Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 352: Entering the Interstellar Crazy Volume of Heroes and Heroines

The planet Jin Shu is currently on is called Little Blue Star. It is the most ordinary asteroid in the entire Noah Galaxy. The entire planet has a population of more than 10 billion. It is currently ranked at the bottom of the planet rankings and belongs to Z level galaxy.

The strength of the planets is arranged according to the twenty-six alphabets.

The original owner had lived here for more than ten years, living in seclusion and rarely communicating with others.

According to the memory, Jin Shu returned to her residence. The planet's famous no-no-no zone is next to the rich area. A wall separates the two extremes of the entire planet.

This house can no longer be regarded as a life, it can only be regarded as a survival. The furnishings in the iron hut of more than 20 square meters are simply arranged at a glance. Jin Shu sits on the chair and opens the window to see the rich area opposite. .

This is an era of rapid technological development, which is completely different from the world that Jin Shu once lived in. Rich people live in real iron and steel walls, and the walls with a very sci-fi color also emit brilliant and bright light in the dark night. Above the head is a criss-crossing sky track. From time to time, aircraft will pass overhead, and the bad gases emitted by the tail will slowly sink.

So in this world, the richer people live higher, and the poorer people live lower, the turbid and polluted gases have been gathering and spreading at the bottom of the earth for many years, making the lives of poor people more and more difficult, even to eat. It’s a problem, let alone thinking about and enjoying it.

Those things I just met are creatures that were polluted in the toxic gas of this slum. They were once humans. In order to adapt to the harsh environment, the human body is obviously not suitable for survival here, so they evolved and the rats in the sewer. Same characteristics.

They are called "rat men", creatures that are not allowed to exist on the planet. The law enforcement officers of the planet above will often come down to clean up these mutant species to prevent these ugly things from taking the opportunity to run into the world above and scare those in the wealthy areas. people.

After having the memory, Jin Shu understood the world better. The original owner saw the rules of the world clearly. Because of this, she completely exiled herself and stopped making any efforts. She struggled in this dark place every day, just like Wait for one day to die quietly like today.

But Jin Shu could not be influenced by such negative emotions. After she sorted out all the operating rules of the planet, she realized that the gap between the poor and the rich was wider than the gap between humans and plankton. It only took her a second to think of a solution.

She wanted to kill someone, replace him, and become a person in the upper world as quickly as possible.

But Jin Shu will not kill people casually.

Just at this time, based on the memory of the original owner, a best candidate appeared in his mind.

Frant Orm, a member of the Frant family in the upper world, one of the four famous families on the planet, is currently serving as the chief commander of the entire residential area.

Thinking of this, Jin Shu went to the bathroom to wash her face, picked up the scimitar in her hand and walked directly into the darkness.

At this time, the most bustling place in the dark depths is the largest illegal exchange in the entire region. It belongs to the Frant family industry, and the current manager is Orm.

The original owner once passed by here, and Aum saw her face, so he sent someone to arrest her into the exchange that day.

That night, the original owner relied on his years of fighting skills to blind one of Orm's eyes and escape from it.

She has since appeared on the wanted list.

Those "rat men" came here for the bonuses on the list.

Jin Shu put on a black sweatshirt and baggy pants to slightly disguise herself.

Ten minutes later, a thin man appeared at the door of the exchange carrying a black bag.

"I brought what Lord Frant asked for."

The other person looked him up and down. He was thin, shriveled, and pale. When he passed by the detector, the detector turned on a white light.

According to the order of mental strength of white, yellow, green, purple and black, the man in front of him has no mental power and is a safe and harmless civilian.

"How can civilians have what Lord Frant wants?" "It's enough for civilians to have brains."

The guard went in and reported, then nodded at the man when he came back.

After entering the exchange, two guards took her to the top-floor lounge. After the door opened, there was a green and luxurious light inside. A sexy and beautiful girl was twisting on a small table, and a man was reclining on the sofa below the table. A middle-aged man with yellow hair.

Frant glanced at the thin man in front of him, then opened the bag and looked at what he had brought.

Inside was a human head, face down, with messy and long hair. It looked like a woman. The light was dim. He picked up the head and took a look, then nodded.

After the two guards retreated, Frant crossed his legs and asked lazily.

"You are quite capable of killing her. I have so many people looking for her all over the city but they can't find her. How did you find her?"

"I sell serum. She was poisoned by rat poison and came to me to buy the serum. I killed her while she was poisoned."

Frant thought of the rat men he sent out last night and smiled with satisfaction.

"You're lucky. Come on, here's the reward."

Frant threw the bag around his waist on the table. The man stepped forward without hesitation and grabbed the bag. The moment his fingertips were about to touch the bag, a layer of coldness appeared in Frant's eyes. evil intentions.

He grabbed the man's wrist.

"The reward is only this small, do you want to get more?"

The man looked up at him, his dark eyes very light.

"Think about it, how to get it?"

"How to get it...I'll tell you."

Frant's hand slowly moved up the man's wrist, and his breathing was a little heavy in the flickering light and darkness.

The man didn't resist. He just grabbed Frant's arm and slowly leaned forward. Then in the next second, he grabbed the fork on the table with his other hand and thrust it hard into Frant's neck!
Black and red blood flowed into columns of blood.

Frant clutched his neck and glared at the man in front of him, making a "ka ka ka" sound in his throat.

The man had no expression on his face, gritted his teeth, and without hesitation, pushed all the ends of the fork in.

About ten seconds later, Frant quietly leaned into the man's arms, breathless.

The woman on the stage was still dancing. She watched Frant and the man hugging each other into the lounge at the back, and silently lowered her head in the next second.

In the lounge, Jin Shu lowered her eyes and looked at Frant in front of her, and immediately checked the equipment he had dropped.

As expected of a member of the Frant family, although they are not taken seriously, they are much better than those rats in the darkness. (End of chapter)

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