Shen Anan glared at Lexin directly.

"The best Jin Shu can do is remain silent, which is better than you. You want to harm others!"

From the time she got on the tram to now, Shen An'an hasn't been screaming and being scared all the time. After all, in reality, he is a college bully. Although he is timid and has weak ability to withstand pressure, he still has some sense after calming down.

For example, it can be seen from what happened just now that Lexin is definitely not a good person.

As for Jin Shu, at least she is not a bad person.

That's enough, as long as the people around her don't always think of causing harm to her.

Lexin fell silent and said nothing with a cold face.

After the quarrel ended, the strong hunger hit again. Shen Anan held her stomach and endured it. At this moment, one of the three workers across from him suddenly took the initiative to say something.

"This flight attendant is elusive. Why don't you send someone to see what she is doing now."

Jin Shu glanced at him.

"Why don't you go?"

"We have been hungry for one day longer than you. We would have been unable to walk, otherwise we would have gone already."

Jin Shu smiled.

Anyone who can persist in such a ghost place for a day is either smart or cunning.

The three in front of me are obviously the latter.

No matter how simple the smile is, it can't hide the calculation and shrewdness in his eyes.

Jin Shu withdrew her gaze and glanced around. Then, amidst everyone's doubtful gazes, she slowly stood up and walked to the corner of the car, then picked up the broom that had fallen on the ground.

Everyone looked at her operation in confusion. Then, as Jin Shu picked up the broom and walked straight into the first-class carriage, everyone's doubtful eyes turned into surprise.

Gao Linjun: "What is she doing? Is she going to die?"

Lexin didn't understand what Jin Shu meant, but as the only veteran player in the team, she sneered at Jin Shu's inexplicable actions.

Now just getting up and walking around is asking for death.

What your body, already in a state of hunger, needs most at this moment is to stay as still as possible.

Any unnecessary actions will make the body weaker, and many people will starve to death in the end.

Not to mention that Jin Shu actually walked directly in front of the flight attendant, then bent down and started to clean up the fallen confetti on the ground.

"Being smart."

Gao Linjun: "What is she doing? Cleaning?"

Lexin sneered: "You don't care about her."

He had already disliked her, so if he rushed to disturb the busy flight attendant, wasn't he looking for death?

It's better to die sooner. Stupid people will die sooner or later anyway.

The three workers opposite couldn't help but complain.

"Why would anyone want to die now? Is she stupid?"

"What a nice little girl. She's so young. It's such a pity that she will be here soon!"

"She doesn't think that by taking the initiative to sweep the floor, the flight attendant will be so kind as to give her a box of lunch! Hahahahaha... If that were the case, I would have..."

As soon as he finished speaking, the paper puppet flight attendant who was busy distributing lunch boxes suddenly turned around and faced Jin Shu.

Shen Anan: "It's over, it's over, Jin Shu, run away!"

Lexin yawned out of boredom and said leisurely.

"The third……"

This time it was a bit faster. Three of them died in the second cut, and the rest didn't seem to require much effort on her part. The next second, just when she was about to appreciate Jin Shu's death, the paper puppet that turned around did not move.

The last time I broke through, a fool had his tongue cut out.

Lexin murmured in a low voice: "This time it's the ears, the tongue, or the eyes..."

But neither.

The flight attendant directly handed the lunch box in his hand to Jin Shu's hand.

"Thank you."

Lexin:? ? ?
Gao Linjun:? ? ?

Three workers:? ? ?
Xiaopai, who was ready to move at this time, stared at Jin Shu, rolled his eyes, and then without hesitation grabbed another broom on the ground and followed Jin Shu into the first-class carriage.

After pretending to scan around, the paper puppet steward turned around as expected, still holding a box of lunch in his hand.

The hungry Xiao Pai stared at the lunch box eagerly and stretched out his hand to receive it.

Then the flight attendant raised his hand and slapped the platoon on the face.

Xiaopai: Huh? ?
Paper puppet flight attendant: "Don't interrupt my work!"

Small row:(_)
Why didn't he have a lunch box, only a big slap?

Shen Anan, who was holding a broom behind him and saw this scene, threw away the broom without hesitation.

It seems that the trick of helping to sweep the floor can only be used once.

After getting the lunch box, Jin Shu returned to her seat, bit open the disposable chopsticks, and the moment she opened the lunch box, the rich aroma of rice and vegetables instantly filled everyone.

This made everyone who was already struggling to endure hunger become even more frantic and painful. It was like there were thousands of worms squirming in their stomachs, making people want to rush forward and grab the lunch boxes.

Jin Shu was also hungry.

She could bear it before, but now looking at the sumptuous four dishes, rice and soup in front of her, she took a big bite.


It's so fragrant and delicious, I want to bite my tongue off.

Jin Shu ate quickly, but not in a hurry. She took big mouthfuls of the food in the lunch box without giving the impression of gobbling it up.

It was this calmness and enjoyment that made people from all directions so greedy that they almost shed tears.

Especially the three workers sitting opposite. They stared at the lunch box in Jin Shu's hand. Their eyes were like hyenas locked on their prey, with a fierce and urgent look that was a bit ferocious.

Worker 1: "Little girl, give us a bite. We are all in the same car, and there will be many places where we need to take care of each other in the future."

Jin Shu didn't raise her eyebrows and continued eating.

Worker 2: “You are an old player. Since you don’t want to share with us, why not tell us how to win a box lunch?”

Jin Shu still ignored it. At this time, the lunch box was halfway down. She slowed down her eating speed and took a sip of soup.



It was like a person who had never closed his eyes in his whole life fell asleep for a long time, and his whole body and mind received unparalleled comfort.

Seeing her indifferent expression, the third worker couldn't stand it any longer. He tore off his honest mask and took out a bright ax from the bag at his feet!
"Fuck!! Why bother talking to them? Just kill them all!!"

The ax handle was dyed with a dark red color, bright and dazzling.

"Damn bitch, if you don't want to die, bring me your fucking lunch box!"

Jin Shu slowly swallowed the food in her mouth.

There was still half of the lunch left. Because the portion was not small, the original owner's thin body could not eat that much at one time. (End of chapter)

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