Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 259 After being exiled, he expanded his territory and killed the Emperor Zha

Jin Shu naturally understands this.

She didn't plan to run away, after all, she didn't know the outside world, and what would happen to the rest of the people if she left? Can the Liang family live a life of hiding with him?

At the emperor's feet, if he wants to kill you, there are ten thousand ways to make it impossible for you to escape.

In this way, everyone's shackles were opened, and those who were locked were replaced by the four officers and soldiers.

No one dared to run away. They were all once court officials. If they ran away, they would be fugitives. If this happened, not to mention that the third generation would not be able to serve as officials, it might be a serious crime against the Nine Clan.

With several officers and soldiers locked up, the journey to Northern Xinjiang became much easier.

When they arrived at the next stop, Jin Shu directly spent money to buy three cargo carriages. Everyone sat directly on the carriages. Not only was they comfortable, but the journey that originally took half a year now only took two months to reach.

Jin Shu never treated herself badly along the way. The carriage was covered with soft mats, and all the damaged clothes were replaced with comfortable and soft cotton clothes. After entering the north completely, the temperature dropped sharply, and Jin Shu paid for everyone to buy clothes. Got a set of clothes to keep out the cold.

Northern Xinjiang is located at the junction of the two countries. Because it is located in the northernmost part of the country, the frost in winter can be as much as one or two meters, and the goose feather snow is flying all over the sky. As soon as we entered Northern Xinjiang, the carriage was completely unusable, and everyone had to get off the car. During the difficult walk, Jin Shu was supported by the green screen as she walked step by step in the snow. The heavy snow blurred everything in front of her eyes. After a while, her eyebrows and eyelashes were covered with a layer of snow frost.

As soon as the exiled team entered the city, a group of officers and soldiers came to meet them.

After Jin Shu's two months of training, the four officers and soldiers had now become extremely obedient. They didn't dare to say a single unnecessary word and couldn't wait to hand everyone over.

Northern Xinjiang is dotted with many small countries, all of which have a population of less than 10,000 people, less than the population of a county in Dazhou.

Because of the extreme climate and barren land, although the territory is vast, neither of the two neighboring countries have any intention of occupying it.

Over time, Northern Xinjiang became a place dedicated to the exile of prisoners. Dazhou stationed an army here to guard the border security of Dazhou and suppress the restless small countries in Northern Xinjiang.

As soon as the exiled prisoners come in, they will be taken over by the army and arranged uniformly.

The two young men from the Liang family were tugging on Jin Shu's clothes, one on the left and the other on the right. They couldn't help but tremble when they looked at the fierce-looking soldiers in armor in front of them.

The soldier in front of him glanced coldly at the entire team, and after counting the number of people to make sure there were many, he said loudly.

"You are the prisoners exiled here by His Majesty! Since you are prisoners, you should accept discipline!

Next, listen to my command! Everyone must bring back thirty carts of ice from Beihe before noon today!

Those who can't finish it will have nothing to eat today! Do you understand! "

There were only twenty-two of them in total, and they had to pick up thirty trucks of ice, including seven or eight elderly people and three or four children.

Everyone looked sad for this impossible task.

The shackles that had been removed along the way were now put on again. It was difficult for Liang Zhaozhao and Liang Mumu to even walk after putting on the shackles, let alone the task of carrying a load of ice cubes on their heads.

When we arrived at Beihe, the cold wind was blowing and it hurt like a knife cutting flesh on our face.

The cotton clothes on her body were not enough to withstand such cold weather. Jin Shu retracted her hands inside her sleeves and glanced coldly across the icebergs and snow sea in front of her.

At this time, many exiled prisoners have taken ice here. In this world of ice and snow, ice can be used to exchange money. After all, because of the cold weather and difficulty in using water, every household will store some clean ice at home and melt it for use. Drink water for cooking.

The troops stationed here naturally also need water. Where does the ice come from? These prisoners risked their lives to cut it off bit by bit with saws.

Seeing that Jin Shu didn't work, the soldier overseeing the work raised his whip and was about to hit her.

The people nearby were frightened, forgetting what they were doing, and looked at Jin Shu sympathetically. Seeing this, Green Screen rushed over and was about to cry, but before the cry came out of his throat, Jin Shu grabbed the whip that the other party had whipped with his bare hands, and then pulled hard, directly pulling the whip that was standing under the shed. The soldier was dragged up and his heavy body hit the ice hard.

The whole audience was stunned and looked at the thin Jin Shu in amazement. They never expected that a girl as thin as a piece of paper could have such great strength.

But the people who came along were not surprised. After all, they saw with their own eyes that Jin Shu could fight four of them effortlessly.

Jin Shu breathed for a long time after doing this last night.

In every world, she strengthens her body and practices her boxing skills, just so that no one can bully her at any time.

But her body is still too weak now, and it won't work if she continues like this. If a few more people come together, she won't be able to withstand it.

Green Screen ran over in a panic.

"Miss, what will you do next after you hit him? How about we run away?"

"Where can you run in the ice and snow? Don't worry, the soldiers will come to block the water and cover up the soil. First, beat up the people who don't like it."

After beating the person, Jin Shu didn't panic at all. She sat directly under the shed and stared at the pillar in front of her for a long time. Then she rolled up her sleeves, picked up the ice saw, and began to play with the wooden stakes in front of her.

Liang's father and Liang's mother were worried that Jin Shu wouldn't be able to finish the job, so the couple immersed themselves in the work. The two children also helped move the ice cubes, and their fleshy little hands were turned red from the cold.

Lu Ping stepped forward and looked at Jin Shu playing with the things in her hands, curiously asking.

"Miss, what is this? What are you doing?"

"Rotary Cutter."


Jin Shu glanced at her and waved.

"Come here and help, you'll find out later."

Green screen stepped forward helplessly, still muttering.

"The supervisor was beaten. If we continue to fail to complete the task, we may be punished. Being beaten is a trivial matter. I heard they said that these soldiers have many ways to punish people. They took off their clothes and stood in the snow to serve as human sticks. It’s scary to think about people being naked and sticking to the ice and then tearing it apart.”

These soldiers have already established themselves as kings here, and Emperor Tiangao has no one to care about them. The prisoners sent every year become their slaves, allowing them to torture and squeeze them.

People die here every day, and the bodies are thrown outside randomly. The eagles in the sky and the wolves on the ground will quickly clean up the bodies.

Because of this, after they saw Jin Shu beating the supervisor, the people who had been here before looked frightened.

The words of the green screen did not have any impact on Jin Shu. She studied the things in her hands. In less than half an hour, a sledge-shaped object was made.

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