Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 350: Entering the Interstellar Crazy Volume of Heroes and Heroines

An electric baton, a machete, and a nunchuck.

The next second, the scimitar appeared in Jin Shu's hand. The blade was sharp and shone with a cold light, and the blade was a thick ink color. It was heavy and heavy in the hand.

Jin Shu had never used a scimitar before, but when she held the knife, her body involuntarily assumed a fighting posture.

The four "rat men" in front of them obviously took a step back after seeing the weapon in Jin Shu's hand. However, the leader of the "rat men" made a short and sharp sound from his mouth, and the remaining three suddenly sounded like Running around, he kicked off his hind legs and easily jumped onto the roof three or four meters high.

At the same time, the remaining "rat man" bared his teeth and rushed towards Jin Shu. In his mouth were two yellow and long fangs. Jin Shu directly blocked it with a knife, followed by a huge impact. , the "rat man"'s fangs bit hard on the knife.

With a sound of "Cang——!", the blade trembled, and the hand holding the blade felt slightly numb.

Jin Shu had a sullen face and stern eyes. She stood on her hind legs. The "rat man" opposite her obviously didn't expect her to be so strong, but she still bit her knife tightly.

There was a slight sound of running above her head. Jin Shu didn't look up. She held the scimitar in both hands and pushed forward fiercely, followed by spinning the blade in a circle.

With a "poof" sound, and accompanied by blood spurting out, the rat man's head fell to the ground.

Jin Shu didn't waste any time, quickly wiped the wet blood on her hands on her clothes, and walked quickly towards the bottom of the roof.

The rat man on the roof lowered his head and couldn't see her, so he tilted his body to look down. At this moment, a hand below suddenly grabbed his head and pulled him down hard!
Jin Shu did not hesitate and raised the knife again, harvesting another rat head.

The remaining two followed the same pattern, pulling and cutting, their movements clean and neat, without any sloppiness or any mercy.

The four heads were neatly placed in front of Jin Shu.

She was covered in blood and had blood on her face, most of it from other people and some of her own.

After taking out a bandage from the medical attribute box and tying it on his injured arm, Jin Shu was about to leave when suddenly a dozen blue luminous objects appeared on the ground.

Jin Shu walked in and took a look. What was glowing was the font.

[Health Pack × 60]

【Plague Serum×4】

[Fighting Skill: Bounce]

[A-level mecha big arm × 1]

[B-level mecha fuel agent × 7]

[Speakers throughout the city × 4]

Jin Shu was dazzled by the series of things she saw, but she didn't need to figure out what they were. She just had to bend down and pick them up, and these things would automatically appear in her property panel.

Jin Shu understood that in this world, there are rewards for defeating monsters.

Because she had insufficient blood, Jin Shu used a blood replenishing pack to replenish her blood bar.

[Increase of health value: 800, current health value: 1000/1000]

At the same time, the number of blood replenishment packs also decreased by eight.

Jin Shu could see that her health bar was only one thousand, and no matter how many blood replenishing packs she used, she could only replenish one thousand health points.

Looking back at the four rat men whose necks were wiped, their attribute boxes were clearly visible after death.

The health points of the four rat men are basically between 600 and 800. It can be seen that the current body is just a weakling, not much better than these four primary monsters.

After the blood bar was replenished, Jin Shu hid under the iron roof and began to receive memories.

"Memory is being transferred, please check."

A strange memory was thrust into my mind.

Jin Shu closed her eyes and sat down to relieve the dizziness caused by receiving too many memories.

First of all, understand the environment you are in. In the 13th year of the Light System, the interstellar chaos stage, science and technology have developed greatly, and various galaxies are constantly fighting. Due to the needs of war, the mecha era has made its grand debut.

There are currently three major alliances in the galaxy that control the entire Z Cloud Galaxy.

In order to ensure that their own resources and territory are not encroached upon, the three major alliances have established their own mecha teams and set up special alliance military schools to cultivate talented mecha warriors in the galaxy.

There are trillions of people in this huge galaxy, but there are only a handful of people who are truly talented in controlling mechas.

The Alliance Military Academy recruits 3,000 students from the galaxy every year. On average, some small planets may not be able to select one within a year. Even if they are selected, there is a 40% chance that they will be injured during the mecha training at the military school and sent home.

The remaining students are not able to sit back and relax. After the five-year mecha military academy is over, they still need to undergo a strict and cruel graduation selection. Only those students who can pass the selection can enter the alliance legion and serve the alliance.

The Mecha Military Academy is generally divided into two parts, the Mecha Operation Academy and the Mecha Maintenance Academy.

Basically, the last ones to enter the legion are in pairs.

Mecha warriors responsible for combat and mecha maintenance workers responsible for backup maintenance.

Two people, one who is familiar with the operating performance of the mecha, and the other who is familiar with the internal structure of the mecha, can only use the cooperation of the two to bring out the true strength of the mecha on the battlefield.

Although the school preaches that operators and maintenance engineers are the same, you should choose the college that suits you based on your own advantages.

But when freshmen choose a college every year, almost 80% of them choose mecha operators.

There is only one reason. A mecha can only have one warrior, but it can have multiple maintainers.

In the end, it was the soldiers, not the reserve maintenance technicians, who went to the battlefield with live ammunition.

In the end, it is the warriors who shine most in the interstellar live broadcast, rather than the maintenance technicians waiting for unexpected appearances in the background.

Therefore, there is a consensus in the Alliance Military Academy that maintenance engineers are the assistants of soldiers. One works openly and the other secretly. Only those who cannot become soldiers will be forced to choose the maintenance profession.

The above is the general background of the entire world.

The original owner Jin Shu, the daughter of the deputy commander of the Alliance's Eleventh Regiment, had such a father. She was at the top of her game since she was born. She inherited her father's excellent mecha operating skills and passed the selection of the Alliance Military Academy when she was just sixteen years old. And entered the mecha operation academy for five years of study.

To say that she is such a proud child, with her father paving the way, coupled with her own talent and extraordinary hard work, she is destined to have a bright future in this life. As the second generation of the Legion, she is destined to become a leader on the battlefield from the moment she steps into the campus. Mech Warrior.

But somehow in a smooth life, the original owner met the heroine of this world, the maintenance technician assigned to her by the military academy based on her strength, Ling Xiao.

As the heroine of this world, Ling Xiaoshi actually mastered the comeback script and made her way from a shabby planet to the Alliance Military Academy. She performed well in the preliminary screening and successfully became the repairman of the elite warrior Jin Shu.

For the next five years, the two of them will live and eat together as classmates.

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