Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 257 After being exiled, he expanded his territory and killed the Emperor Zha

Pushing open the door and lighting the candle, everything within sight of the fire were thick mahogany boxes with locks on them. Jin Shu casually removed a lock and opened it. In front of her eyes were ingots of dazzling gold ingots layer by layer. Neatly placed in the box.

Open another box, which is filled with various rare treasures.

Pearls bigger than a bull's eye are piled inside, and the jadeite Guanyin the size of an adult's palm is inconspicuous even if it falls inside.

Looking at the room full of silks, silks, gold and silver jewelry in front of her, Jin Shu thought for a moment.

"Arnold, the reward for successfully completing the last world has not been given to me yet."

"Tell me what you want this time."


"It's okay, but you can't be discovered like before. This is a peaceful and prosperous age after all. If you are discovered, you will be in trouble."

Jin Shu naturally understood this, and Arnold didn't say much. She did deserve some rewards for her good work, so he returned her previous ring to her.

"Let me tell you in advance, the ring space is limited."

"It's okay, it's enough."

The next second, the familiar wooden ring appeared on Jin Shu's knuckles, and she took a closer look. As Arnold said, the space was indeed limited, and it was no more than the size of a courtyard, but it was enough for the moment.

After getting the space, Jin Shu immediately moved everything in the vault.

This treasury was originally a reward from the late emperor to the original owner. It was not enough for Jin Shu to take back what belonged to her. How could she simply leave even though she had already arrived? So she walked through the yard and came to Mr. Hou and Mrs. Hou's room. residence.

Next to it is the warehouse, where each room comes to withdraw money every month.

After picking the lock, Jin Shu took everything away as usual.

Mrs. Hou also had many ancestral jewels and jade in her house. She originally promised the original owner to leave them all for her as a dowry when she got married. Since she had agreed, she could not go back on her word, so Jin Shu took all these treasures with her without any psychological burden. Walk.

Back then, the Marquis almost accidentally killed the prince of the current dynasty because of a brothel girl. The prince was the late emperor's most beloved brother. Seeing that his brother was injured and dying, the late emperor was so angry that he almost chopped off the prince's head. In the end, the original owner was killed in front of the Jinluan Palace. After kneeling for a day and a night, the late emperor was able to take back his life and spare the life of the Marquis.

Over the years, the original owner had done everything he could to protect the Hou family in front of the late emperor. But what happened in the end? As soon as they heard that she was lying, Mr. Hou and Mrs. Hou couldn't wait to cut off their relationship with her, wishing they could throw her to northern Xinjiang that day.

Perhaps starting from the words of the Imperial Master, the original owner was no longer a daughter in their hearts, but a tool that could protect the prosperity of the Marquis Mansion.

Now that the tool is useless, it is discarded without hesitation.

The original owner fell ill in the end. It was not an incurable disease, but she was already disheartened. Perhaps her parents' abandonment made her feel more desperate than Huangfulong's betrayal.

Jin Shu could feel the last trace of the original owner's breath that night, and could vaguely sense the despair and desolation of the outside world when he was wrapped in grass and leather and abandoned in the wilderness.

This time, she wanted to ensure that she was comfortable and stable on the way to Northern Xinjiang, and gold, silver and jewelry would be indispensable.

She also thought that she might as well escape directly on the way to exile, but if she did, everyone who went to Northern Xinjiang would be implicated.

Those people treated the original owner well. Although they were not enthusiastic, they were always kind.

Especially the merchant couple, they thought that Jin Shu was their biological daughter, and they frugally saved the best for her along the way.

But at that time, the original owner was unable to save her life due to heart and lung damage. After her death, the merchant and his wife were heartbroken and died of depression shortly after arriving in northern Xinjiang. In the eyes of the original owner, the merchant couple were her biological parents, and not being able to fulfill her filial piety was one of her regrets.

So in order to make up for her regret, Jin Shu gave up the idea of ​​leaving the team midway and took it one step at a time and took a look first.

After making a plan, Jin Shu continued to raid the Hou Mansion.

Whether it's the original owner's own or the Marquis's, since they have become enemies, there is no need to be polite. Take them away, take them all away.

If she hadn't thought about the other uses of the location in the space, Jin Shu would have wanted to take away the expensive rockery in the backyard.

One night passed, and Jin Shu was fully prepared with money, clothing, dry food, kettles, medicinal materials, etc., and everything that could come in handy.

She went back to sleep comfortably for the rest of the time.

Early the next morning, the officers and soldiers who came to escort her were already waiting outside the gate of the Hou Mansion. Jin Shu left without anyone coming to see her off.

In the front hall, Mr. Hou and Mrs. Hou were sitting on the soft couch, and Liang Qingqing was sitting next to her.

"Then the girl won't be a drag on us anymore after she leaves, right?"

"Now that Qingqing has been canonized as empress, what are you afraid of? Our daughter is still the queen of the dynasty, and I will still be the uncle of the country in the future. What are you afraid of?"

"We have treated a counterfeit as a treasure for so many years! We have wasted so much money in vain! Fortunately, I collected all the valuable things in her house early! Otherwise, I would have to take advantage of a lowly merchant's daughter! "

Liang Qingqing on the side whispered.

"It was me who harmed Jin Shu. If it hadn't been for me, she wouldn't have fallen to this point."

Mrs. Hou immediately retorted upon hearing this.

"The real thing is real, the fake thing is fake! You are our biological daughter! The fake has enjoyed a good life for you for more than ten years, and now all this is retribution!

Qingqing, don't be too kind, the world is changing and people's hearts are not as good as they used to be! When I think about how we have been deceived for so many years, my heart feels clogged! "

Liang Qingqing quickly stepped forward to help Mrs. Hou gently press her heart.

"Mom, we are not reunited as a family now, so don't think about the past."

"Yes, Qingqing is right. She is worthy of being the future mother of the country. Even if she has been raised in a deep palace for so many years, she can't hide her magnanimity!"

Listening to the couple's pursuit, Liang Qingqing sneered.

They were such a cold-hearted father and mother. This was good, and it also saved her a lot of energy. Originally, she thought it would take some effort just to drive away Jin Shu.

At this time, Jin Shu was about to be shackled when she went out. When the officers and soldiers approached, she stretched out her hand and opened her palm. Inside was a golden ingot.

The officers and soldiers who were still fierce at first changed their faces immediately after seeing the gold ingot. They couldn't wait to grab the gold, put it in their mouths and bit it. Their expressions softened slightly in the next second.

"You don't have to wear shackles and just follow the team honestly!"

"It's the official."

Many of the dozens of people who were escorted to Northern Xinjiang on this trip were ministers of the court who were disposed of after the new emperor ascended the throne. These people were originally part of the other princes' faction. How could Huangfu Rong continue to keep them in the court now.

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