Chapter 409: Horror game kills NPC (3)

Such a sudden move startled Wang Lijuan.

Xiaopai smiled cheerfully.

"Brother Dan, stop joking now. I know you are brave, but I didn't expect you to be brave enough to make fun of such an inhuman thing!"

But soon the relaxed smile on Xiaopai's face gradually disappeared, because Brother Dan, who he thought was joking with him, was now putting his hand into his mouth.

No, strictly speaking, he stuffed his entire fist into it.


He opened his mouth wide and his eyes widened, drooling all over his hands and making sounds in his throat.

"Where is the it in my throat..."

Seeing that his mouth was about to be torn apart by his own hands, Xiaopai stepped back with a trembling voice and looked at his former friend in horror.

"Brother Dan...Brother Dan, don't scare me. Brother Dan, what are you doing..."

Zhang Zhuang slowly knelt down and stuffed his throat with both hands. How could his small mouth fit two hands? So he began to tear the corners of his mouth hard, and then under the light, everyone watched in horror. Watching him tear open the corners of his mouth bit by bit, his upper and lower jaws were torn out by his two hands. Blood flowed all over his hands, but he still continued to hurt himself as if he was not aware of the pain. His hand went into his throat...

"The phone... is not... in... the... throat..."

After Zhang Zhuang said this, his eyes widened and there was no movement.


Shen Anan's scream was quite penetrating, adding a bit of horror to the bloody scene in front of her.

Xiaopai was so frightened that he fell to the ground.

The one who is most afraid at this time is Wang Juanli.

She stared at the miserable Zhang Zhuang in front of her, and her mind suddenly recalled a sentence she had just heard on the radio when she got in the car.

"Don't talk to people with four eyes."

At first she was wondering what kind of monster had four eyes.

But now when she saw the black-rimmed glasses on the man's face, her whole body felt like it was struck by lightning, and the panic she felt after realizing it made her almost unable to sit still.

If she had talked to this man wearing glasses just now, she would have ended up like Zhang Zhuang...

Looking at Zhang Zhuang whose entire face was torn to pieces, Wang Juanli felt her stomach churn, her head twisting and she was vomiting.

At this time, the man who had been sitting in his position slowly stood up, and his originally folded waist slowly stretched out. Then, the sound of "clicking" and "clicking" bones being separated and dislocated tortured everyone's ears.

When he stood up, his head was almost on the top of the tram. He was more than two meters tall and walked towards the crowd slowly and stiffly step by step.

The small platoon had already hid at the very back, and Shen Anan kept clutching Gao Linjun's clothes and didn't dare to open her eyes.

At this time, Lexin discovered that there was someone sitting as calmly as she was in the carriage, looking at the soaked and swollen corpse walking over, with a calm expression on his face.


Still scared?
At this moment, accompanied by a strong smell of rotten smell, the man had already walked up to Gao Linjun, Lexin and others.

He slowly lowered his head. There was a pile of rotten flesh wrapped around his long neck, with pus still oozing out of it.

He stared at several people.

"Have you seen my phone?"

Who dares to pay attention to him now? Gao Linjun and Shen Anan lowered their heads, while Lexin turned to look out the window.

Seeing that no one was paying attention to him, the man turned around again dragging his swollen body.

Wang Juanli was trembling with her head down, when suddenly there was a sticky and cold feeling behind her ears, followed by that soul-like voice coming down from the top of her head.

"You took my phone..." I didn't! !

Wang Juanli subconsciously wanted to refute, but when she looked up, she suddenly saw a dead face that stretched infinitely close to the face. She rolled her eyes and fainted from fright.

The man glanced at her faintly, confirming that she was really frightened and fainting, then slowly turned around and looked at the only girl sitting alone.

Jin Shu was lowering her head and playing with her bracelet.

The man opened his mouth and sneered, and the rotten smell hit his nose the moment he lowered his head.

"I saw you took my phone...

Give me your phone back! ! "

Jin Shu slowly raised her head, and a gray and swollen face that had been soaked pressed tightly against her, almost touching the tip of her nose.

"Give me my phone back..."


Before the man could finish his words, a heavy punch landed directly on his face, directly crushing his already rotten face.

Male Corpse:? ? ?
Was he beaten?

Many people were frightened:? ? ?

Can this be done?
"You dare to hit me!"

The male corpse who spoke slowly and moved stiffly just now became angry. The carriage shook, pulling on his swollen and huge body. It swelled bigger and bigger in anger, and it seemed as if pus was constantly pouring into his body. Guan, the face that could have been just looked at has now turned into a pool of melted plasticine. The eyeballs are rising and falling, and the skin is all flowing down the face, but the glasses are firmly worn on the face. On his face, if you look carefully, you can see that the temples are deeply inserted into his temples.

"You are a thief, you stole my things! Tell me where the phone is!!
tell me! ! Where is the phone! ! "

The scream from the throat echoed throughout the entire carriage. For a moment, all the lights above the head flashed wildly, with black and white flashing alternately. Lexin shouted loudly across the way.

"Jin Shu, did you take his cell phone?"

Jin Shu glanced at her coldly, then reached out and took out a pen from the schoolbag beside her, pointed it at the cracked mouth of the man's corpse and stabbed it hard.

Immediately afterwards, another punch hit him.

Then, the entire carriage became completely silent.

The male corpse's eyes were wide open, as if they were about to explode at any moment. Apparently, he didn't expect that there would be anyone in this wave of players who could do something to it.

"I'm going to kill-"


Another punch, directly smashing one of his eyeballs.



The fists fell like a violent storm, and the slaps were swung from left to right, causing the rotten flesh on the male corpse's face to fly. It looked horrifying and disgusting, but I don't know why, but it was inexplicably refreshing.

The male corpse had been beaten so hard that he had no strength to fight back. He fell to the ground and yelled with his fist in his head.

"Stop fighting! I'll tell you how to get out of the car! Please stop fighting!"

Jin Shu stopped her hand and looked down at him.


At this moment, the male corpse who had just been sitting on the ground begging for mercy suddenly raised his head with a grin, looked at Jin Shu and said sinisterly.

"You talked to me."

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