Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 252 The cannon fodder of a wealthy family becomes a scientific research boss

Yu Keke directly looked away from him, took the arm of the man beside him and said indifferently.

"Lin Qin, you abandoned me decisively in the first place, so what's the point of saying this now? Don't contact me again."

Lin Qin's eyes were red. He gritted his teeth and pointed at Yu Keke's nose and roared for the first time regardless of his face.

"Abandon? What does abandonment mean? If you don't have any money to spend later, why don't you come and beg me? In the past ten years, when my company was at its most difficult, I still insisted on giving you money every month. Yu Keke, I now admit that I am indeed I'm blind, I didn't cherish such a good girl like Jin Shu, but I have been stuck with a woman like you for so long!

Yu Keke, you will be punished! "

In the end, Lin Qin was thrown out. The richest boss in the past, with tens of billions of assets, has now become a homeless man on the street who recognizes everyone and laughs at him.

He no longer goes home, and he no longer cares about the lives of those at home.

Lin's family couldn't find him, and their livelihood support was completely gone. Lin's father and mother Lin were forced to sell their house to live. Lin An and his husband divorced, leaving her with a child behind her parents to eat the money from the house sale. .

A few million is enough for an average person to live for a lifetime.

But he couldn't stand the Lin family's squandering.

In less than a year, all the money in the card was spent, and one credit card after another was used. It was not until the police came to Lin's parents that they learned that Lin An was illegally cashing out credit cards. There was no way he could escape from jail.

On the other side, the missing Lin Qin did not go anywhere. He rented a small underground garage next to Changheng Group, sold the only valuable watch in his hand, and squatted at the entrance of the group every day without doing anything. After squatting for a year, he finally got into the car carrying Jin Shu.

He rushed forward desperately, and the bodyguard responsible for protecting Jin Shu secretly almost shot him. In the end, he knelt directly in front of Jin Shu and grabbed her trouser legs tremblingly.

"Jin Shu...Jin Shu, I don't ask you to change your mind. Please forgive me. As long as you say you are willing to forgive me, I will die without regrets."

Jin Shu lowered her eyes and looked at the embarrassed man in front of her, without any fluctuation in her heart.

Her eyes were calm and her voice was calm.

"Who are you? I don't know you."

"Jin Shu? Jin Shu, I know you still hate me. I know I'm sorry for you. If there is a next life, I will treat you well. I..."

"Mr. Tramp, I really don't remember who you are, let go."

The bodyguards on both sides directly dragged Lin Qin aside and held him down.

Jin Shu's eyes were calm.

"Oh, right, I remembered.

Lin Qin, you are not worthy of my hatred or concern. If I hadn’t had a good memory, I might have completely forgotten you in two years.

Since you want my forgiveness, you must remember you.

It's getting cold soon, find a place to live quietly. "

One more day to live is one more day to torture him.

hatred? Where did the hatred come from? Jin Shu had no feelings for this man from the beginning. She did all this just to avenge the original owner.

After saying this, Jin Shu turned around and left, leaving Lin Qin slumped on the ground like a pile of rotten flesh. His eyes stared blankly at Jin Shu's back getting farther and farther away, and there was no movement for a long time.

The next time I heard about Lin Qin, I heard it from Heng Chao. “A while ago, a madman was arrested across from our company complex. He called everyone his wife. Guess who it was.”

Jin Shu was reading a book, her eyelids slightly raised and her tone cold.

"Do I look idle?"

Heng Chao pursed his lips angrily and continued.

"I thought you would feel better now that he has fallen to this point."

"No, he has nothing to do with me no matter what."

In her eyes, Lin Qin was just a character in a book who needed help to complete a task. As long as the task was completed and the original owner's regrets were made up for, Jin Shu didn't care whether he lived or died next.

There are so many things to do, how can you focus on unimportant people?

Jin Shu's indifference to everything made Heng Chao feel inexplicably empty in his heart.

He is over forty years old and has been with Jin Shu for more than ten years. He is unmarried and has no children.

He regards taking care of Jin Shu and assisting Jin Shu as his lifelong career. Now he has reached a height that he never thought he could reach before. He has wealth, status and honor, but he doesn't know why, but he still feels that he is not doing well enough. .

After much thought, he figured it out.

Maybe it was because Jin Shu, whom he regarded as a god, never seemed to acknowledge his existence from the beginning to the end.

No matter who is with her, it seems to be the same to her.

However, there are advantages to being older, that is, you are good at educating yourself. Life is limited, so why bother worrying about these things every day.

At the very least, the person Jin Shu trusts most now is herself.

"Forget it, let's not mention him. The institute has admitted a group of new researchers this year. Doctoral students from the National University of Science and Technology are considered to be the best group of scientific research talents this year. The leadership above means that no matter how outstanding and talented they are, they should be sent first. Come down and learn from you for two years, and after two years you pick the best one to be your assistant."

It has been like this in the past few years. All the top talents in the country are packed up and sent to Jin Shu as assistants. Those who are satisfied with them will stay, and the rest will be reassigned to other important scientific research positions in the country.

In recent years, Jin Shu has gained a lot of talents. Whether it is agriculture, military industry or commerce, the elites who stand at the top of the pyramid are all students of Jin Shu.

Nowadays, the domestic scientific research atmosphere has changed drastically. Because Jin Shu led the fourth scientific and technological revolution to start in our country, the scientific research community regards Jin Shu as God. There is no scientific research student who does not make it his lifelong goal to become Jin Shu's student.

Nowadays, the country's international status has been greatly improved, and other countries have also shamelessly sent their own scientific research geniuses to study. In the spirit of mutual benefit and mutual strength, the country will open ten places to other countries every year. These ten people are selected from various countries around the world. , representing the country to learn our country’s most advanced and cutting-edge science and technology.

The dozen or so people elected this year are already waiting in the lecture hall.

At 2:30 after lunch break, Jin Shu opened the door of the lecture hall on time, holding a notebook in her arms, and walked slowly to the podium.

The lecture hall, which can accommodate a thousand people, was filled with people.

The selected scientific research talents were all personally sent by the ambassadors of their countries. There were ten talents in total, backed by eight countries. In addition to the nine people from our country, nineteen of the world's top geniuses were sitting together at this time. Below, they watched Jin Shu walking towards them step by step with pious and firm eyes.

This is their life-long goal. The characters they have only seen in textbooks since childhood are now standing before their eyes.

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