Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 372: Entering the Interstellar Crazy Volume of Heroes and Heroines

For a moment, Jin Shu seemed to feel a strange feeling.

Perhaps it was because everything was too quiet during the still time, or perhaps it was Jin Shu's illusion. At this moment, she really felt like a fully equipped battle armor. She felt its mechanical pulse, heartbeat and its core gradually Same frequency.

It was at this time, when her hands were completely off the control handle, that Silver Wing slowly took off into the air.

At this time, Jin Shu really felt everything that Yin Yi felt, and saw everything that was not limited to the window.

With a slight movement in his heart, Yinyi's huge body slowly turned around and then circled in the air.

Jin Shu held her breath, feeling everything beyond her imagination.

Things move according to her heart, a skill she had only used in her original world.

This was completely an accidental discovery. Jin Shu tried it many times in a row, relying on her mental power to control the Silver Wing mecha to make sharp turns, dive, dodge, attack and other actions that required both hands to control.

Although it is fun to do this, there is still a disadvantage, that is, it consumes too much mental energy.

With Jin Shu's current mental strength, she can only control the mecha for about half an hour, and once her mental strength is exhausted, it will be difficult to control the mecha.

Of course, this is not the shortcoming of the machine, but Jin Shu's own shortcoming.

If her mental power is strong enough, she can rely on her mental power to control the mecha during the entire battle.

There was no need to rush this kind of thing, and the competition was tomorrow, so Jin Shu couldn't use up her mental energy at this time, so after practicing a few times, she continued to control the mecha with the joystick and control page.

She must completely adapt to this modified heavy flying mecha before the game begins.

Early the next morning, Luopu put on the uniform of the Ertes Military Academy. He was neatly dressed and sat quietly in the lounge. Although he was paralyzed, Jin Shu could tell from the corners of his clothes that were about to be pulled into twists. He was nervous.

"Jin Shu, don't be nervous. If there is any problem then, just leave it to me."

"Can you stop shaking your hands when you say this?"

Luopu held his arm.

"My whole life, I have been walking on thin ice. I originally had no ambitions and just wanted to be a small landowner on Little Blue Star with no worries about food and drink for the rest of my life. But now I have to compete in the biggest arena in the entire galaxy. Looking back on the past, it feels like a dream.

I heard that the whole game will be broadcast live, and all the folks in my hometown can watch it. "

Thinking of this, Luopu's legs began to tremble.

He had always been calm, but when it came to his face in front of his fellow villagers, he couldn't help but start to care about his image.

Jin Shu patted his shoulder and comforted him.

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, I won't let you have the opportunity to show your face on the live broadcast."

If the mecha is not broken and performs stably, the maintenance technician can just watch the battle. Only if the mecha is broken will he have the opportunity to show his face in the live broadcast.

Hearing what Jin Shu said, Luopu's eyes were a little complicated.

Jin Shu smiled and understood his little thoughts, so she agreed to him.

"Don't worry, if you want to show your face, I'll let you do it in style."

"Hey, if I show up, you will most likely end up. Forget it, I'll just watch the fight from the sidelines. You can do your best and don't get hurt. We're not here for ranking this time. As long as you don't fall. Just use the machine."

No one had high expectations for Jin Shu. After all, there was a god-level warrior like Aster here. The remaining two people just had to be responsible and not lose too badly.

The first game was a duel between two major military academies.

There are three groups of teams. As long as one team wins two games, it will win the championship. If there is a draw, extra games will be played until a winner is decided. Astor and Ling Su were seeded players and received secret training before the game.

Before the game, the three players sat in the conference room and had a short meeting.

Instructor Amai briefly talked about competition skills.

“In order to ensure that we can successfully win this friendly match, we adopted the strategy of Tian Ji horse racing this time.

The enemy is the strongest VS we are the weakest, so Peiya, your opponent this time is Zhang Qitian from the Icarus Military Academy.

Then, the enemy is the weakest VS our team is second, so Ling Su, your opponent is Gao Minjing.

Finally, our strongest team VS the enemy’s second best team, Astor, your opponent is Stibaan.

Because we won the last league friendly match, we have the right to choose our opponents first.

This strategy may not be fair to Peiya, but please remember that collective honor trumps everything. We must give the school a satisfactory answer this time, got it? "

Everyone looked at Jin Shu. After all, she was the contestant who was pushed out to sacrifice to heaven. If anyone disagreed, it would be her.

As a result, Jin Shu nodded without any reaction.

"Yeah, okay, I can do that."

Instructor Amai saw Jin Shu accept the arrangement so calmly, nodded with satisfaction, and told her with a little guilt.

"After this competition, all three of you can directly join the army to participate in military training. If nothing else happens, you can graduate three years early and join the army early."

Astor and Ling Su had known about it for a long time, so they didn't have much joy on their faces.

But seeing Jin Shu still looking calm, everyone couldn't help but look at her twice.

Ling Su: "Peiya, if you have any opinions, you can always raise them. Anyway, your level and I should be about the same. I can go against Zhang Qitian."

Zhang Qitian, a talented freshman at the Icarus Military Academy, comes from a military family like Astor. His father is the division commander of the Icarus Alliance Army. In terms of interstellar status, he is more dazzling than Astor.

So there is still a lot of risk in letting Astor confront him rashly.

Fortunately, they had enough initiative to take the lead in eliminating Zhang Qitian, a major hidden danger.

After Ling Su said this, he looked at instructor Amai with a very sincere expression.

"To be honest, I haven't met Zhang Qitian yet. I want to compete with him for such a good opportunity. Even if I fail, it will be the highlight of my life."

Instructor Amai scolded him coldly.

"This is not a child's play! It concerns the glory of the alliance!"

Ling Su silently closed her mouth, and when instructor Amai left, she helplessly shrugged towards Jin Shu.

"I tried my best, I'm sorry, I have to wrong you this time."

"If you really want to fight Zhang Qitian, then you can just pick him when the time comes. Instructor Amai won't be able to control you then."

Ling Su sighed after hearing this.

"Yes, this is related to the glory of the alliance, and I don't dare to act arbitrarily."

"Well, I really feel sorry for you. After all, this may be your only chance to fight Zhang Qitian in your life."

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