Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 237 The cannon fodder of a wealthy family becomes a scientific research boss

The next thing can be dealt with slowly.

That night Jin Shu put on a mask and started the live broadcast. There were still quite a lot of people online this time, with nearly 60 million people watching, far more than other live broadcast rooms.

Jin Shu sat in front of the camera and first showed everyone the Sea Spider II.

"I improved the Sea Spider. At first, everyone said that the small one was not eye-catching. Based on everyone's opinions and performance considerations, I slightly improved the Sea Spider No. 2."

After saying that, Jin Shu stood up and uncovered a piece of white cloth behind her. Immediately afterwards, a giant mechanical spider about one meter high suddenly appeared in front of the camera.

The audience in the live broadcast room was shocked by the sudden appearance of the giant scientific machine and fell into silence for three seconds. Three seconds later, a large wave of thick barrages came in crazily.

[Is this a prop borrowed from a Hollywood science fiction film? 】

[Fuck, I feel like my heart has been hit hard! what to do? Am I still on Earth now when I step on a horse? 】

[Tutu, don’t tell me this thing can move, don’t scare me]

[The prototype of this thing is that little nose? Is this horse the second generation? Is this horse riding really not a species mutation? 】

[Every time I enter this live broadcast room, I am always hit in the head by a new shock, and then someone presses me to the ground and tells me that I am trash]

Jin Shu rarely interacts with the live broadcast room now. It's not that she doesn't want to, but it's mainly because the barrage goes so fast that she can't see clearly.

So she simply introduced the product seriously and her tone was calm and emotionless.

[Obviously her tone is like the commentary on the news broadcast that my dad loves to watch, but it can easily make my blood boil! 】

[Fuck mecha! ! Isn’t this thing just a mecha? I'm so awesome! ! ! 】

[If it can move, it will open a new era for us mecha enthusiasts! So damn cool! 】

The barrage went by too fast, so Jin Shu continued talking on her own.

"Sea Spider II has a built-in cockpit. The driver can enter and control the Sea Spider through the handle. However, because the safety performance has not yet been verified, this machine is currently controlled remotely and automatically.

Compared with the first generation, the second generation is larger and closer to the shape of a spider, and its functions have also been improved and enhanced.

For example, the eyes of the second-generation sea spiders are embedded with controllable miniature sea spiders. In addition, the second-generation sea spiders are equipped with super bouncing performance and can easily climb various mountain roads. For example , it takes a normal person a day to climb Mount Everest, but the second-generation Sea Spider may only need ten minutes to climb to the top.

This ensures that it can complete the task of removing insects no matter what kind of terrain the mountain road is.

In addition, in addition to its jumping ability, the face of the second-generation sea spider, that is, the area under the eyes, is equipped with a thermal laser scanning device. When faced with a large number of pests, this pair of laser scanning devices can Accurate positioning and accurate shooting.

And the maximum number of shots is twenty-five times per second.

After thousands of experiments, it has been proven that the second-generation Sea Spider can be put into use as a mature agricultural machinery and equipment. "

[If an old beauty saw this, she would be so greedy! ! 】

[I always feel that this laser can be used for other purposes besides killing insects]    [Don’t talk nonsense upstairs, I can prove that this is a simple insect-killing robot, no one else has anything else usefulness】

[I can also prove that although this thing looks like a mecha, and can shoot within a hundred meters, and has amazing bounce, if the laser is replaced with bullets and sent to the battlefield, it will become an invincible weapon, but it is indeed It’s just a small robot used for agricultural insecticide, it has no lethality]

[emmmm...Why isn't it a little robot? The initial rain bombs were just ordinary rain tools. We definitely have no intention of replacing the rain bombs with missiles and the accurate projection location with the old beauty.]

[Teacher Tutu, please take back your magical powers. I am abroad and I can’t explain it clearly to my foreign classmates! 】

[I don’t want to explain anymore, I love you so much! Our strength really doesn’t allow us to keep a low profile! 】

Before the barrage could recover from the shock of this mechanical giant, Jin Shu walked directly to the giant sea spider and patted it.

"The three-layer carbon steel structure can withstand an impact of 30,000 tons. Apart from its agricultural use, it should also be quite good if used in rescue work."

[Thirty thousand tons? ! ! ! Damn it! Damn it! ! 】

[If it were anyone else, I would only say: bragging, but here in Tutu, I just want to say: awesome! ! 】

[Damn it, why are you afraid of earthquakes if you have this! If we just send the big spider out, how many more survivors will we need? 】

"Okay, I've probably finished introducing the performance. Next, I'll show you the detailed skills of the second-generation Sea Spider. Let's use the orchard outside as the experimental subject.

Currently, I am in a city in southern my country. This year, due to the long rainy season, pests are rampant and yields are seriously damaged, so our team chose this area as the experimental area.

Let’s first use instruments to measure the pest rate of this vegetation. "

The results will come out soon.

"The instrument shows that the insect infestation rate is 73%, which means that 73% of every cubic meter of vegetation is found to be infested with insect pests. Okay, now we are releasing the second generation of sea spiders."

Because this forest is located in a steep part of the mountainous area, it usually takes farmers more than an hour to go up and down the mountain. The hike is very strenuous, let alone spraying pesticides and insecticides on these vegetation.

The live broadcast room was built in a container. Jin Shu clapped her hands, and the container door in front of her slowly opened. In the dimness, the giant mecha slowly appeared.

"Sea Spider, dispatch."

The next second, a red light lit up in the eyes of the motionless giant, and the densely packed spider eyes slowly rotated, followed by the sharp and powerful long legs that slowly arched to accumulate strength.

Jin Shu stepped out of the way, and the giant mecha suddenly ejected and took off. The extremely modern mecha's skin reflected the cold, hard metallic light in the air.


The live broadcast camera quickly caught up and saw the spider mecha ejecting more than ten meters in place, and its huge body instantly clung to the rugged and muddy cliff.

Its eight claws are directly embedded into the cliff, and then it climbs up quickly and nimbly. No matter how tricky and steep the mountain road is, it can move freely as if it were walking on flat ground!

When encountering an obstacle, the sea spider directly raised the two sharp claws in front of it, thrust it hard into the obstacle, and then effortlessly pulled it out of the mountain!

The barrage was silent until the giant mecha easily and quickly climbed to the top of the mountain, and then quickly disappeared into the dense forest. (End of chapter)

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