Chapter 417: Horror game kills NPC (11)

Wang Juanli got up again without giving up and planned to continue pulling Jin Shu's legs, intending to give her a little more visual impact. Then she soon realized that she had kicked the iron plate, because just when her hand was about to touch it At the moment Jin Shu looked at her, a scorching fire suddenly splashed from her body onto her hands!


Wang Juanli screamed and quickly retracted her hand.

Jin Shu looked back at her and said nothing.

"I'll come back to you tomorrow to settle the score."

Shen Anan saw this scene in his eyes, fearing that Wang Juanli would change her target, so he closed his eyes and rushed forward regardless of life or death.

Finally arriving at the sleeper area, seeing that the time was only ten seconds, Jin Shu quickly grabbed the railing with both hands and jumped straight to the second floor.

Shen Anan followed suit and climbed up using both hands and feet.

Lexin and Gao Linjun chose another sleeper. As soon as they lay down, Lexin shouted.

"Time is up!"

At this moment, Xiaopai, who had not had time to go to bed, just stayed where he was.

Jin Shu patted the bed board.

"Six, five..."

Upon hearing this, the small platoon immediately realized that there was still enough time, so they climbed up directly regardless of whether there was anyone on the upper bunk.

When I got to the top, I realized that there was a person lying on the bed.

"Brother, I'm sorry to squeeze in together."

The other party didn't move at all.

Only then did Xiao Pai realize that the man's whole body was in an abnormally stiff state, with his hands hanging in the air in a gesture of covering his face. Coupled with the stench that kept creeping into his nose, Xiao Pai's Then I realized that this brother had been gone for a while.

But now he didn't care so much. Xiaopai quickly lay down, then folded his arms, closed his eyes, and held his breath to prepare for sleep.

Ten o'clock in the evening arrived quietly.

Jin Shu lay on the upper bunk near the door. She chose a position facing the ceiling. When she first lay down, she didn't feel anything. When her head actually fell on the pillow, she felt sleepy.

Indeed, this body has experienced fear, running, and fright. It is normal to lie down and feel sleepy at this time.

Just when she squinted her eyes sleepily and fell asleep, the door that had been closed by Xiaopai suddenly opened slowly by itself.

"Hello, cleaning service, do you need to clean your bed?"

She was sweeping the bed late at night, and when she heard it, she knew that there were some messy things. Jin Shu closed her eyes and ignored them and went to sleep. Not long after, the sound of a mop being rinsed in a bucket came to her ears. Then there was the sound of something being dragged on the ground and being dipped in water. It sounded a bit like a snake swimming around on the body. It was weird and uncomfortable that I couldn't describe in my mind.

Jin Shu frowned and slowly opened her eyes, her voice a little hoarse.

"Didn't you see we were sleeping? Can't you wait until dawn before mopping the floor?"

After saying that, she looked sideways down. In the dark carriage, as the train moved, bright lights passed quickly one after another from the window, making the whole space flicker.

In this alternation of light and dark, Jin Shu saw the "mop" being dragged back and forth on the ground.

The mop was black and long, with different lengths. As it moved, a face full of water stains and mud was revealed, and the eyes like dead fish were staring at Jin Shu on the bed through the long black hair. .

Looking at the mop pole again, a stiff and stiff body is being held in the arms of a fat woman and moving back and forth. The moment Jin Shu spoke, the obese woman suddenly stopped what she was doing. She grabbed the "human mop" with one hand and stuffed it into the bucket easily.

Under the dim light, he watched the fat woman slowly turn around.

She was strangely fat, like a toad that had stretched its body to its maximum size. She had no neck and a face as fat as melted lard. She was now facing the bed where Jin Shu was.

That face really couldn't be called a human face.

Because all the upper facial features were squeezed crooked by the melted fat, especially the eyes, which were squeezed until there was only a narrow gap left, which was almost negligible on this face.

But just such a pair of small eyes, when staring at people, give people a feeling of chills on the back and a threatening scream of stiffness all over.

She slowly walked towards Jin Shu, her body lengthening with every step she took.

Looking at it this way, she looks more like a lump of melted lard, and even her height can be stretched at will.

When she reached Jin Shu's bedside, her abstract and blurry face reached the height of the upper bunk.

Looking closer, this scene makes people even more nauseous.

A fishy smell invaded deep into the nasal cavity.

"Fat Oil" stared at Jin Shu and spoke slowly.

"After falling asleep, don't speak."

After speaking, she slowly opened her mouth, and a curled-up tongue slowly stretched out like a bug, approaching Jin Shu's face little by little.

Jin Shu frowned, looking displeased, looking at the tongue that kept moving towards her, with even more foul-smelling saliva dripping down from it.

"My mop isn't working anymore. Can you be my new mop?"

The tongue stretched out longer and longer, and the light and shadow alternated, as if a thick snake was slowly approaching Jin Shu.

Xiao Pai and Shen An'an on the other bed were so frightened that their bodies were stiff, and their backs were wet with sweat.

If this continues, Jin Shu will really be turned into a mop!

But neither of them dared to speak, because neither one wanted to become the next mop.

At this time, Jin Shu had no expression on her face and silently wrapped a piece of cloth on her hand.

Then when the tongue was about to touch her, and she was ready to attack at any time, Jin Shu, who was lying on the bed, suddenly stretched out her hand, and caught the tongue off guard.

"Fat Oil" was stunned, he didn't expect that he would dare to do this!
So the tongue in Jin Shu's hand struggled like a snake, and it was so strong that she wanted to drag Jin Shu out of bed.

Jin Shu's face was expressionless, and she lay motionless with her tongue clenched. No matter how hard it struggled, it was of no avail.

Soon I lowered my head and realized something was wrong.

Why is this player so powerful? !

It rushed towards Jin Shu's face with more force. Jin Shu's face turned completely cold. He moved his hands left and right and pulled the tongue horizontally and quickly manipulated it in the air.

Then, the long tongue was tied into a complicated bow.

This was not enough, Jin Shu wrapped the remaining tongue directly around her hand, not giving the thing underneath any chance to struggle and resist. She pulled the other hand with one hand and pulled the tongue out little by little.

The fat woman below had a long mouth, a face full of fat, and eyes full of shock and horror.

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