Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 230 The cannon fodder of a wealthy family becomes a scientific research boss

Chapter 230 The cannon fodder of a wealthy family becomes a scientific research boss (27)

A group of fully armed bodyguards in black suddenly appeared at the entrance, walking forward in two pairs, focusing on protecting those who appeared behind.

At this time, many people had come to the seminar hall, and everyone was chatting with each other. After seeing the movement there, they immediately realized that the important figures of this seminar were present, so they all looked over.

The people around Bai shamelessly squeezed to the place closest to the entrance, staring at the entrance expectantly, their faces slightly red with excitement.

At this time, a slender figure appeared along with the bodyguard team. She was wearing a simple white shirt and jeans, and a standard rabbit mask. Her long black hair was neatly grabbed and hung down behind her head.

Although her face cannot be seen, just a casual glance in the crowd can attract people's attention. Her outstanding temperament and fair complexion make her the focus of the audience as soon as she appears.

All the participants couldn't help but stepped forward, hoping to have a chat with this young genius at this time.

The moment Bai Zai saw the goddess, he was stagnant in his seat for a long time, unable to regain his senses. Finally, he was slapped by Lin Qin and suddenly woke up. He squeezed into the crowd desperately and looked up at the plain and quiet place. His dark eyes suddenly caught his eye.

The faces of the white people around him immediately turned red visibly, and the whole person couldn't help but tremble slightly. After finally standing here, they became helpless after looking at each other.

"Hello, my name is Zhou Zhoubai... I was really shocked when I watched your live broadcast before. I am lucky enough to see you in person today. I... I am a little excited. I'm sorry. Can I ask for an autograph from you?"

After saying that, Zhou Bai took out the marker he had prepared in advance and handed it to the other party with both hands, bowing in an extremely humble manner.

Jin Shu looked at the man in front of her silently, suddenly raised the corners of her lips, took the marker in his hand, and asked in a low voice.

"Sign what?"

"Just sign...your name."

"Where to sign?"

"Anywhere! As long as you like to sign, you can sign anywhere!"

Jin Shu curled her lips, quietly replaced the marker in her hand, and walked slowly to him holding another marker.

"Lower your head."

"Ah? Okay, okay!"

Around Bai quickly lowered his head, and then a scent of fragrance hit his face. When he looked up, he saw a fair and slender neck, slightly raised, face to face with his, very close...

Bai Bai's whole body was stiff, and his eyes didn't know where to look. He stood motionless like a piece of wood until a touch of coolness came on his forehead.

After writing the name, Jin Shu looked at her masterpiece and nodded with satisfaction.

"All right."

The people around Bai watched reluctantly as the goddess turned and left. At this moment, it was as if her soul had drifted away with her, and all they could see in their eyes was Jin Shu's back.

Lin Qin came over and stared at Jin Shu's back for a while, with a hint of doubt in his eyes. Then he couldn't help but laugh out loud when he saw the patterns on the white heads around him.

"Did you see what she signed for you?"

Around him, Bai was covering his head, with an intoxicated expression on his face.

"No matter what it is, this is a gift left by the goddess for me."

At this time, Xu Mu who was on the side also saw what was on his head and laughed mercilessly. "Hahahahaha, come on, Ke Ke gave him the mirror, hahahahahahaha, you are very cute around you!"

Zhou Bai took the mirror and brought it up to look at, with a trace of shyness in his eyes.

At this moment, there is a cute and cute rabbit printed on his smooth forehead, which is incompatible with him in suits and ties!

"Hey, I can't tell that my goddess has such a cute side. She must have thought I was handsome, so she drew a little bunny on my head."

Yu Keke mocked mercilessly.

"Can't you all see that this guy named Tutu looks down on Ah Bai?"

"You are such a powerful person, do you think you should target Ah Bai?"

Xu Mu felt that Yu Keke was overthinking it, and Bai himself immediately retorted.

"How is that possible! My goddess is humble and low-key. She usually doesn't smile in the live broadcast room. The reason why she treats me like this must be because she thinks I'm different, hehe."

Yu Keke rolled his eyes.

"As for that? After all, she is just a woman. Women know women best. How can I not know what she thinks?"

Around Bai frowned.

"She is different from ordinary women. Which woman have you seen who is so smart? And which woman have you seen who can sit in that position like her?

Didn't you notice? In a whole row of expert seats, she was the only woman. "

Yu Keke's heart was so blocked that he choked, and a lot of grievances and anger inexplicably welled up in his heart.

"I didn't say anything. Do you deserve to be so excited?"

"Since you are here, you should respect others. Besides, what I just said is right."

Yu Keke had a sullen face, noticing that everyone was looking at him, his expression changed and his tone softened.

"Yes, yes, we don't dare to talk nonsense about your goddess, okay, okay, are you worth quarreling with me over an outsider?"

No one said anything else, because the seminar was about to begin and all the speakers were ready. Sitting in the middle, Jin Shu wore a mask and quietly looked through the documents in her hand.

The documents in his hand are all the recent research and development results of other scientists. The shortest one has been put into production for three years. Only Jin Shu's research and development products have just been put into use and have been made an exception as a national key project.

She was also the highlight of this seminar. After giving a general introduction, the host began to focus on Jin Shu's identity.

Many experts and scholars around have focused their attention on this young girl.

When speaking, from left to right, when it was Jin Shu's turn, the LED screen behind her played the use of rain bombs across the country.

"At present, the JS001 rainfall bomb developed and designed by this teacher has been put into use in drought-stricken cities across the country. It is expected to increase the output of agricultural products in various places by % and bring economic growth to the city of up to million yuan. Total economic growth exceeds billion!

In addition, the Sea Spider pest-killing robot developed by the teacher has been put into use in the Haishi agricultural base, and the effect is quite amazing! The current pest elimination rate is as high as 100%! The accuracy is also as high as 100%! While eradicating pests that cause headaches to countless farmers, it can also ensure that the survival of some beneficial insects in nature is not affected.

At present, the Sea Spider pest-killing robot is expected to bring economic benefits exceeding 10 billion in the next year! The benefits are astounding! "

The host spoke loud and clear, and there was warm applause from the audience.

(End of this chapter)

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