Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 298 After being exiled, he expanded his territory and killed the Emperor Zha

Liang Qingqing never expected that he would be arrested as a traitor after asking a few questions about Jin Shu.

"I know the Empress! You just need to go and tell her my name, and she will know who I am!"

"A mere refugee is still trying to get hold of Her Majesty the Empress! I think you are really losing your mind and going crazy! Come on, pull her down, beat her up, and throw her out. She is not allowed to enter the Northern Kingdom again!"

"Bold! Do you untouchables know who I am! I am the Queen of the Great Zhou Dynasty! If you dare to be disrespectful to me, be careful I will punish you from the nine tribes!"

The guards looked at each other and then came to a conclusion.

"This man is crazy. There are hidden dangers if he is released. Let's just lock him up."

"Presumptuous! Bold! I am the Queen of Zhou Dynasty, let me go!"

"Queen Da Zhou is jumping around here in a coarse linen clothes? I think you are really frustrated and crazy! You are not honest if I don't keep you for a few days!"

In this way, Liang Qingqing was imprisoned and lived a miserable life eating chaffy vegetables with other prisoners all day long.

Now she feels regretful in her intestines. Why did she compete with Huangfulong in the first place? Why did she stubbornly leave the palace? If she had taken the initiative to surrender at that time, how could she have fallen to this point now!

Half a month later, when Jin Shu came to inspect Qizhou in the northern country, the county lieutenant on the side accidentally mentioned it.

"There hasn't been much happening recently, but there is a strange thing. A woman came to our city not long ago. She kept saying that she wanted to find Her Majesty the Empress. She also said that she was the Queen of Zhou Dynasty. Do you think it's ridiculous?

Worried that she was a lunatic and would scare other people in the city, they locked her up directly. "

Jin Shu couldn't help but smile when she heard this.

"Where is it? I'll go take a look."

By the time Jin Shu saw Liang Qingqing again, she had been in jail for half a month with a look of despair.

In the past half month, I didn't take a shower or change my clothes. I couldn't eat well or sleep well. I was so anxious and resentful that I almost tortured Liang Qingqing into a real lunatic.

After seeing Jin Shu, her pupils trembled. She was in disbelief at first, then she jumped up and grabbed the railing and shouted at Jin Shu.

"You're here!! You're finally here!! Jin Shu, let me out quickly!!"

Jin Shu didn't expect to see Liang Qingqing here.

Zhou Yinghuai, who had been following her at this time, was also a little shocked. After all, Liang Qingqing was the queen of Zhou Dynasty not long ago, so how could she suddenly appear in the prison in the North Kingdom.

The first thing Liang Qingqing did after he was released was to change his clothes and take a shower. Then he couldn't wait to see Jin Shu and asked to have a private chat with her.

After everyone around him had retreated, Liang Qingqing stared at Jin Shu and hurriedly asked the question that made her anxious.

"You came from time travel too, right?"

A very definite affirmation without any doubt.

Jin Shu looked at her calmly and raised her eyebrows.

"Oh, you noticed."

"You...you really are!"

What had tortured her for more than ten days was finally confirmed. Liang Qingqing's whole body was tense. She stared at Jin Shu's luxurious imperial robe. She had perfectly grasped the golden dragon's entwined lordship over the world.

At this moment, her heart felt like there were millions of insects gnawing at her, and she felt extremely uncomfortable.

"So, you knew from the beginning that I also came from time travel?"

Otherwise, why was he not surprised at all when he was recognized? He was calm and seemed to say that the weather today was very good.

Jin Shu nodded. "Your oxytetracycline is going to be famous all over the world. Who doesn't know that the Queen of Zhou Dynasty developed a medicine called oxytetracycline, and also carried out large-scale construction to build a new palace, and put up a list in the world to find those talented people in history? people.

You are very good at studying history, and you remember the few people in the history books quite clearly. "

Liang Qingqing suddenly felt as if he had been insulted.

She did so much in a big way, but in the end she was still inferior to her.

"I am a graduate student in the History Department of University B, and I know that this is completely normal.

But I am quite happy now. At least I am not the only outsider in this world. I am very happy that I also have a companion!

If we get along well from now on, I believe the future will be even better! "

Jin Shu leaned on the soft couch, supported her head and said slowly.

"You are from Dazhou, and it is not impossible for you to get along well with me. Let's go and persuade Huangfirong to surrender, and I will save some time and beat him myself."

"Why do you always fight and fight? Can't we be more harmonious? Dazhou and you are not in conflict with each other, so why do you insist on bullying and killing them all?"

Jin Shu looked at her and said only one sentence.

"When Huangfu Rong put us to death, why didn't you jump out and say this?

Liang Qingqing, didn’t the history books teach you that you should be consistent in your words and deeds? "

Liang Qingqing was speechless, her eyes moved wildly, and her expression was a little stiff.

"I didn't understand at the time. He had just decided the world. Can I stop what the emperor wants to do?"

"So why do you think you can stop me?"

"I just hope you can think more about Liming Common People. What good can you do besides wasting people and money? In the final analysis, isn't it because you are so happy about your success! You make the people of the world suffer because of your selfish desires. You have no conscience in doing so. Does it hurt?"

Jin Shu raised her eyebrows, her mood still stable.

"You messed with your oxytetracycline and caused thousands of people to die in Zhou Dynasty. Your conscience must be painful to death, right?"

"I am also doing it for the good of the people of the world! You are allowed to copy modern knowledge, but I can't?"

"Okay, you continue to work hard on your modern knowledge. It's best to finish the trouble for me as soon as possible. It will also save me a lot of energy."

Liang Qingqing held back his words for a long time, and finally managed to squeeze out a sentence.

"You hate me, right? You hate me for taking your identity, you hate me for robbing Huangfu Rong, so now you are doing these outrageous things to take revenge on us?!

Since you are like this, all your hatred will be revenged on me! Don't torture the people and don't torture Huangfu Rong. I can't bear it all by myself! "

This was the first time Jin Shu saw such a person who overestimated his abilities.

"I heard that Huangfu Rong kicked you out. You are no longer the Queen of Zhou Dynasty. How can you bear this?

Also, don't think of yourself as so important. You can't bear anything, and it's not worth my energy and time to seek revenge. "

After speaking, Jin Shu clapped her hands.

"Come here, take her out and keep her under good supervision. Maybe you can be a good bargaining chip when Huangfu Rong and I fight."

"Jin Shu! People like you will not end well! I swear that I will make you pay the price as long as I have the chance!"

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