Chapter 411: Horror game kills NPC (5)

It was obvious that the paper-tied figure was a woman. Looking at the red hat on her head and the red uniform on her body, Jin Shu recognized that she must be the conductor on the tram.

It's just that the way she appeared was too scary. Suddenly, Shen Anan's scream sounded again.

If she continues like this, even if she is not frightened to death, people around her will sooner or later be frightened by her startled appearance.

The paper puppet flight attendant still maintained a smiling expression, and the sticker representing the mouth would change shape when he spoke, but it could only change from a crescent moon to an O.

This stop-motion animation-like scene was played out so clearly before my eyes.

"Hello, dear passenger.

This tram leads to... station. The next stop is a long-distance station. The journey time is four days.

Passengers, please pack your personal belongings and go to the first-class, second-class, hard sleeper, and soft sleeper areas.

Please remember the following few rules.

1. First-class seats, second-class seats, hard sleepers, and soft sleeper areas still comply with all previous rules.

2. Please do not disturb the flight attendant when she is busy. Please assist her.

3. Please do not refuse the flight attendant's request.

4. There is a mobile dining car in the carriage. If necessary, you can purchase it on demand, but please remember to eat in your own seat and do not mistake the carriage.

5. The bedtime is from 22:00 to 6:00 every night. You must go to bed during bedtime. Please do not move around at will during bedtime.

6. Please do not change seats or occupy seats with personal belongings.

7. This tram traveled from south to north for the first two days, and then turned around when it reached the end point two days later.

The above are all the rules for riding in first-class seats, second-class seats, hard sleepers, and soft sleeper areas.

I am the only crew member in this car.

If you need help, you can ask me for help. "

When the paper puppet flight attendant was talking, Xiao Pai wanted to pull his brain out. He tried his best to memorize all the rules the other person said. Unfortunately, his IQ was limited. By the time the other person mentioned the fifth rule, he was already confused. .

I couldn't even find a pen to record it. Not to mention a pen, I couldn't even find a stick.

After the flight attendant finished speaking, he looked at Jin Shu.

"It seems you found your lost item. I'm here to thank you on behalf of the passengers."

After saying that, Jin Shu suddenly felt that her pocket was a little heavy. When she took it out, she saw that it was ten coins.

Everyone felt it and hurriedly took it out in their pockets.

As a result, everyone took it out and saw that there were only five coins.

"Why do you have five more than us?"

Shen Anan was a little envious.

Lexin answered directly for Jin Shu.

"Because she returned the phone. Anyone who has played it once has experience."

At this time, Xiaopai suddenly remembered something.

"I remembered! I saw a post on the forum before, talking about some secrets in horror games.

One of them said that in every group of players who enter horror games, there is one who is not a novice player.

This is equivalent to giving other novice players a chance to survive, so after entering the game, you must find the old player as soon as possible!
Jin Shu, this person must be you! "

After hearing what he said, everyone immediately looked at Jin Shu.

A person who is usually unknown and extremely ordinary can actually kill the male corpse so easily. Isn't it already obvious who is an experienced player? Jin Shu knew that they wouldn't believe anything she said at this time, so she simply kept silent, left them and walked directly into the front carriage.

Wang Juanli didn't know when she woke up and followed Jin Shu step by step.

"Have you memorized the rules just now?"

Jin Shu nodded.


So the moment they entered the previous carriage, the dimly lit and dilapidated tram suddenly appeared into a spacious carriage comparable to a train.

Moreover, there were actually more than a dozen passengers sitting in the carriage.

No matter what happens in such a ghost place, there is no need to be surprised. Jin Shu walked forward along the second-class seat, then came to the first-class seat, and finally took a look at the hard sleeper and soft sleeper areas.

At this time, the paper puppet steward was not busy preparing meals in the first-class carriage. Jin Shu walked around her and walked around everywhere, then chose the second-class hard seat and sat down.

Compared with the eerie atmosphere just now, this place seems to be just an ordinary carriage. People are coming and going inside, and everyone is busy with their own things. If it weren't for the paper puppet steward hanging in front of them, everyone would almost forget about it. Know what environment you are in.

Seeing Jin Shu choose the hard seat, Xiaopai and Wang Juanli also followed.

Gao Linjun looked at this scene and turned his head to look at Lexin silently.

"Let's also choose the hard seating area."

Lexin didn't speak, but just said something to them.

"We're going to be here for four days. Are you sure you want to sit in a place like this?"

The hard seat is really just a hard wooden board. Just looking at it feels like it hurts your butt, not to mention that there is a cold air coming up when you sit down.

Xiaopai also muttered a little, wondering why Jin Shu chose such a difficult environment.

But he didn't ask too many questions and just followed the old players.

Seeing that Jin Shu didn't speak, Lexin put away the smile on his face and said directly.

"Then let's stay here too."

In this way, the six people sat down facing each other.

Finally having a chance to breathe a sigh of relief, Wang Juanli stared at Lexin and suddenly said something.

"Why did you lead me to talk to the man with glasses in the carriage just ahead?"

Wang Juanli is not stupid. If Jin Shu hadn't covered her mouth at that time, she would have stayed in that ghost place forever like Zhang Zhuang!
Lexin raised his eyebrows innocently.

"I didn't. I didn't think much about it at the time."

"Ha... I don't believe it! Then why did you let me ask him instead of asking him?"

"Think of good intentions as a donkey's liver and lungs. That's good. I won't meddle in other people's business from now on."

Wang Juanli glared at her, and finally turned to look at Jin Shu angrily.

"Thank you. Fortunately you are an old player, otherwise I would definitely have died there!"

Now everyone takes it for granted that Jin Shu is a veteran player. As for Jin Shu herself, she is too lazy to explain or deny it. Let them think what they want. Anyway, she will finish the task first.

During this moment of rest, Arnold finally explained the mission and the general plot.

The real veteran player is Lexin, and in the end, only two people can clear the game.

As a veteran player, Lexin knows this, and what she has to do now is not only to keep herself alive, but also to make it difficult for others to survive.

(End of this chapter)

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