Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 323: The rich mistress disowned 6 relatives after opening the book

Jin Shu smiled and hit Lu Gu on the head several times.

"Your mother and I are strong and strong. Just wait and see how your mother wins the jackpot for you."

Lu Gu pursed his lips calmly, covering his head and not daring to say anything more.

Since she was about to mount the horse, her current attire was definitely inappropriate. Jin Shu directly tied her long skirt into a knot between her legs to ensure that her legs could move flexibly. Then she took off her red cloak and threw it to Lu. Gu.

"Let the wine warm up, I'll be back as soon as I can."

Lu Gu: "???"

He didn't understand, but he still obediently put the wine bottle on the small heater nearby.

When Jin Shu came on stage, several ladies from aristocratic families in the audience couldn't help but speak.

"Mrs. Lu also wants to join in the fun with the young people? Hahaha, but just like those young children, doesn't Mrs. Lu also have a husband?"

"I don't know. She just wants to take advantage of this opportunity to be in the limelight. Maybe some son-in-law will fall in love with her."

"Hehehehehe... You guys are really bad-mouthed. No wonder Jin Shu doesn't want to talk to you. But I think the young man is quite capable of falling in love with her, but aren't there some older people in the audience? They can't say for sure. I can take her back as my concubine!"

There was constant chatter and laughter below, and seeing Jin Shu actually walking up, he became even more excited and made fun of her.

Naturally, Hu Jin would not miss this opportunity. At this time, she wanted to get back all the face she had just lost.

Everyone who came up to win the prize went to the racecourse to pick a horse.

The three highnesses naturally had to participate. In addition, there were mainly some young men who were good at riding and shooting. Among the few bright figures, Jin Shu, dressed in red, slowly entered the venue holding a tall white horse.

Although she is nearly thirty years old, there is no trace of time on Jin Shu's face. She does not look out of place among a group of young people. On the contrary, she attracts many stunning eyes because of her tall waist and gorgeous face. .

Jin Shu has long been accustomed to the feeling of being in the spotlight. Although she is the oldest among these people, she does not feel embarrassed at all. She ignores everyone's attention. She leans against the white horse calmly and calmly, reaching out to stroke it from time to time. With his forehead, he uses special skills to make a unique sound.

Soon, the white horse, which had just become restless because of the stranger's approach, gradually became docile and calmed down.

Before the game started, Jin Shu lined up to get a pair of bows and arrows.

In front of you is a wide riding and shooting field, because the sand on it will make the horse's hooves sink easily, making the already fierce and untamable horse even more difficult to control.

There are more than a dozen levels set up in the arena. Participants need to ride on horseback and cross the levels while drawing their bows and arrows to aim at the moving targets on both sides.

There are more than a hundred moving targets in total, and the lottery prize is hidden in one of the targets. If you want to win the lottery, the best way is to hit as many targets as possible.

Of course, this competition not only requires strength, but also luck. Maybe someone only shoots one arrow, but that arrow hits the jackpot.

After knowing the rules, Jin Shu led the white horse into the arena. After finding her position, she only had to wait for the gong to start.

Three His Royal Highnesses were waiting on horses in the middle. In the past, it was usually these dragons and grandsons who won. His Royal Highness Eleven, who competed this year, was a famous archer. His equestrian skills were so superb that even His Majesty was amazed when he saw them.

His Highness Eleven is now on the stage, and the others are just giving it a try. After all, winning the lottery is a matter of luck. Even if the target cannot be more than His Highness Eleven, there is no guarantee of luck. Better than him.

Before the game begins, everyone mounts their horses and waits for the sound of the gong.

Looking at the taller man next to Jin Shu, the three children of the Lu family silently sweated for her.

Lu Xu: "Have you ever ridden a horse before?"

Lu Huai: "Misses from aristocratic families usually learn some equestrian skills, but they are all superficial, but my mother may be an exception."

Lu Gu sighed. "It's impossible. She has stayed in the backyard and never gone out much her whole life. Where would she get the chance to practice equestrian skills?"

Lu Xu stared at him and asked curiously.

"How do you know? My mother never told you."

Lu Gu glanced at him and said leisurely.

"Of course I know, I know a lot more than you do."

After all, he had lived with his biological parents for so long, and he knew a little about Jin Shu from their usual chats.

From what my father said, we can know that Jin Shu is a young lady from a feudal family who never leaves home. Even her smile is carefully trained. She walks like a lotus and learns everything. It was music, chess, calligraphy and painting, things that every lady should learn, and she would hardly participate in such activities where she would show her face.

Because of this, Lu Gu couldn't help but feel worried.

Jin Shu is actually quite good, not a bad person. Although she almost broke up his parents, these crimes are not worthy of death, and she will not die under the hooves of a horse.

"Mom always has her own reasons for doing things. We have to believe in mom. If she says it's okay, then it must be okay."

Lu Xu unswervingly believed in everything Jin Shu said, which made Lu Gu always look at him with some mockery in his eyes.

"Let's think of a way. If it doesn't work out then we'll rush in to save her."

Lu Xu didn't take his words seriously at all, he still stared at Jin Shu on the court with interest, and finally stood up and shouted loudly.

"Mom! Come on!!"

Lu Gu lowered his head silently, feeling a little embarrassed.

Jin Shu on the other side heard her son's encouragement, smiled, waved and nodded at him.

This scene became a joke again in the eyes of the ladies from aristocratic families.

"This mother and son are really interesting. They really use this place as a stage to show off!"

"Hehehehe, it would be interesting if she fell off the horse. Such a tall horse would be crippled if she fell off."

"I don't think she can get on a horse yet!"

"How about we take a bet on how many targets she can hit?"

When Hu Jin heard this, he said directly.

"I bet she won't be able to hit a single target! She will also be smashed into a cripple!"

"Then I'll bet she can't get over the first railing."

"Hahahaha I bet she can't get on the horse!"

Hu Jin laughed and agreed.

"You're right. It would be better not to be able to get on the horse in the first place, so as to save her from falling into pieces later."

As soon as he finished speaking, everyone looked over, and the cheerful smile on Hu Jin's face suddenly froze in the next second.

I saw Jin Shu, who had been demoted to be worthless by her just now, holding the saddle with both hands and jumping lightly. She sat down on the high horse so easily and neatly.

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