Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 342: The rich mistress disowned 6 relatives after opening the book

"Lu Mingqian, what's in your eyes?"

Lu Mingqian withdrew his gaze.

"It's nothing. What happened today has angered His Highness Eleven. If you want to survive in the future, you should think of a way to apologize to His Highness Eleven."

Deng Qiao suddenly laughed.

"Apologise? Someone slapped me, and I have to go back and apologize with shame? Lu Mingqian, you have lost your mind!"

"This is the way the world is! Since you can't change it, then just adapt! Otherwise, there is only a dead end!

Do you want to die? ah? Do you know the methods of His Highness Eleven? ! "

Deng Qiao was startled by Lu Mingqian who suddenly lost his temper. She, who had looked angry just now, was stunned in place, tears streaming down her face, and her expression looked like she had been greatly wronged.

In the past, no matter what the two people were arguing about, as long as he saw Deng Qiao crying, Lu Mingqian would definitely drop everything and come to comfort her.

But this time, the man just stared at her coldly, then gritted his teeth and growled angrily.

"If you hadn't made such a big deal to invite His Highness back for dinner, how could there have been so many things!!"

Deng Qiao's eyes widened and she looked at the man in front of her in disbelief, she even forgot to shed tears.

"Are you blaming me? I have never cooked in my life because of your career. I cooked a table of meals for him, but in the end you come to blame me?

Lu Mingqian, are you still a human being? Do you still have a heart? "

Lu Mingqian couldn't help but sneer when he heard this.

"Are you doing it for me or yourself? You know it in your heart!

People say that family scandals should not be made public, so it would be better for you to embarrass yourself directly in front of His Highness Eleventh Prince!

Is it something worth showing off to bring another woman into your home right after you divorced? What are you trying to prove? ! "

"Pa!" slapped Lu Mingqian hard on the face.

Deng Qiao's breathing was violent and heavy, and she stared at Lu Mingqian with red eyes, squeezing out a few words between her teeth.

"You are just a white-eyed wolf!!"

After saying that, Deng Qiao slammed the door and went out.

Lu Mingqian sat down limply. After calming down, he realized that he had had a quarrel with Deng Qiao in the old lady's room.

The old lady who was lying on the bed unable to move heard all the words she just said.

"Mom, you heard what His Highness Eleven said today, why do you think he is like this?"

The old lady's speech became slurred.

"His Royal Highness Eleven is unstable and has a violent temper. There is no trace of him. Don't think about it anymore. Now that you have restored your identity, live a good life."

"But my son feels that he is here for someone. He is extremely interested in my wife."

The old lady couldn't help but sigh after hearing this.

"It's nonsense. His Highness is only eighteen, how can he have thoughts about a woman who is so much older than him.

I think he came here just to beat you and keep you honest so that you can be used by him in the future. "

"is that so……"

Lu Mingqian lowered his head and stopped talking. His whole body was filled with frustration and exhaustion.

He has not lived a good life since he returned to Beijing. Sure enough, this capital is not suitable for him.

Now it seems that there is no hope of seeking an official position. In this case, instead of sitting here and waiting to die, it is better to continue to live in seclusion.

"Mom, sell those shops, pack your gifts and go back to live in seclusion with us. Aren't the words His Highness Eleven said today a warning to me to leave quickly?"

At the critical moment, Lu Mingqian was terrifyingly sharp.

He always felt that His Highness Eleven was threatening him to leave the capital quickly.

The old lady just thought he was overthinking and shook her head tiredly.

"His Royal Highness Eleven has no grievances against us, so why can't he tolerate us?" "Mom, have you been protected so well by Jin Shu these years?"

As soon as she heard the word "Jin Shu", the old lady who was lying on the bed unable to move almost jumped up.

"Jin Shu protects me? How can Jin Shu protect me?!"

"You are my mother and I didn't want to say anything, but we all know who is in charge of the shops outside and the internal affairs in the backyard these years.

I also had selfish motives back then, and the reason why I married her was because I knew she was virtuous, virtuous, smart and capable.

Now it seems that I did not make a mistake. Jin Shu has done a good job. You don't look like you have suffered much over the years. "

The old lady lay face up with her mouth pursed and refused to speak.

When I mentioned this, tears flowed from the corners of my eyes.

"Since you know she is good, why do you insist on bringing Deng Qiao back!"

"Deng Qiao has been with me for so many years and even gave me a child. I can't let her down.

I feel guilty about Jin Shu, but it’s too late to say this now! "

Lu Mingqian still insisted on leaving.

Of course the old lady couldn't defeat him, she said with a lifeless expression on her face.

"You go find the buyer first. Once the buyer is found, I will give you the title deed."

In this way, Lu Mingqian went to find a buyer in a hurry the next morning.

At this time, in a small courtyard at the foot of the imperial city, Ayu, who had just returned from buying vegetables with a basket, quickly told Jin Shu the first-hand news he had learned.

Jin Shu was practicing shooting with her two children in the yard. Ayu pulled her aside and whispered to her.

"The soft-boiled guy from the Lu family is now looking for someone to buy his shop."

A soft-boiled man was what Jin Shu said unintentionally.

Ayu, who was usually confused, always had a strong ability to learn these messy things, so now Lu Mingqian has lost his real name and has become a soft rice boy in her mouth.

"Miss, without you to take care of it, they actually want to sell the shop now! Such a good shop, how much effort you put in back then!"

"Just sell it, does anyone want to buy it?"

"Yes! The location is so good and the business is good, how could no one buy it?

I heard that Prince Liang’s Mansion has taken a fancy to those shops, and the manager of Prince Liang’s Mansion even went to see them in person this morning. "

As soon as she heard about Prince Liang, Jin Shu thought of Prince Liang's concubine Hu Jin.

The king of Liang had a lot of property and countless family properties, so he would not go to the trouble of buying a shop from others.

But if Liang Wang wants to buy it now, it probably has something to do with his concubine.

Just thinking about it, I knew it. I bought the property of my sworn enemy and finally ridiculed him in front of Jin Shu. It would be such a relief.

It's a pity that the news of Jin Shu and Lu Mingqian's reconciliation has not spread yet. Everyone thought that the mistress of the Lu family had encountered something big, so they were busy taking action on the store in their hands.

"Miss, there is still your dowry in this shop!"

"Well, what's the rush? Just wait and see."

Wait until they have settled the matter.

Lu Mingqian didn't expect that things would go smoother than he expected.

I thought I might not be able to sell the shop in ten days and a half, but in the end, I found a buyer in just one day.

The other party belonged to Prince Liang's family and had a big business. In order to show his sincerity, he even gave the deposit directly.

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