Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 270 After being exiled, he expanded his territory and killed the Emperor Zha

Seeing Jin Shu's dull expression, Mu Han felt cold in his heart.

"Are you a spy from the Central Plains? Why do you know about our racecourse!"

"This leader, you brought me here, do you remember?"

"follow me!"

Mu Han had no time to talk about useless things with her. Feiyun Taxue had been the horses he had raised since he was a child. The only horses he had ever been emotionally attached to on the vast grassland were these two horses.

Now that the relative who was most important to him was dying, how could he not be anxious.

Jin Shu was pulled forward by him. The opponent was very strong. Jin Shu's current weak body was no match for him even with his skills. Jin Shu, who always judged the situation, did not confront him head-on and followed his strength. Walk.

On the way to the stable, Jin Shu saw dozens of rows of large tents. The tents were all sewn from animal skins. They were strong, windproof and warm. There were heavy handles on the outside of the tents. The entire camp was well-equipped. Judging from the many camps in northern Xinjiang, they can be considered impeccable.

Behind the tent area is a horse farm covering an area of ​​several hectares. Horse stables of different sizes have been set up in the horse farm. Torches are lit outside each shed. Counting the number of torches, it appears that there are more than thirty stables. It took quite a while just to walk to the entrance.

Jin Shu was led by Mu Hanti to the door of a stable. There were candles inside, and many people were coming in and out. A man wearing a white scarf covering his mouth and nose came out with dirty hands and said anxiously and helplessly. Tell Mu Han.

"I tried my best, but this time both horses were pregnant with twins, and they really couldn't give birth."

Mu Han strode in with the cold air on his back. Two tall white horses were lying on the dry and soft haystacks, one on the left and one on the right. The hay under them was changed one after another, and the ground was covered with blood. Just like this The two horses would bleed to death before daybreak.

Several doctors were surrounding him, and an older doctor who looked a little older gave orders directly.

"If it's not possible, just tie the rope to the pony's legs and pull hard. This can at least save the pony's life. Otherwise, both the big and small ones will die if they continue to be dragged like this."

The other doctors also nodded.

"Your Majesty, please go out first. The scene will not be pretty when the time comes..."


The man spoke bluntly.

Then he slowly walked to Feiyun and reached out to touch her head.

The man who had always been solemn and indifferent now rarely showed a hint of reluctance and distress on his face.

"The pony doesn't want it anymore, I want it to live."

"Your Majesty, if you delay it any longer, you may not be able to save the big ones!"

Mu Han looked directly at the doctors coldly.

"I spent a lot of money to invite you here just to let you tell me that I can't save them? Today, if Feiyun Taxue is alive, you will be alive. If they die, you will be buried with them one by one!"

As soon as these words came out, the entire stable was on their knees, and all the doctors were trembling and afraid to say a word.

They were all specially raised by Mu Han in the camp to treat the horses. They usually lived a comfortable life even if the horses were fine, but now that something happened to the horses, they were the first to suffer.

There was a depressing and suffocating atmosphere in the surrounding air.

No one dared to take chances, and no one could guarantee that they would be able to save the mare's life.

"Let me try."

In the dead silence, a crisp voice directly broke the tension of the situation.

Everyone looked around and then noticed the woman behind Mu Han.

She was dressed like a Chinese from the Central Plains. She was fair and delicate, and her slender body was completely blocked by Mu Han. When she walked out, everyone thought she was someone's child.

After all, there is no girl with such a thin figure on the grassland. Jin Shu looked into Mu Han’s eyes and repeated it again.

"Let me try, you know in your heart that none of your Feiyun Taxue can survive with them.

In this case, why not let me try it? I told you that I am very good at raising horses. "

"If you can't cure them."

"Then it's up to you."

Mu Han lowered his eyes and stared at the woman in front of him in silence for a long time, and finally said in a deep voice when Feiyun let out a painful groan.

"You'd better keep your word."

"Then don't waste time, everyone go out, you stay, and help me prepare some sheep intestines.

I brought a box with me when I came here. The box is in your tent. Bring it to me.

Finally, send someone to bring more hot water and charcoal, and move faster. "

She speaks quickly and clearly, making people feel inexplicably reassured, as if she has suddenly found her backbone and calms down.

Mu Han did not hesitate and immediately sent someone down to prepare, while he stayed to help.

He first watched Jin Shu take out a pack of white powder from the box. After melting it, she threw two pieces of absorbent cotton cloth in. When the cotton cloth was full of water, she wring it out and took it out, then turned around and shouted.

"I'll stun them first. When they fall down, you can help hold them up so they don't fall on their stomachs."

Mu Han stared at Jin Shu's movements and watched as she covered Feiyun's mouth and nose with cotton cloth. After staying there for a few seconds, Feiyun's four legs that were originally standing trembled and bent, and the next second his body Turn straight over.

With quick eyesight and quick hands, he immediately stepped forward to help him.

Texue also fainted and fell down using the same method.

After making sure that the two horses were completely unconscious, Jin Shu took out the homemade silver needles from the box and inserted a few needles into the horses' bellies.

"What does it mean?"

"Stop the bleeding."

Stop bleeding?

How many injections will it take to stop the bleeding?

Mu Han's face looked ugly at this time, but he still suppressed his composure and watched Jin Shu take out another row of sharp knives from the box.

These knives had different shapes, but they were all extremely sharp. When he watched Jin Shu pick up a willow leaf-shaped blade and cut Feiyun's belly directly, his eyes froze!

"Don't be stunned. Bring the basin of warm water and prepare to catch the pony."

After making a small opening, Jin Shu climbed directly onto the horse's belly. After groping with her hands for a while, she began to press hard and rhythmically.

Under the candlelight, the bulge in the horse's belly was pushed out bit by bit.

Caught off guard, a wet pony head emerged, followed closely by its neck and front legs.

After half of the body was pushed out, the whole pony slid out like a pool of water in the next second, and was caught by the basin in Mu Han's hand.

After a while, the second pony was also pushed out of the belly.

The two ponies with their limbs curled up together lay lifeless in the water. Mu Han's eyes were a little red and he looked at Jin Shu again.

I saw her using sheep intestine as a thread to pass through the huge needle hole, and then sewed the newly opened hole back together like sewing clothes! (End of chapter)

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