Chapter 428: Horror game kills NPC (22)

Looking at the horribly dead people on the ground, Jin Shu put down the book in her hand and looked at Lexin.

"You rushed to buy the rice, and you bought it for them. Do I have reason to suspect that you deliberately wanted to kill them?"

"Why should I hurt them?!"

Jin Shu smiled.

"So? Why should I harm them?
It’s okay if Lexin deceives others, don’t deceive yourself too.

Are you still a seasoned player with your brains? "

Jin Shu's words instantly touched the biggest secret deep in Lexin's heart.

She spared no effort to hide her identity as a veteran player along the way, and even tried so hard to lure the suspect to Jin Shu, just to get rid of the suspicion.

Unexpectedly, Jin Shu actually exposed it directly!
"It's obvious now who the veteran player is, right? If I were me, how could I not know there's something wrong with this lunch box!"

"So, why don't you know? Logically speaking, you have already played it once. At least you should have memorized the rules clearly.

But as for you, you are not as unfamiliar as me, a novice player. "

This sentence deeply hurt Lexin's heart.

She gritted her teeth and tried to stay calm, but her eyes full of unwillingness and hatred still betrayed all her emotions.

Xiaopai believed in Jin Shu unconditionally.

If she said this, it means that Espressif is an old player.

"I didn't expect you to lie to us for so long? But you, a veteran player, must have failed too much. Everyone followed you wholeheartedly, but as a result, we ended up like this."

"Shut up!!"

Lexin roared and glared at Xiaopai. His red eyes were indeed a bit scary. He looked a bit like the worker before he turned into a zombie yesterday.

But Xiaopai is not afraid.

How come the three of them, including the God of War Sister Jin, can't deal with Lexin?
“Holy shit, you’re really an old player, so you’re too good at this.

Come on, Sister Jin, tell her why she can’t eat today’s lunch! "

Xiaopai's movements were exaggerated, he rolled up the book and used it as a microphone and put it to Jin Shu's mouth.

Jin Shu has a good temper and doesn't care about him.

“When we first got on the train, the announcement was made that the train would travel for four days and that when it reached the early hours of the next day, the train would turn around and run in the opposite direction.

In other words, this train was already traveling in the opposite direction early this morning.

Anyone who has taken a train should know that when the train turns around, the direction of the seat will be adjusted directly.

This morning we walked into the second-class carriage in the same direction as the previous two days.

But no one realized that after the car turned around, this was no longer a second-class carriage.

According to Rule 4, if you are seated in your assigned seat, please eat in your own compartment.

And those who violate this rule will naturally be punished by the rules.

In fact, all escape methods are written in the rules, which means that as long as the rules are followed, the train is absolutely safe.

Lexin, you are an old player, but you should have discovered the same train, the same players, but the rules of the game have changed a long time ago, right?
Obviously, there was a reason for your failure the first time, and on this car, you almost broke the rules again. "

If Lexin hadn't been in a hurry to eat at that time, she would be among the corpses lying on the ground now.

Listening to Jin Shu's clear explanation and speculation, Lexin couldn't help but tremble...

Everything Jin Shu said is right.

She is a veteran player, and she thought that God would give her a chance to restart the game just to conquer this terrifying game.

But she never expected that the rules on the horror train would change slightly every time. Even if you remember these changes, you will easily forget them.

Once forgotten, the death knell will sound again.

"Since you knew it a long time ago, why didn't you remind them?! Are you just going to watch them die?!"

“I actually gave you a chance in my heart at that time.

If any of you are willing to share the extra lunch boxes with me, in return, I will remind you.

But it's a pity that you were the first to die without saving me. "

Jin Shu is not cold-blooded, but she is not a virgin either.

These words completely silenced Lexin.

Er Genzi finally calmed down, and without a small team, Lexin returned to its own position.

You can't eat today's lunch box.

From this point of view, from the beginning to the end, she only ate two more bites of the meal brought by Shen An'an than Gao Linjun. If she continues to be so hungry, her end should be similar to that of Gao Linjun.

At first, the platoon was still worried about how to deal with the corpses on the ground, but before he could figure out a way, the flight attendant returned again and quickly and neatly cleaned up all the corpses.

"To be honest, it seems that this paper puppet conductor is probably the most pleasing NPC on this train."

As long as she didn't break the rules, this flight attendant was a perfect nanny. She talked little but was diligent. The same was true for the previous corpses, which were neatly cleaned up by the flight attendant.

Compared with the mutated classmates, this unknown-looking flight attendant actually made Xiaopai feel a sense of intimacy.

Several people were missing during lunch time, and the carriage became quite empty in an instant.

Jin Shu continued to sit back and read. The original owner brought a lot of books in his schoolbag. Whether they were extracurricular books or books for class, Jin Shu could read them with gusto as long as they were brought over.

In this way, a few people sat peacefully until the afternoon. When the sky outside the window turned dark again, Xiaopai stretched out comfortably and let out a long sigh.

"In one day, we can leave this hellish place!"

After finishing speaking, he suddenly thought of something and looked at William hurriedly.

"Brother, you came in one day later than us, and you have to rely on yourself for the remaining day."

Xiaopai was very worried.

He was worried that if William died, he would not get any reward even if he completed the game and went out.

William saw through his mind, so he snorted coldly, his attitude still arrogant.

"Are you afraid that I won't get paid if I die? Then stay with me for one more day."

Xiaopai blinked and looked at Jin Shu.

"Is this okay?"

Jin Shu looked at the book without raising her head.

"Who knows, just give it a try."

"If you stay, I will stay. Anyway, I have to follow you, otherwise I will be just cannon fodder if I stay."

Xiaopai has a very clear understanding of his own strength.

The three of them were chatting like this when suddenly the door of the carriage behind them was opened again.

Jin Shu put down the book and looked at the door.

The small platoon was also a little nervous, not knowing what this wave of people coming this time was about.

The door opened, but no one came out.

While Xiao Pai was wondering, Jin Shu stood up suddenly and picked up her bag.

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