Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 362: Entering the Interstellar Crazy Volume of Heroes and Heroines

I can't envy you this kind of physique.

There were also students from the Bailey family who were in the same class as the original owner. No matter how hard the original owner tried, he could never surpass him. Sometimes I had to admit that talent can indeed replace a lot of hard work. Jin Shu had lived a long time, so he would naturally be able to see clearly. .

And the other one who looks a little older is Poseidon’s strongest connection, Legel Barumba.

There is strength, but being in the top three depends entirely on money. There is no place in the entire galaxy that their family's business cannot reach. Every year, one-third of the military expenditures of the Alliance Army are contributed by their family. How can they be so big? Gold ingots, moving gold mountains, even if the Barumba family gives birth to a mentally retarded child this year, the Alliance Military Academy will definitely leave a place for him.

But fortunately, Legere is not mentally retarded. After all, the descendants of the Barumba family have been doing business for generations and are very agile in mind and are good at algorithmic techniques. They are naturally talented repairman candidates.

Ling Xiao became the most valued captain of the deputy commander of the first regiment more than ten years ago. She grew up in the same regiment, so it is normal for her sister to have a good relationship with these two.

But at this moment, these three people were standing here, inexplicably disturbing Jin Shu's training. One by one, they were all brats.

"Do you still want to use this training room?"


"You've been using it for so long. We've been waiting for a long time."

Jin Shu looked at them expressionlessly.

"You can go to another training room, which also has a space simulation cabin."

Ling Su sighed.

"That's too far away from us. Forget it. If you don't want to, forget it."

She was about to leave when Legere said directly.

"You come from the Little Blue Star Frant family, right? I remember that your grandfather was my grandfather's guard before, and we still have their photos hanging in our house.

Unexpectedly, after such a long time, the Frant family would produce a student from the Alliance Military Academy.

We will all be friends from now on. Our school prohibits the purchase of all off-campus supplies, but you can come to me in the future. I have everything here. Whatever you want, just tell me and I can get it for you. "

At this point, he smiled.

"We have been accustomed to training here since we were young, so this time, please go to another training room. Don't worry, no matter what you want to buy in the future, I will give you a discount!"

Jin Shu crossed her arms and looked at them.

"Can you buy whatever you want?"


"Then I really want to buy a humanoid mecha. Can you buy it?"

Legere's expression changed instantly, and he looked at her strangely.

"It's forbidden to buy or sell mechas, don't you know?"

"So you can't buy it?"

"Nonsense! Who dares to buy or sell this?"

Even if there is one, they are just shady businessmen. Their family is a serious businessman, how could they show off such a thing.

Jin Shu helplessly spread her hands.

“Then there’s nothing you can do, you can’t do it and I can’t do it, so please go to other training rooms.

Also, it is against school rules to interrupt other people's training casually. I know you didn't mean it just now, so be careful next time. "

After saying that, Jin Shu turned around and walked into the space simulation cabin.

She lowered her head and glanced at her watch. Her resting time was coming soon. It was really unlucky to waste a few minutes for no reason.

The cabin door closed and Ling Su laughed, holding her stomach.

"Hahahaha Legere, she is deliberately making fun of you. Do you really think she wants to buy a mecha from you? Don't make us laugh to death."

Legere's face looked a little ugly, and he turned around and left with a sullen face.

"Don't let her buy anything from me in the future!"

"Then why worry about it? People from the small planet are a bit serious. Just relax. We will be classmates for five more years."

Astor patted Legere on the shoulder, said nothing, turned around, picked a simulated training field and went in to train.

Ling Su saw this and followed closely. "Where are you going? I'm not familiar with this place. I'm going with you."

"Solar Storm, are you going?"

"If you go, I will go. What should I be afraid of when you are here?"

The girl's thoughts were clearly revealed, and Aster nodded.

"You have to protect yourself after you go in."

"I know, I don't believe it. If I were really in danger, you would turn a blind eye."

Aster didn't say anything, and stepped straight into the cockpit of the mecha. Ling Su, who was on the side, quickly followed after seeing this and walked into another mecha.

Waiting until around eight o'clock the next morning, Jin Shu took a shower and returned to the dormitory feeling refreshed.

Luopu has been waiting for her at the door for a long time.

"You didn't come back all night, Peiya, don't you need to sleep?"

"I'm going back to bed now. If you want anything, just tell me."

Because the resting time was two o'clock in the morning, Jin Shu simply reversed day and night. Anyway, lying in the hibernation cabin for two hours was enough, and it did not delay her classes during the day.

"Instructor Amai is here to see you. He has come several times but you are still not there. Let me tell you to go to his office when you come back."

Instructor Amai is the head instructor of the first class of freshmen, similar to the role of a modern class teacher.

"go quickly."

Jin Shu, who was already extremely sleepy, could only drag her exhausted body to the instructor's office.

After knocking on the door, instructor Amai's voice came from inside.

"Just come in."

"Hello, instructor."

"You stayed in the training room all last night?"


Instructor Amai is a middle-aged man with sharp eyes and a serious expression, but his voice is very gentle.

He was once the adjutant of the Ninth Legion of the Alliance Military Academy. Later, he lost one eye during the war to suppress the foreign invasion. From then on, he could no longer fly a mecha, so he retired early and returned to the military academy as an instructor.

According to Luopu, this person was extremely strict and serious, and it was bad luck to be assigned to him for the past five years.

But this incident has no impact on Jin Shu, because she is what teachers and parents call a good student. She is strict in self-discipline and does not need outside intervention.

"This year our alliance military academy will have a friendly match with another alliance military academy, and three participating teams will be selected. I see your efforts and strength, so I called you here just to ask for your opinion.

Are you willing to participate in this mecha friendly match? "

"Well, yes."

No matter whether you are willing or not, I am here just to help the original owner regain what she once lost.

Is there any faster way to score first than participating in this kind of competition?

Instructor Amai is quite satisfied with her positive attitude.

"Okay, then I'll submit your name. Are you optimistic about the maintenance engineer?

If not, I can help you choose. "

Jin Shu thought for a moment, then nodded.


"Give me his name and I'll see if the talisman meets the standards."


As soon as Jin Shu opened the door, she saw Luo Pu standing not far away with a curious look on his face. (End of chapter)

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