Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 401: Entering the Interstellar Crazy Volume of Heroes and Heroines

That's why the first thing Luopu saw was a thick, flowing black. That's because wherever he looked, there were black insect eggs floating in the wind.

Jin Shu didn't care about the young Zerg, but made a move that even Luopu couldn't believe.

She actually drove the mecha directly and continued to fly towards the insect mother's eyes. Just when Luopu thought that a bloody scene was about to happen, he didn't expect that the mecha actually passed through like a curtain of water. In the insect mother's eyes, after a brief period of darkness, a huge hanging brain suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

At this moment, the mental strength that had been keeping his hands and feet under control suddenly disappeared. Luopu took a deep breath and quickly raised his head to look at Jin Shu in the main cockpit.

"what are you doing?"

Jin Shu controlled the mecha and flew around the giant brain, then opened the seat belt and hatch, and walked out of the cockpit under Luopu's disbelieving eyes.


"Don't follow, the gravity pressure outside will crush you into a meat pie."

The gravity in the worm cave is almost thousands of times that of the Little Blue Star. Anyone who is not a strong person above the SSS level will immediately be crushed into a puddle of flesh by the thousands of kilograms of weight outside as long as they step out of the mecha's protective cabin.

Luopu watched her walk out, although he wanted to follow but was unable to do anything.

What on earth is she going to do?
Without the protection of the mecha, the huge insect mother could easily crush her to death.

Jin Shu looked fearless. She took out a railgun gun directly from the attribute box, and then floated to the insect mother's brain with the gun in one hand.

Next to it are the eyes connected to the brain. Under the perception of mental power, the insect mother clearly knows what Jin Shu is doing to her at the moment.

But she was too big, without the protection of the Zerg warriors, and the mental power of self-preservation had no effect on Jin Shu in front of her. When Jin Shu pressed her fragile central nervous system with a gun, the insect mother let out a desperate cry. .

Luopu became more and more nervous.

Jin Shu did not get rid of the Insect Mother cleanly, but directly entered the Insect Mother's brain. If she chose to self-destruct at this time, even the modified Galaxy would be turned into powder along with the Insect Mother.

He stared at Jin Shu.

Then he watched her put her hand on the mother insect's brain and close her eyes.

Just when Luopu was on tenterhooks and ready to rush over with the mecha at any time, Jin Shu suddenly turned around and floated back, then got into the cockpit, closed the door, started the mecha, and turned around to leave.

Luopu looked at her, full of questions.

"You...what on earth are you doing?"

"Looking for something."

"Then what did you mean just now?"

"Communicate with her and ask her about some things. In exchange, I won't kill her."

Not to kill her?
Wouldn't that be equivalent to throwing away the first-level military merit you obtained?
This is not the main thing, after all, in Luopu's view, Jin Shu has her own reasons for whatever she does.

But what is more important than the first-level military merit that changes your destiny?
Luopu didn't ask again, because Jin Shu had already turned around and flew towards another insect cave.

The surface of the Zerg planet is covered with trees, and the terrain is very different. The underground is crisscrossed in all directions, and the routes are so complicated that the Alliance has not yet figured out the layout of the routes.

But at this moment, Jin Shu seemed to be guided, heading in one direction with full purpose.

Finally, she stopped in front of a black hole that was only big enough for one mecha. The hole was endless, and there was no end in sight in the chaos.

After turning on the searchlight, Jin Shu drove into the black hole. For a moment, time and space seemed to freeze. Within the range that the searchlight could cover, there were many messy things floating in the turbid darkness.

Luopu saw this scene for the first time, as if he had mistakenly entered the underwater world, everything was floating here quietly.

There are the remains of mechas, corpses of soldiers, alliance flags, and many unknown floating objects.

The Galaxy was driving slowly, it was boundless and silent, as if it had been forgotten by time and fell into a long and permanent still time and space. While Luopu was immersed in all this, Jin Shu walked out of the cabin door again, walked into the light of the searchlight, then stepped on the floating objects and slowly walked to a black box.

Jin Shu lowered her head and looked at the black box that had been floating here for more than ten years. She reached out to wipe away the mottled dust and saw the writing engraved on the box.


The original owner's former mecha, the Dragon.

After being snatched away by the Zerg, the useful things were dismantled and analyzed, and this black box, which was useless to them, was thrown here.


On the way back, Luopu couldn't hold it back.

"This cave entrance is not on our map mark. How did you find it?"

"The entire worm cave is part of the worm mother. The opening just now is the worm mother's stomach. It is only opened under the control of the worm mother."

No wonder.

Besides that, there was something else that made Luopu even more curious.

But subconsciously he didn't dare to ask any more questions, because this should be her secret.

But he didn't need to ask, Jin Shu took the initiative to tell him.

"This black box was left here by me."

"Have you ever been here?"

"Well, fifteen years ago, during the graduation practical battle of the Alliance Military Academy, I drove my Jiaolong here.

Later, for no apparent reason, the Jiaolong's wings malfunctioned, communication failed, and the self-destruct button failed. I was captured by the Zerg, and the Jiaolong was robbed. "

Jin Shu said lightly.

There was a silent storm in Luopu's heart.

He had heard this matter from his comrades as early as when he entered the legion.

And this story has been told more than once by different people.

Jin Shu, the daughter of Jin Yao, the former leader of the 11th Regiment, was once the pride of heaven and an elite student. However, before she was captured in the graduation practical battle, she was afraid of death and did not press the self-destruct button. She was captured by the Zerg, resulting in Alliance military secrets leaked.

Therefore, the name Jin Shu is directly equated with shame.

After all these years, it has still not been forgotten.

Luopu knew that she was not Frant Peja and that she had an unknown password, but he never guessed that the elite warrior in front of him who was horribly harsh on him was actually the "greedy for life and fear of death" back then. The "negative image" of Jin Shu.

After a long silence, Luopu found it difficult to connect the two people, so he chose to believe in the tough and perfect Peiya in front of him without hesitation.

"You were framed. There is evidence to prove your innocence in this black box, right?"

Jin Shu lowered his eyes and glanced at her, then smiled softly.

"Yes, I walked here step by step from Little Blue Star just for one thing.

I want my innocence and I want revenge. "(End of chapter)

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