Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 386: Entering the Interstellar Crazy Volume of Heroes and Heroines

Chapter 386: Entering the Interstellar Crazy Volume of Heroes and Heroines (38)

The first preliminary match of the annual training, hiking through the tropical rain forest.

Twelve regiments, a total of sixty teams, brought fixed supplies distributed by the army and entered through the entrance of the simulated tropical rain forest.

The entire rainforest covers an area of ​​70,000 square kilometers. The reason why it is listed as the venue for the preliminary test is because it mainly tests the teamwork ability among the team members.

Because after becoming a real warrior, every mission is carried out in the form of a small team, and they need to cooperate with each other to achieve the final victory.

Therefore, teamwork is a required course for soldiers.

Limited resources, endless rainforest, unpredictable dangers, etc., all need someone to command, someone to obey, someone to take the lead in pioneering and someone to protect from the bottom.

This is training for warriors, so maintenance technicians do not need to follow.

Jin Shu has rarely seen Luopu since the training camp.

He must have been exhausted. Maintenance engineers have their own annual training. Unlike soldiers, they are mainly assessed on their understanding of mechas and their ability to repair them. The assessment content is mainly about simulating how to respond to mecha conditions in different scenarios. Make the right judgment.

Knowing that Jin Shu had a new teammate, there was a hint of disappointment on his face.

"I feel safer following you."

"What's wrong? Someone bullied you?"

"No way, everyone is working hard, who will bully me?"

Jin Shu patted his shoulder.

"Just work hard and don't die."

"I will give you this sentence intact. The tropical rainforest is different from that of Little Blue Star. It is full of all kinds of bugs and beasts, with acid rain, poisonous gas, fog, exposure, and ever-changing weather.

At that time, the attribute panel will be blocked, and you can only use the supplies assigned to you by the army, so you must be well armed.

Don't just think about taking care of others, you are a human being and it will hurt if you get hurt. "

Jin Shu looked at him silently, with a smile on her lips.

Luopu felt a little uncomfortable being stared at by her, and subconsciously touched his nose to avoid looking at her.

"What's wrong? Why are you laughing? Are you annoyed with me?"

"It's nothing, you look like a friend of mine before."

"Old cliche, how could you have friends before with a character like yours? Don't lie to me."

Jin Shu smiled and said nothing.

Watching Luopu turn around with red ears, his slender figure slowly disappeared from sight.

The same thing happened to her white crane Feiyun before. Every time she went on a long trip, Feiyun kept whispering in her ears, telling her to do this and that. She was obviously just a bird, but she cared about being a mother.

If you're in a good mood, reward yourself with three hours of weight-bearing running in space!
Huang Zheng, who was now a dead dog from exhaustion, Maggie, An Ning and others looked at Jin Shu, who was running with a smile on his face in the space capsule.

Huang Zheng: "I don't deserve to be the captain."

Kress: "Top talent combined with abnormal hard work, it's over, I'm not worthy of our boss."

An Ning: "A genius among geniuses like her has worked so hard, how can we continue to lie down? Just practice."

When Jin Shu turned around, she saw four teammates outside with ashen faces.

From those four faces, she clearly saw the same sentence.

Practice, who can practice better than you, living daddy.


The annual training begins and sixty teams are ready to go.

The division commander sat in the control room, observing everyone in the sixty teams from a 360-degree angle. "Hahaha, these are the most valuable assets of our Alliance Legion. It can be seen that after joining these new recruits this year, the team is indeed more energetic!"

Several deputy division commanders on the side echoed.

At this moment, the division commander noticed a team in the surveillance area and ordered someone to zoom in.

“This girl must be the one who won the championship trophy for our alliance military academy.

Frante Peja, I've always wanted to see her in person. "

In the screen, Jin Shu, who is wearing a white team training uniform, is sorting out her equipment. In a simple ten-second screen, the girl quickly completed loading bullets, assembling the laser crossbow, and sorting and organizing daily equipment.

The teacher watched silently, his eyes full of admiration.

"Her grandfather is also from our army, isn't he? He really is better than his master.

But I think her team uniform seems to be that of the 11th team. "

The deputy division commander on the side explained.

"This young man had great ideas and took the initiative to join the 11th Regiment for training. We respected her idea and agreed to her application."

"Well, a true elite warrior will never be buried no matter what the environment is. I want to see what other surprises she can bring me during this annual training."

At this moment, the deputy division commander on the side pointed at a team on the screen.

"Although Frant Peja is a rising star, if we talk about winning the championship this year, it is probably Ling Xiao's team."

Several other deputy division commanders also nodded.

"Ling Xiao has been in the team for a long time and has been an elite captain for fifteen consecutive years. According to the third regiment, if she is still the champion after this year's annual training, she will be promoted to deputy captain and enjoy the treatment of the captain."

"Deputy leader? She is not seventy years old this year, right?"

"Only sixty-three."

This is considered quite young in a regiment where the average age of the regiment leader is over 120 years old.

"I remember that Ares, the leader of the Third Regiment, was less than sixty years old when he became the leader."

When it comes to Ares, the teachers and commanders have something to say.

"After all, he is the first SSS-level elite warrior in our alliance. He currently ranks first in the Star Marine rankings. No one has any objections to him being the leader."

"I heard that Ares intends to cultivate an elite team with Ling Xiao as the captain. This time the annual training champion must be them."

The teacher stared at the screen silently and nodded slowly.

"Our alliance legion has always been about the strong. Since she really has the strength to hold the position of deputy legion, let's wait until the end of this annual training to make arrangements for this matter."

The competition started soon. Traveling through the tropical rainforest was just the first round. There was a fifteen-day countdown. Those who did not finish within fifteen days would be eliminated. In addition, the results were judged based on the fastest speed of all members of the team to reach the finish line.

This was not the first time Huang Zheng had participated in the annual training. He had more experience than anyone else, so he gave everyone a vaccination before entering the rainforest.

"Resources are limited, and can even be said to be scarce. Once we enter the forest, I will allocate all the resources. All you have to do is obey all my commands and don't waste time on arguments. Do you hear me?

The most important thing is that I hope everyone will always work together. Intrigue is a taboo here!

Did you hear that! "

"heard it!"

"Okay, let's go."

Huang Zheng took the lead, and deputy captain Harry was at the back of the team responsible for protecting the rear.

The final score is based on all team members passing through the rainforest. Once a teammate is missing or even dies, the team will be directly judged to have failed.

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