Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 403: Entering the Interstellar Crazy Volume of Heroes and Heroines

Chapter 403: Entering the Interstellar Crazy Volume of Heroes and Heroines (55)

The worm hole is part of the worm mother's body. As long as the worm mother is willing, the black hole just now can be opened for Jin Shu at any time.

This answer was something Ares didn't expect.

He couldn't believe that Jin Shu actually colluded with the Zerg. What worried him even more was that Jin Shu actually told him such a hidden matter.

What does she mean?
Is it too stupid, or...

Before he could continue to think, he felt a sharp pain in his heart.

He slowly lowered his head and watched as Jin Shu took out the main energy chip from the mecha's heart without warning.

"what you do?!"

Ares roared and struggled, but the mecha without energy supply at this time was like a pile of limp scrap metal, without any attack power or protection anymore.

So, Jin Shu easily took him out of the mecha, squeezed his body tightly and brought him to her eyes.

Ares is already covered in blood. When man and machine become one, any damage suffered by the mecha will be reflected on his body.

Therefore, now that his mental power has been forcibly cut off, he has no power to resist when faced with a humanoid mecha like the Galaxy.

What's more, Jin Shu didn't give him any chance to resist.

"Frant Peja, you must kill me? Killing me will not do you any good!"

As the leader of Ares, Jin Shu will be sent directly to the military court. No matter what the reason, even if it is to protect herself, what she is doing now is purely to vent her anger. In this case, she will be judged as murdering her superior. The crime was egregious.

Jin Shu raised her lips and smiled softly.

"You talk so much nonsense, and you have been begging for so long that you don't even know who I am. How do you expect me to spare your life?"

Ares was shocked, staring at Jin Shu in front of him, and immediately realized something.

"Aren't you Frant Peja?!
Who are you? ! "

"who am I?"

Jin Shu raised her hand and slapped him hard.

This slap from the humanoid mecha was worth eight hundred kilograms if not one thousand kilograms. Even Ares, who was made of steel and made of steel, was struck dizzy.

Ares gritted his teeth and stared at Jin Shu with hateful eyes, saying nothing.

She just likes slaps that can make people stubborn. Jin Shu's eyes were smiling but her hands were merciless, and she slapped the man hard on the face again.

If it were an ordinary person this time, he would probably have a brain injury, but Ares is strong enough, and this slap would only make his cheeks swell.

"Remember? Who am I?!"

"I do not remember!"

Another slap, the corner of the man's mouth was torn and his eyeballs were bloodshot.

Jin Shu smiled calmly and cruelly.

"Do you remember it?"

Ares wanted to devour her alive at this moment, and the anger and hatred in his eyes almost turned into reality. If it were anyone else who could bear such a strong murderous intention of the first warrior in the world, his legs would be trembling and his heart would be cold.

But instead of feeling any fear, Jin Shu was even a little excited.

So, she raised her hand again and slapped her hard again.

"Do you remember?"

If you don’t remember it, continue.

At the beginning, Ares could still open his eyes and glare at Jin Shu angrily, but in the end he couldn't even open his eyes. His whole face was bloody and bloody, and his teeth were scattered all over the floor, and he no longer had the same look as before. Stubborn and proud.

"You haven't remembered yet, have you?"

"I...I don't remember you..."

"Hey, I gave you so many opportunities, but it's a pity that you didn't use them."

After saying that, Jin Shu grabbed him, turned around and walked towards the depths of the insect cave. This entire branch line was cleared by Ares himself, which saved Jin Shu a lot of trouble, and he came to the mother of insects unimpeded.

At this time, the insect mother immediately sensed the presence of the prey. The SSS-level warriors exuded an alluring fragrance, making the insect mother ready to move.

Under her eyes, a huge vortex appeared. The vortex was so powerful that if Jin Shu hadn't controlled the humanoid mecha to be firmly embedded in the ground, she would have been sucked in by the vortex.

She stretched out her hand, and Ares, who was held in her palm, still roared unwillingly.

"Who are you?! Who the hell are you?!"

"I'm here to take revenge on you."

After speaking, Jin Shu took off the Thousand People Mask, revealing a pale face.

The moment Ares saw this face, he was stunned for a second, and then his eyes suddenly widened and swollen, and he was about to say something.

"It's you, Jin Shu..."

Before she could finish her words, Jin Shu had already let go of her hand.

At the last moment, Ares recognized the face in front of him.

Jin Shu.

The daughter of Jin Yao, leader of the 11th Regiment.

Captain Jin once came to see him.

Ares used to be a soldier under Captain Jin, but now he is the leader of the third regiment. As long as he is willing, he can help Jin Shu find the lost black box.

But at that time, Ares had already met Ling Xiao in advance.

As Jin Shu's maintenance engineer, Ling Xiao knows better than anyone whether the problems Jin Shu said about "wing failure" and "communication interruption" are true.

But Ling Xiao refused to answer, her expression as cold as ice.

Obviously, this matter has nothing to do with Ling Xiao.

Ares wanted to protect the girl in front of him who was unscrupulous but stubborn and hardworking.

So he blocked Jin Yao's plan to find the black box more than once.

Every time Jin Yao planned to participate in the insect suppression campaign, Ares always disqualified him from fighting.

Finally, after repeated failures, Jin Yao despaired.

He eventually became an unknown warehouse manager. No one in the world would hurt Ling Xiao. He fulfilled his promise to Ling Xiao and would always protect her as long as he was alive.

More than ten years have passed, and Ares has almost forgotten this face.

Now that he suddenly appeared in front of him, he had no chance to speak anymore, and his whole body disappeared in the whirlpool in an instant.

Jin Shu watched this scene silently. When everything calmed down, she turned and left without hesitation.

People outside have no idea what's going on inside.

After the war against insects ended, Jin Shu participated in the logistics work and found the dying Jin Yao in a pile of insects.

He was covered in blood, but he was still whispering in his mouth.

"Black box... black box..."

Jin Shu lowered her eyes and rescued him from the worm pile, then stuffed the black box into his arms, then turned around and left the army, walking into the worm cave alone.

Peiya's identity has only one use left for her.


When Jin Yao woke up, he saw the black box stuffed in his arms.

Staring at the name on the black box, he was stunned for a few minutes. After calming down, he rushed directly to the division commander's command room regardless of his injuries and shouted hoarsely with all his strength.

"Master! Evidence! I found the evidence!"

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