Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 289 After being exiled, he expanded his territory and killed the Emperor Zha

Even putting aside his official career, Zhou Yinghuai's character is still admirable and trustworthy.

His right relative was quite satisfied with him, but it was a pity that both his grandfather and his grandson had said it many times, openly and secretly, that Zhou Yinghuai was like a teapot without a spout, unable to pour out any tea.

"Men, it is only natural that you should marry a wife first and then build a career. If you don't marry a wife now, are there any men in the world who are worthy of marrying a wife?

To tell the truth, no matter where you are, I always treat you as my own child. I also know that you have no father, no mother, no one to rely on, so I want to become a family with you.

Now that His Majesty is the lord of the world, he is no longer the golden girl in the small village in northern Xinjiang. Naturally, I dare not say such words to her again.

To be honest, compared to today, I actually miss those days when everyone would sit around the stove on cold nights in northern Xinjiang, eating dumplings and drinking wine while discussing important events.

Our official fortune is high, but our relationship is weak. I don’t want our power and status to affect our friendship in the future.

That’s why I want to be a family with you. Do you understand what I say? "

Speaking of this, the Prime Minister's eyes turned red unconsciously.

Although those days were difficult, they rekindled the passion and ambition of his youth.

At this time, the territory of the Northern Kingdom was larger than that of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and its development momentum was rapid. It was inevitable that Jin Shu would rule the world. The most difficult days were over, and only young people could do the rest.

He returned to his original appearance, old, decayed, and helpless.

After hearing this, Zhou Yinghuai was silent for a long time.

"Your Excellency, I understand what you are thinking. Your Majesty is not the former emperor, let alone the current Emperor of Zhou. She has always been herself and will not change.

Right Chancellor, you should have confidence in our Majesty. "

The right minister looked at him and suddenly smiled helplessly.

"My child, I have seen your thoughts a long time ago. You must listen to the words of your elders. If anyone crosses the line between you and His Majesty, the relationship between you will never be the same again."

"I know."

Zhou Yinghuai looked at him quietly with a calm tone.

"I know everything you said, so it's good for Your Majesty and I to stay like this forever, and nothing you are worried about will happen."

"It's up to you. You kid, you really won't look back until you hit the wall."

The right minister waved his sleeves and left, leaving Zhou Yinghuai standing in front of the meeting hall in official uniform. He slowly turned around and looked silently at the highest point.

"Jin Shu..."

In all these years, he has never called out this name.

I can’t shout now, and I won’t have the chance to shout in the future.


After the establishment of the Northern Kingdom, the other major countries in the world began to gather counselors from all over the world to discuss the establishment of the Northern Kingdom.

As the nearest big country, Da Zhou was naturally more panicked and vigilant than any other country.

"The Northern Kingdom is too arrogant. It has annexed Qi Yuan one after another, and now it has annexed thirteen small countries in Northern Xinjiang! The balance of the world will be broken by them!"

The one who spoke was the left prime minister of the court. In addition, all the other ministers spoke fiercely.

"Your Majesty, we can no longer allow this situation to develop! As a big country in the world, how can Zhou just sit idly by and do nothing in the face of such unfair and arrogant things!" "Your Majesty..."

Huangfu Rong's brows were so furrowed that he could pinch a fly to death.

He had just recovered from a serious illness, but the previous epidemic had almost cost him his life. Famous doctors from all over the world gathered in the palace and finally spared his life.

But others were not so lucky. Everyone who had taken the medicine prepared by Liang Qingqing at that time almost died without exception.

At first, the symptoms of dizziness and brain fever were indeed relieved a lot, but within two days, accompanied by a burst of vomiting, those who were originally infected suddenly looked like reeds in winter, withering rapidly, without medicine or stone, and died miserably and painfully.

Of the 50,000 troops and horses, 30,000 were killed and the remaining 20,000 died in the cold northern Xinjiang before they could even make it to the return journey.

The remaining soldiers who had not taken medicine found Huangfu Rong, who was dying on the ice in northern Xinjiang, and brought him back to the palace stumblingly.

Looking back on the past, Huangfu Rong felt lingering fear.

It was originally just a non-fatal epidemic, but because Liang Qingqing developed the so-called "oxytetracycline", it caused countless deaths and injuries throughout the Great Zhou Dynasty, and the people's lives were miserable.

Huangfu Rong is a wise king. He also wants to manage the country well and lead the country to prosperity and strength, but in the face of this accident, he doesn't know how to deal with the culprit Liang Qingqing.

That was his queen, the true goddess he had announced to the public. If he really admitted that this matter was Liang Qingqing's fault, wouldn't it be the same as putting his face on the ground and trampling on her!

Therefore, he suppressed the matter forcefully and reduced taxes for three years in the counties most severely affected by the epidemic. However, this was obviously far from enough to make up for the loss of labor force during the epidemic.

At this time of internal troubles, foreign troubles such as the Northern Kingdom appeared again.

All the ministers in the court were discussing, some advocated for peace, while others advocated direct troops to suppress.

No matter how powerful the Northern Kingdom is, it is still a newly established country. No matter how powerful it is, it cannot challenge the majesty of the Great Zhou.

As one of the three powerful countries in the Central Plains, all the surrounding small countries bowed to the Great Zhou and paid tribute every year, and the Northern Kingdom was no exception.

"Your Majesty, why don't you invite the monarch of the Northern Kingdom over in the name of a banquet hosted by a small neighboring country? Then we can have a good look at the other party's tone.

If she knows what's going on, then we don't have to go to war.

If she doesn't understand, then she will never come back! "

As soon as this suggestion was put forward, everyone immediately agreed.

Huangfu Rong frowned, and the deep "Sichuan" mark between his eyebrows made him look more than ten years older.

However, it has only been more than a year since he ascended the throne, but in more than a year, Huangfu Rong has been worried about more things than he had encountered in the first half of his life combined!

His health and energy are now much weaker than before. Sometimes he would even become distracted and doze off when listening to the quarrels among the old guys below.

It's not that he doesn't want to listen, it's mainly that he really can't listen. He's in a lethargic state, and everyone in the court sees his state.

This is not the same Huangfu Rong who was so high-spirited when he ascended the throne. His mental state is simply worse than before the late emperor's death!

But of course no one dared to say these words in front of Huangfu Rong.

Who makes him an emperor? He is an emperor who speaks the truth and cannot be questioned by others.

So Huangfu Rong himself didn't realize how much he had changed until one day he woke up and looked in the mirror.

He didn't like to look in the mirror in the past, but today he suddenly stood in front of the mirror, and the man inside with a haggard face and dull eyes shocked him. (End of chapter)

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