Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 280 After being exiled, he expanded his territory and killed the Emperor Zha

But things couldn't wait any longer, so he directly ordered that all soldiers in the army who could still stand up with breath gathered together and prepared to set off!

This move made the whole army angry.

They had just survived the cold winter and had not fought for half a year. They had agreed to let them go home to farm and marry their wives. But now their wives were still missing and the war was about to start again.

But military orders cannot be violated, and no matter how dissatisfied you are, you can only bite the bullet.

It took three days to finally assemble the troops and horses. As we set off, news came from the front line. The grain and grass that should have arrived are now trapped halfway because of the collapse of the mountain road. Currently, we can only move the rocks away bit by bit. keep going.

After these things happened, many people gave up without fighting, but Huangfu Rong had never lost a battle. He was a famous god of war in the world. How could he give up his expedition plan just because of this thing.

Before leaving, Liang Qingqing also told him that Qi and Yuan will be merged by Zhou sooner or later. This is the general trend, so there is no need to worry about this battle.

This is indeed the case in history. Five years after Huangfu Rong ascended the throne, he annexed the two countries of Qi and Yuan, and then successively defeated other small neighboring countries, achieving a prosperous era when the nine countries unified the world.

Historical facts will not be changed. Huangfu Rong is a born king. This time he has his own help, which will only allow him to reach the peak of power faster.

Perhaps it was because of her arrival that what happened five years later could happen in advance. In this way, if the two countries of Qi and Yuan were unified as soon as possible, the entire unification project could be accelerated quickly.

With Liang Qingqing's encouragement, Huangfu Rong swept away the haze of the previous accident, regrouped his morale and set off with confidence.

"How about I go with you?"

The two had been secretly in love for so many years, and now they had to separate openly for half a year. Liang Qingqing was reluctant to let go.

Huangfu Rong couldn't bear to see her pitiful expression and said helplessly.

"The journey is extremely difficult. Do you really want to go together?"

"Well, no matter how hard it is, I will always be with you, Huangfu. We have gone through such difficult days together before. Do you think this little suffering now is nothing in my eyes?"

The two were deeply in love, and in the end Huangfu Rong agreed to Liang Qingqing, so Liang Qingqing, who was disguised as a man, dressed up as the eunuch accompanying Huangfu Rong and set off for Daqi with the mighty team.

The territory of Daqi is right on the edge of Northern Xinjiang. Because it is close to Northern Xinjiang, it is extremely cold in winter. Due to the temperature, even though Daqi has been a country for a long time and has been a wise king in the past, it can still only be a judge of other people's faces. small country.

This time Huangfu Rong personally led troops to fight, and the king of Daqi was very panicked when he received the news.

I heard that Huangfu Rong was an ever-victorious general who led 3,000 elite soldiers to capture a city of 100,000 people. At this time, such a powerful army was attacking with such ferocity that it frightened the King of Qi to quickly find a good neighbor. Dayuan borrowed troops.

The King of Dayuan also knew the seriousness of the matter. They and Daqi were at odds with each other. One could not last long without the other. Only by being tied into a rope could they have the strength to fight.

So the armies and horses of the two countries immediately gathered together, and after several days of scraping together, they managed to gather 20,000 troops.

You know, Dazhou brought 50,000 elite soldiers to fight. Let alone the gap in strength, just the number alone was enough to defeat them without a fight.

Just when the two monarchs of Daqi and Dazhou were getting together and almost discussing surrendering, the ambassador from Northern Xinjiang, dressed in fox fur, knocked on Daqi's city gate.

After asking, I found out that the other party came from an unknown city in northern Xinjiang. They had just founded the country, and they came here specifically to make suggestions for the Zhou Dynasty's attack.

Looking at the white-faced scholar in front of them, the monarchs of the two countries showed hesitation. The other party is also a little-known small country. There are dozens of countries, large and small, in Northern Xinjiang. Where does he have the courage to get involved in the affairs between Qi Yuan and Zhou Zhou?

Zhou Yinghuai was neither humble nor arrogant.

"When the Zhou Dynasty comes to attack, it will take two months for all the troops and horses to reach Qi. At that time, our country can lend the two monarchs 10,000 elite soldiers and 100 strong horses to help Qi and Yuan countries overcome the difficulties."

"Ten thousand elite soldiers? A hundred strong horses? You are so loud!"

Zhou Yinghuai was neither humble nor arrogant. In front of him were two monarchs, and behind him were the guards who were ready to step forward and kill him with swords. Even so, he still smiled and looked calm and confident.

"Whether it is true or not, the two monarchs will know after following me to the city wall."

In this way, the monarchs of Qi and Yuan were forced to take Zhou Yinghuai to the city gate. When they looked down, their breathing froze for a moment!

At this time, rows of well-armed soldiers stood at the foot of the city gate!

And there were a hundred cavalry lined up in the front row! The cavalrymen were armed with sharp spears and were wearing armor, and their heads and feet were armed. What shocked them even more was that the horses under the cavalrymen were nothing compared to the horses they had seen before!

Hundreds of war horses are each wearing armor, with only a pair of eyes exposed. The tall and strong bodies give people a terrifying shock just by looking at them from a distance. Each horse's head is held high, and the arrogant and arrogant state makes the horse stand out. The cavalry on their backs are like divine soldiers descending from the sky, their majesty cannot be desecrated!

The two monarchs of Qi and Yuan looked straight.

No emperor in this world could easily take his eyes off such a fine war horse.

They were shocked for a long time and finally believed that what Zhou Yinghuai said was true.

"Dare to ask about the country's name..."


"Jin, I really haven't heard of it before, but it's really extraordinary when I see it today!"

This equipment, this weapon, this war horse, and these soldiers are all top-notch!

You must know that as long as a country can possess two of the above, it can dominate all battlefields!

And seeing that this unheard-of Jin Kingdom actually has it all!

It is only a matter of time before such a country becomes strong. Why would it send envoys here to actively provide assistance?

Zhou Yinghuai could naturally see their concerns and spoke straightforwardly.

"We, Dajin, are interested in that mine. Since Dazhou has taken the initiative to fight, we naturally have to do our part to take the mine from their hands!

Resources are shared by the whole world, so why has one person monopolized them for hundreds of years, while we can only spend all our efforts to buy them? ! "

Zhou Yinghuai's words were impassioned and flawless, instantly dispelling all the doubts of Qi and Yuan!

Qi Jun: "That's right! I have long disliked them! I am using my power to suppress the neighboring countries to death!"

Yuan Jun: "This battle was just deliberately launched by Zhou Dynasty under the guise of protecting the mines! That Huangfu Rong was so ambitious that he wanted to eat our territory soon after he ascended the throne!

This battle must be fought! "

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