Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 406: Entering the Interstellar Crazy Scroll of the Male and Female Protagonist

Chapter 406: Entering the Interstellar Crazy Scroll of the Male and Female Protagonist (Extra)
"Jin Shu, you should go out with the leader of the second regiment this time. After all, the opponent this time is the Mordy tribe of the Moore star. If you can't fight, you will fight. You also know the character of the leader of the second regiment. If you don't agree with each other, Just go ahead and do it, if you really can't do it, just pull him."

Modixing returned victorious.

Without spending a single soldier, he directly captured the mine that the Ertes galaxy needed, but the price was a bit high.

He is the leader of the second regiment.

"Did you really leave the leader of the second regiment there?"

The teachers couldn't believe it.

Captain Kahn Black, whose true mental power and strength could never be measured, was actually thrown into the Matriarchal Galaxy by Jin Shu.

As for Jin Shu, she looked calm.

"Yes, if we really fight, at least a thousand soldiers will die. In the end, we may not be able to get all the mineral resources back. But now we only need to sacrifice Captain Kahn, and we can win without any sacrifices." It’s so easy to get the mineral source, which is more cost-effective than doing business.”

The teacher couldn't believe it.

"Captain Kahn agrees?"

"Who can leave him there if he doesn't agree with the entire galaxy?"

Also, if that man goes crazy, he might just die with the entire Mordy planet.

Since he stayed, he must have agreed to it.

The teacher was so moved that he almost shed tears.

"I didn't expect that Captain Kahn would be so righteous! He chose to marry the princess of the Mody Galaxy in exchange for the resources we need most at the moment!

I really couldn’t help but make a special medal of bravery for him! "

Jin Shu raised her eyebrows and said with an indifferent expression.

"Do it first, and give it to him directly when he comes back. After all, he is a great hero of our galaxy. Master, you must give him a grand welcome ceremony."

"I'll get ready right now!"

I don’t know how long it took, on a planet in the Ertes galaxy with a pleasant climate and beautiful mountains and clear waters, Jin Shu was gathering flowers to make nectar. Suddenly, the huge flower field was wildly swayed by a blast of propeller overhead, and petals were flying all over the sky for a moment. , the strong wind blew away the scarf on Jin Shu's head. Following the direction of the flying scarf, a tall and straight man wearing a black stiff military uniform slowly walked down from the mecha.

He stretched out his hand, and the scarf gently fell into his palm. The man held it gently and walked through the flowers towards Jin Shu in the middle of the sea of ​​flowers.

There is always warm sunshine on the planet, and even if you look directly at the sun, it will not feel dazzling, so Jin Shu clearly saw the man's expression, and there seemed to be a trace of... grievance in the deep and cold eyebrows.
She thought she had seen it wrong and blinked.

"Captain Kahn, long time no see. Everyone is waiting for your triumphant return on the main star. Why are you here?"

The man lowered his eyes, and in the sunlight the figures of the two people, one tall and one short, were projected in the flowers. At this time, the taller one slowly bent down.

"Jin Shu, I did what you asked me to do."

"Huh? What did I ask you to do?"

"Marry the Princess of the Mody Galaxy."

"Hey, please understand. All the regiment leaders who went on the expedition asked you to sacrifice your appearance. I just joined in the fun. You can't cause trouble for me alone now."

Jin Shu waved her hands repeatedly.

The man looked at her calmly and gently.

"Well, I'm not causing trouble for you. I just want you to know that I will do whatever you ask me to do."

"Although the average lifespan of a person in the Mordi Galaxy is only five years, you have suffered a lot in the past two years. Don't worry, the division commander is ready to retire. The next division commander will most likely be you.

Earn first-class merit for yourself before he retires. When you become a teacher, you will be more convinced, right?

This is something you do for yourself, a good thing, and has nothing to do with me. "

After all, there are so many deputy division commanders waiting, but now the division commander plans to choose a successor from among the regiment commanders. Even if Kahn Black is good enough, he still needs enough military merit to prove himself.

Jin Shu had no idea that this man would directly blame this incident on her.

She looked at the other person's eyes, and there was a touch of hurt and regret, and she couldn't help but sigh in her heart. Oh, my damn charm.

"Captain Kahn, please go back."

"I have been to the division commander and handed over all the work."

"so fast?"

Didn’t it say that the princess of the Mody Galaxy just passed away?
Kahn Black looked at her, not daring to express the longing that had been stuck in his heart for so many years.

He was afraid that she would be scared and that she would be stressed.

Why so fast?
Whenever he went to see Jin Shu, he always had to run.

But Jin Shu doesn't need to know this, she just needs to be herself.

It was like seeing her in the gravity chamber for the first time, watching her persevere and sweat with all her strength.

It was the second time I saw her calm and persistent attitude in a friendly match.

Third time, fourth time...

Every time I see her, she shines on her own path.

Until that time, at the group party, he was about to hide in a corner and wait for the party to end, but he saw Jin Shu sitting on the railing drinking alone on the deserted rooftop.

She had obviously drunk too much, her cheeks were a little red, and her clear eyes were narrowed, with bright stars hidden in them.

she says.

"Captain Kahn, it is fate that we meet. Let's have a drink together."

she says.

"There are galaxies outside the galaxy. Is there an end to this world? Is there an end to the world? Then is there an end to my life?"

she says.

"I've forgotten too many things. Sometimes I can't remember what I looked like at the beginning, so I want to remember something now. Is it Karn Black? I remember this name."

She talked a lot that night, but he couldn't understand it, because even when she was drunk, she still maintained her alertness and caution, and her indifference of not opening her heart to anyone.

But that's enough.

All this was enough for him to recognize his feelings.

Kahn Black is not a timid person. He has the character of a warrior and the courage to face failure.

So now he stands here, standing in front of Jin Shu, releasing his love.

There were many people who liked her, he could see that.

Even Luopu, the maintenance technician with whom she had the closest relationship, couldn't get any reaction.

Even Zhang Qitian, the proud son of heaven in the galaxy, can only smile bitterly and just be friends.

So Kahn Black never thought about getting a response from her.

That's good, at least they now own the same flower field.

"You've been here for so long, and you don't have to deal with the group's affairs?"

"I resigned."

"When did it happen? Aren't you going to be a division commander?"

"The teacher said that I am not suitable to sit in his position."

"Why? Didn't he say you were the best candidate before?"

"Who knows? Maybe from the moment I accepted this decision, I wasn't the best candidate."

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