Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 255 After being exiled, he expanded his territory and killed the Emperor Zha

His consciousness was chaotic, and the mechanical sound sounded in his ears without emotion.

"The mission is over.

Task evaluation result: Excellent++.

Tasker: Jin Shu.

Whether to proceed to the next task: Yes.

Mission is starting...

1, 2, 3, the task was started successfully, and the tasker Jin Shu was loaded successfully.

Forty-eight hours the system loaded successfully.

Current time flow rate ratio: 1:1, the system is on for hours. "

"Miss? Miss, are you okay? Woohoo..."

Jin Shu was awakened by crying.

Opening her eyes, she saw the gauze curtain above her head, the colorful brocade quilt on her body, and then looked at the maid in green kneeling in front of her crying, Jin Shu knew that she had traveled to ancient times.

"Why are you crying? Stop crying."

"Miss, the carriage to see you off is almost at the door. We have to pack our belongings and get ready to hit the road."

It's getting late outside now. Going on the road at this time? Where to go?

It's useless to ask any more questions, Jin Shu just nodded and said.

"You go pack your things first. I'm dizzy. I'll lie down for a while and then get up."

The little maid left in tears. After her ears cleared, the plot of this world came flooding in.

This time would be accompanied by strong dizziness, and Jin Shu had long been accustomed to closing her eyes. After figuring out the general plot, she slowly opened her eyes and pulled her lips to sneer.

What a pair of dogs and men who crossed the river and demolished the bridge, unloaded the mill and killed the donkey.

The original owner, Jin Shu, was the legitimate daughter of the Hou Mansion. When she was born, the imperial master said before she died that the legitimate daughter of the Hou Mansion was a goddess descended from heaven, and whoever gets this woman will conquer the world.

From then on, she became the late emperor's most valued socialite, and the four princes in the current dynasty tried their best to please her for the throne.

Among the four princes, the original owner liked the second prince the most. He was handsome and intelligent. He had been attentive to her since she was a child. Gradually, the original owner also became infatuated with him.

In order to ensure that he ascended to the throne, blood divination was used time and time again to help him avert danger and help him stand out in front of the late emperor. Step by step, he was successfully canonized as a prince from an unknown prince born by a palace maid, and then he was only one step away from the throne. When he was far away, a girl who was similar in age to the original owner appeared out of nowhere and claimed that she was the real legitimate daughter of the Hou Mansion.

The girl's name was Liang Qingqing. She was the little palace maid next to the Queen Mother. She had been serving the Queen Mother in the palace for so many years. She didn't know why she suddenly knelt down in front of the Jinluan Palace and cried out her true life experience.

When the late emperor heard that it was about the fate of the country, he quickly arranged a blood recognition in public. The original owner was also brought to the scene, and everyone witnessed with their own eyes the blood of the palace maid and the blood of the Marquis.

But the original owner's own blood could not blend with the Marquis.

This moment shocked the civil and military officials of the entire court. No one thought that the goddess who had been admired for eighteen years turned out to be a fake! And the real goddess has been suffering in the palace!

Now that the truth was revealed, Mrs. Hou hugged the palace maid Liang Qingqing and cried out of breath, cursing Jin Shu, a fake, for causing her own daughter to suffer for more than ten years. The late emperor was furious and ordered a thorough investigation into the matter. He quickly found out that the woman who had delivered the baby had resented Madam Hou for beating her in public, so she took the opportunity to change the child.

So, the real daughter of the Marquis took the opportunity to be exchanged for a pair of merchants who gave birth in the temple while transporting goods. After the merchants declined, Liang Qingqing entered the palace and became a palace maid. As for why she suddenly knew her life experience, it is unknown.

In short, the identity of the original owner has plummeted since then. In an instant, she went from being the legitimate daughter of the Marquis Mansion, a quasi-empress, and a blessing from heaven, to a lowly and humble fake.

This matter was related to the fate of the country. The late emperor was furious and directly ordered the merchant and his family to be exiled to the extremely cold place in northern Xinjiang. When hesitating on how to deal with the original owner, the late emperor suddenly died at night due to overthinking.

In this way, the second prince Huangfu Rong ascended the throne as emperor.

Just when everyone thought that with the affection between the second prince and the original owner for so many years, he might still accept her into the palace as his concubine. Even if she could not become a queen, she would still be a beloved concubine with a high status.

The original owner thought so too. After being disliked by Madam Hou, ignored by Lord Hou, and ostracized by all her friends, she put all her hopes on Huangfulong.

As a result, on the day the new emperor ascended the throne, he issued two orders.

One is to punish Jinshu, the fake daughter of the Marquis, to be exiled to Northern Xinjiang with her biological parents. She is not allowed to be an official for three generations, and she is a poor peasant for generations and is never allowed to return to Beijing.

The second way is to ennoble Liang Qingqing, the legitimate daughter of the Hou Mansion, as the empress, grant a three-day amnesty to the whole world, and celebrate the emperor's happiness with all the people.

The two imperial edicts came down together, and the Marquis Mansion was happily decorated with lanterns and decorations to get married to his daughter. However, the original owner was furious after seeing the edict, and died of illness not long after being exiled.

After death, the body was wrapped in a straw mat and thrown randomly in the wilderness without a burial place.

After that, Liang Qingqing entered the palace and became the queen, assisting the emperor to create a prosperous age, fulfilling her reputation as a goddess and being respected by people all over the world.

From the perspective of a bystander, it is not difficult to figure out the entire plot. The male protagonist is Huangfu Rong, while the female protagonist is Liang Qingqing.

As for Jin Shu, she had a God's perspective at this time and knew that the original owner was in a book. In the book, she was portrayed as a selfish and overbearing goddess after being pampered. The former emperor treated her like jewels and gave her countless fertile lands. Ten thousand taels of gold gave her the supreme honor of being inferior to one person and superior to ten thousand people.

She is so arrogant and does whatever she wants without caring what others think.

The male protagonist of this article, Huangfu Rong, is a son of destiny who endured humiliation and grew up under the oppression and bullying of the original owner.

From the beginning to the end, he never liked the original owner, a idiot with an empty identity and no connotation. In order to get rid of his lowly status, he attacked the original owner step by step. After gaining the original owner's favor, he finally stood out in front of the late emperor with his intelligence.

During the darkest ten years of his life, a little maid in the harem had been silently by his side, encouraging and comforting him, teaching him military strategies, and compiling invincible military tactics for him.

That person is Liang Qingqing, the heroine of this article, a female college student in the history department who traveled back in time to the 21st century. She is familiar with important turning points in history. She hides in the harem and silently helps Huangfu Rong, an important figure in history, to pass the pass and achieve great dominance.

And he copied Sun Tzu's Art of War into a book and gave it to the male protagonist.

Having never seen such a smart woman, Huangfu Rong was gradually attracted to her and fell in love with her.

After that, he was able to lead his troops to victory every time, and he was invincible, which made him convinced that Liang Qingqing was the most suitable woman for him.

So the two of them supported each other and endured together, until Huangfu Rong canonized the crown prince, and endured until the late emperor became terminally ill. Finally, when the time came, Huangfu Rong made arrangements early and everything was ready, so one day, Liang Qingqing went to the Jinluan Palace crying. .

Relying on the heroine's modern knowledge, she can make blood and water mix at will with a little manipulation. In this way, the original owner was forced to become a fake daughter, gave up her position as a goddess, and was driven into exile. (End of chapter)

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