Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 292 After being exiled, he expanded his territory and killed the Emperor Zha

The scene once fell into a quite embarrassing situation.

Of course, only Liang Qingqing was embarrassed.

They were all ready to push and pull, but they didn't expect Zhou Yinghuai to refuse so decisively. How could the next process continue?

Liang Qingqing secretly clenched her fists, and the smile on her face was already a little forced.

"Can't you give me a chance to make up for myself?"

"Made up? Queen, do you know what you are talking about? Why did we say we were owed before?"

Liang Qingqing lowered her eyes and smiled.

"Zhou Yinghuai, I know you. You are talented and capable of governing the country. I am very sorry and sad to see you reduced to a traitor. This time when I come to Great Zhou, I will only give you one chance."

After speaking, Liang Qingqing looked back behind him, then poured a glass of wine for Zhou Yinghuai.

“As the queen of Dazhou, I come to you personally, which is enough to show how much we, Dazhou, value you.

There is an opportunity in front of you now. Drink this glass of wine and stay in Dazhou to give you a better chance to display your abilities. "

Zhou Yinghuai had guessed the other party's intention from the beginning, but after hearing what she said personally, he couldn't help but sneer.

"Empress, when you say this in front of me, do you think you can replace His Majesty Zhou, or are you deliberately trying to trick me?"

Liang Qingqing smiled, his face full of confidence.

"Since I have said it, I will definitely do it. I can give you double everything Jin Shu can give you. I can satisfy you in terms of power, status, and even your ambitions."

"Ha... you are too optimistic about the current situation of Dazhou. Queen, please go to our northern country when you have time. You don't have to go to the capital, you only need to go to the border town. After reading this, you will feel , I am like...a clown now."

The last sentence was light and airy, but it completely broke Liang Qingqing's guard.

The smile on her face has disappeared, replaced by anger and embarrassment. It seems that everything she just showed is like rubbish in Zhou Yinghuai's eyes. As the mother of a country, she is so insulted by a traitor. , this made Liang Qingqing how to remain calm and self-possessed.

She slammed the table.

"Zhou Yinghuai, did I give you face to make you think how capable you are? Do you think you can dominate the world just by being in the Northern Kingdom? What a joke, in my eyes, you Northern Kingdom is the clown! Wait for you If you jump around enough, I can crush you to death with one finger!

Come here, Zhou Yinghuai insulted me, arrested him and sent him to the prison to give him a hundred slaps! "

After saying that, more than a dozen guards rushed out to arrest Zhou Yinghuai. Before they could get close, a deep voice suddenly shouted from the side.

"Let's see who has the guts to capture the political king of the North!"

Jin Shu was dressed in vermilion palace clothes and walked forward slowly. She wore a jade crown on her head and had a cold face. She had the aura of a king who was calm and powerful, which shocked the guards who stood there and did not dare to move.

Liang Qingqing almost laughed out of anger.

"Northern Kingdom? Hehe, a bunch of rabble-rousers got together and thought they were invincible? Jin Shu, don't be too arrogant and think you are a real dragon? In fact, you are not even a worm on the ground! Dazhou didn't treat you at all See it in your eyes!”

"Didn't you take it seriously? That's great. Do you want me to prove it to you? Does the Great Zhou take my country in the north seriously?"

"Proof? How do you want to prove it? You have to kneel down and beg for mercy only when I, the Great Zhou Dynasty, am approaching the city?"

Jin Shu rolled up her sleeves and shook her head.

"It doesn't have to be that complicated. There is a simpler way."

"What else..." Before Liang Qingqing could finish her sentence, Jin Shu raised her arm and slapped her face directly.

This slap directly stunned Liang Qingqing, and all the surrounding monarchs were stunned on the spot, their eyes widened and they couldn't believe their own eyes.

Liang Qingqing covered her face, trembling all over, her eyes were red, and she stared at Jin Shu and growled in her throat.

"You are so brave, you dare to hit me? Someone is coming!!"

At this time, the guards also reacted. They drew out their sabers and surrounded Jin Shu and Zhou Yinghuai. The blades were sharp. Zhou Yinghuai wanted to help Jin Shu block them, but Jin Shu pushed them away.

"Jin Shu, arrogance will only lead to your death! Dazhou is worried that there is no reason to declare war on you. It would be better for you to push yourself into the fire!"

Liang Qingqing was angry and laughing, but before he could give the order, a eunuch shouted loudly not far away.

"Your Majesty has arrived——!!"

Liang Qingqing's originally angry face was immediately filled with grievance and unwillingness. She covered her face and looked at Huangfirong walking over, with some tears in her eyes, stubbornly not letting them flow down.

Huangfu Rong came over, and all the kings saluted him.

"what happened?"

The maid on the side immediately knelt down and cried.

"This person from the North just slapped the Queen! The Queen toasted her, but she repeatedly made provocations! The Queen has been patient for the sake of peace between the two countries, but they bullied others too much!"

Huangfu Rong looked at the fingerprints on Liang Qingqing's face coldly, then turned around and looked at Jin Shu.

"What do you mean? Do you really think that the Beiguo family is the only one?"

"Your queen just wanted to slap our family's political king. She poached in front of me without saying a word, and now she wants to bully others. If I don't hit her, will she send people to arrest us all soon?

Or is this banquet actually aimed at us? Could it be that the entire imperial garden is surrounded by guards? After we have finished drinking for three rounds, who of the kings here have offended you before, and you just detained them? "

As soon as these words were said, the faces of the group of monarchs who had just wanted to watch the fun immediately became quite complicated.

Just after Liang Qingqing gave the order, so many guards jumped out of the flowers. What does this mean? He must have been surrounded by guards long ago.

When the plan was exposed, Huangfulong's face could no longer be described as ugly.

Jin Shu did not intend to let him go.

"If you dare to point your sword at me now, who of you here will dare to stay and drink later?

But these are all my own conjectures. As a powerful country in the Central Plains, Dazhou has a vast land and abundant resources, and the monarch is tolerant and generous. There will be no bloodshed just because of a small friction, right? "

Having said that, what else could Huangfu Rong say? He could only frown and ask all the guards to retreat.

When Liang Qingqing saw this, he stared at Huangfulong with a bit of resentment in his eyes.

But she also knew that now was not the time to have an attack, so she could only turn around and leave with a dark face.

When he came back, he had put on the phoenix robe that matched Huangfu Rong, and with the beaded crown on his head, he was very eye-catching as soon as he appeared on the stage, and the whole thing was elegant and luxurious.

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