money, but you must also have connections. "

Bai was itching his teeth with jealousy, and he begged while hugging Xu Mu's thigh.

"Brother, please take me in. Don't you usually bring a female companion for dinner seminars like this? Take me! Take me!"

Xu Mu looked at him seriously and patted his shoulder.

"Are you okay with your mind? Female companion, can I take you?"

"What's wrong? I can wear women's clothes."

"Go away, I plan to take Keke there, she is very interested in this kind of seminar."

The faces around Bai were in disbelief.

"Then what should I do?! You brought the fucking ticket just to tell me that you can't take me in with you?"

"Calm down, since I told you there is a way, there must be a way.

Lin Qin, he also has tickets, but he is also in need of a female companion. "       " Brother Qing? He doesn't take his wife with him? How could you take me? "

Isn’t it a joke to just get married without a wife?

Xu Mu smiled mockingly.

"Come on, he is currently looking for a lawyer and preparing to file a lawsuit for divorce. How can he bring that woman to such an important seminar? You should contact her now before he finds another female partner."

Zhou Bai quickly contacted Lin Qin, tried his best to say good things, and finally promised a lot of benefits, and finally let Lin Qin relent and take him with him.

After hanging up the phone, Bai was jumping around excitedly. The other three brothers looked disgusted and discussed in low voices.

"This kid is obsessed."

"Just let him continue to dream. What if he saw it with his own eyes? Is there any possibility for him to be with him?"

Xu Mu couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

"Haha... Wei Bai made a mistake when he fell in love this time. She is now a nationally protected person. If it weren't for this seminar, it would be even harder to meet her."

"Didn't she do a live broadcast just now? The sea spider she was selling was quite interesting. I would also like to buy one to play with."

Chen Zetian repeatedly stopped him.

"Forget it, don't waste your time. If you can't get it, I spent more than one million and didn't get it. I guess we won't be able to buy it before the next large-scale R&D and production."

Xu Mu raised his eyebrows.

"In this seminar, I can meet Mr. Tutu himself. When I get there, I will ask you if you can go through the special passage and buy an improved version of the Sea Spider."

"Is there an improved version?!"

"That's natural. I heard that an improved version of the Sea Spider will be released at this seminar. We can bid at that time, so the main purpose of letting us businessmen go is this. Someone has to spend a lot of money on such an occasion, right?"

This Saturday weekend, the seminar was held on a cruise ship in the city's harbor. Because all the people attending the meeting were industry leaders, the meeting was held secretly. Everyone who boarded the ship had to go through three rounds of inspections. After confirming their identity and They will be put in one by one after it is safe.

Lin Qin was urged by the people around him to arrive at the harbor early. Because he arrived too early and it was not the entrance time, the two of them could only sit in the car and wait.

Lin Qin was so annoyed that he finally sat aside and looked at the documents with a serious face, indifferent to what was said around him.

"Brother Qin, don't ignore me. I will definitely support my goddess's career when the time comes. If I don't have enough money during the auction, you can lend me money."


"Please, Brother Qin, my father only gave me two million. I'll lend you the extra. As long as I have money, I'll pay it back to you immediately."

"Shut up, if you talk again I won't take you in right away."

Bai Bai immediately shut up and stared at the deck eagerly.

The entrance time is at 5:30, and there will be a two-hour seminar first, followed by the auction party at 7:30. The auction items are the latest research products of the scientists.

After finally waiting until 5:30, Lin Qin was the first one to enter the venue with Bai Bai around. After confirming his identity at the first gate, there were special bodyguards to search him at the second gate. At the third gate, he handed over all communication equipment. All electronic products such as mobile phones, watches, and headphones should be placed outside for the time being.

After three searches, we finally entered. In a huge lecture hall, all the tables and chairs were neatly arranged. In front of the auditorium was a huge LED screen. In front of the screen, there was a row of seminar seats with place cards on them. .

The two of them found their seats based on Xika. Not long after they sat down, Xu Mu also walked into the venue with his female companion Yu Keke.

When he saw Lin Qin, Yu Keke's face showed some discomfort, but Xu Mu hugged her waist tightly and slowly walked to his seat and sat down.

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