Chapter 436: Horror game kills NPC (30)

The sounds stood out in the darkness.

Jin Shu slowly turned her head, taking advantage of the darkness, to look at the bed opposite.

The pregnant woman's highly swollen belly is pointed straight up.

Although Jin Shu has never given birth to a child, she still knows a lot about childbirth, so she has never seen a pregnant woman who can sleep upright in the third trimester.

"crunch" "crunch"

After a while, the strange sound sounded again.

There was very very faint movement, even shallower than the sound of breathing, but Jin Shu's hearing and vision were beyond ordinary people, so she woke up immediately, and after observing for a while, she saw the scene in front of her.

The sleeping pregnant woman and her rhythmic chrysalis belly.

Slowly at first, the movement gradually became louder and louder, as if something was rolling around in his stomach.

Jin Shu's breathing was still as slow as if she was asleep, but her eyes were staring silently in front of her.

After a while, with a tearing sound, an arm only as thick as a thumb suddenly stretched out from the belly.

Immediately afterwards, a small, black figure slowly emerged from the belly.

Sister Zhao's belly was visibly deflated.

Immediately afterwards, the small black shadow jumped out of the bed and headed straight in the direction of Jin Shu.

Jin Shu squinted her eyes and watched it jump in front of her two or three times. After sniffing it twice, the extremely small arm began to slowly extend, easily grabbed the railing and jumped directly onto Jin Shu.

An ordinary person would definitely open his eyes at this time, and then start screaming after seeing the bloody little figure in front of him.

But Jin Shu didn’t.

She still narrowed her eyes, quietly waiting for the next move of this gadget.

Not seeing Jin Shu open her eyes, it seemed a little dissatisfied and once again jumped on Jin Shu's body.

Not awake yet?
It tilted its neck in confusion. On top of its small body was a huge head, which looked like a deformed alien. The two squeezed-out eyeballs on its head looked shaky.

Suddenly, it impatiently opened its big mouth and aimed at Jin Shu's heart to bite it. At this moment, Jin Shu suddenly reached out her hand, grabbed its body, and then jumped up from the bed.

The little thing in his hand looked like a loach, but it was much stronger than a loach. After being caught, it was stunned for a moment, and then struggled wildly in the next second. It had a big mouth full of fangs, and its neck was shaking and its head was shaking left and right. The right one bites randomly.

Jin Shu almost couldn't catch it, because it was covered in sticky liquid, and its temper was so strong that no matter what it bit, it would not let go until it tore off a piece of food.

Just like that, Jin Shu watched it bite off the railing in one bite, and then opened its mouth and bit off a strand of her hair.

If she had been slower to dodge just now, the meat on her neck would have been bitten off.

The little monster didn't expect Jin Shu to be able to grab it and not let go, so it became more and more crazy and angry, and started scratching Jin Shu's face with both hands.

Regarding this kind of thing, Jin Shu had a sullen face and frowned. Before she could find a way to deal with it, she directly let go of her hand and threw it out hard, and then kicked it hard in the air.

With a "pop" sound, the gadget was thrown directly against the wall.

Fortunately, no matter how strong you are, it can't change its weakness of only weighing four or five kilograms.

After throwing it out, Jin Shu stood up and looked at the corner. The little monster had disappeared. She stood there and listened carefully for a while, then suddenly raised her head and looked at the corner on the top of the car. A small thing climbing on the wall with both hands and feet opened its mouth full of fangs and pointed at Jin. Shu's back rushed over.

Now Jin Shu was prepared. She pulled off the tablecloth covering the table, unfolded it and held it in front of her. When the little monster pounced on it, she wrapped it in the tablecloth and then picked it up with the other hand. The chair at hand was turned upside down, and without giving the little monster any time to struggle and resist, he stuffed it and the whole piece of cloth into the middle of the chair.

The little gap between the four tables and chairs directly trapped the little monster tightly.

Under the tablecloth, the little monster struggled wildly, and soon the sharp claws tore the tablecloth apart.

Jin Shu firmly stepped on the chair under her, then leaned down to look at the little monster in front of her with teeth and claws.

Because the tablecloth was stuck to its body, it was stuck between the legs of the chair. Jin Shu knew that this thing wouldn't be able to trap it for long, so she held the chair with one hand and opened the window of the carriage directly.

A strong wind blew in, making a rustling sound in her ears. Jin Shu lifted the chair out, and the little monster inside began to scream.

The sound was like a child's cry and a wild beast's roar, which made people feel uncomfortable.

Just before Jin Shu let go, the little monster started crying.

The cry echoed through the car window and echoed throughout the car. Jin Shu suddenly felt a sharp pain in her brain, as if there were countless insects gnawing at her crazily. At this moment, she let go of her hand without hesitation. chair inside.

Unfortunately, in the darkness, the chair was cracked by the little monster's struggle, and the small figure directly grabbed the surface of the train and rushed towards the back of the carriage at a very fast speed.

Jin Shu watched it get into the second box, turned around and looked at Sister Zhao who was lying on the bed.

She closed her eyes tightly and looked like she was still asleep, but at this moment, her stomach was torn open quite horribly.

With such a big hole, unless the little monster had the ability to recover when it came back, it would be impossible for Sister Zhao, as a mother, not to feel something strange in her belly.

Jin Shu took another look, then found a needle and thread from the suitcases of other passengers in the carriage. Adhering to the principle of doing good deeds without leaving their name, she sewed up Sister Zhao's belly.

Before sewing, Jin Shu pulled off a piece of rope from her bracelet and used it as suture thread.

After doing this, Jin Shu returned to her bed, lay down and continued to sleep.

When I opened my eyes again, the sky outside was already slightly bright.

Xiaopai and William had been waiting outside the door early to check the time, but it was only four o'clock.

"I didn't sleep very well last night. I kept feeling like something was crying in the room next to me. It scared me so much that I couldn't close my eyes all night."

William heard it too.

"Jin Shu, what happened last night?"

Jin Shu nodded.

"I saw a little monster, but it ran away."


Xiaopai was a little worried.

"Will it hurt anyone? Do you want to catch it?"

Jin Shu shook her head.

"No need, that gadget will stay out for a short time, and it will come back sooner or later."

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