Chapter 443: Horror game kills NPC (37)

The red thread given by Jin Shu was now close to her skin, emitting black smoke.

Xiaopai's heart was beating wildly. For the first time, he felt that his heart was firmly in his chest. What a happy thing it was.

He quickly covered his heart. As soon as he raised his head, a gust of ghostly wind came towards him. Before he could shout out, his body was already subconsciously trying to leave his seat. escaped.

But suddenly he remembered Jin Shu's instructions.

"Sit here and don't move under any circumstances."

Yes, Jin Shu asked him not to move.

So Xiaodeng clung to the chair at hand, trembling all over and closing his eyes, gritting his teeth and waiting for the judgment of fate.

After a long period of dead silence, he opened his eyes again, and saw a ghostly face right in front of him. Xiaopai's heart almost stopped. However, the next second, the ghostly face crossed directly in front of him. If he looked carefully, he saw that it was golden. Shu grabbed one of his feet from behind and threw him back into the middle circle!

Looking at Jin Shu, who was standing in the center of the circle, with a calm face, steady eyes, and sharp movements, every move was like a hammer, hammering back the hearts of everyone in their throats!
At this time, after the ghost face was caught by one foot, ghost energy was emitted from all over his body, and wherever the black mist went, even the walls were corroded and peeled off.

However, not only did he not let go of his grabbed foot, but he slammed it to the ground with increased force!

Ghost Face was smashed directly to the ground. The moment it came into contact with the earth, it was stunned for a few seconds, and then it realized that it had really been beaten by a human just now!

It was originally quite at ease, but its anger suddenly surged. A thought came into its mind, and just when it was about to teleport to Jin Shu's head and pull her head off directly, it was shaken all over.

what happened? Why can't I move? !

Teleportation is a special ability that it activated after it came to this train, and it is also its invincible magic weapon. But at this moment, it was caught by the foot and had no ability to move at all! No matter how it controls its thoughts, its body still sticks to the ground, motionless.

Its heart was shocked, and it turned to look at Jin Shu, seeing that she was holding her foot with one hand, and the other hand was quickly wrapping something around its ankle.

It became angry, roared, and unleashed all its ghost energy to break free from Jin Shu's restraint. Seeing that she let go, the ghost face immediately planned to teleport away. However, this time, its body did intend to teleport, but the front half of its body was already gone. We arrived in another dimension, but the back half of our body seemed to be tightly bound by something, and I couldn't move no matter how hard I pulled!
After testing four or five times in a row, Ghost Face knelt on the ground, staring at the foot that Jin Shu had just grabbed.

At this time, on its ankle, a slender red thread was winding up in circles. It tore the trouser leg apart and found that the red thread seemed to be alive, winding all the way up the calf, like a parasitic vine. into its flesh and blood.

Another section of the red line appeared on Jin Shu's wrist.

Jin Shu took the thread and pulled it out, and the ghost face felt the red thread wrapped around its body emitting intense heat, burning its body, making it unbearably painful and almost going crazy!

Jin Shu stepped forward and knelt down to look at it.

"You're easier to catch than I thought."

The ghost-faced boy's ghostly face changed rapidly, and finally turned into a fair and pure boy's face.

It wasn't Yan Lu's face, but a face that was more immature, almost 14 or 15 years old.

"Is this your original appearance?"

"Who are you?"

The young man spoke calmly, as if he was not too panicked even after being caught.

Jin Shu looked at him.

"I'm just a player, doing what I want to do."

The young man suddenly laughed.

"Well, then you will indeed be completing your mission soon."

At this time, the speed of the train seemed to be gradually slowing down.

The people sitting aside felt that everything around them was slowly changing, and they couldn't help but feel ecstatic.

Are we really going to complete the mission? !
Jin Shu still looked calm.

"Tell me where you come from."

"Why should I tell you? I wish you were like me."

Jin Shu pulled the red rope, and the young man couldn't control the ghostly appearance on his face that changed back and forth between ferocious and delicate. "You are really smart and powerful. You are much more capable than I was back then."

What the boy said sounded illogical.

But what fell into Jin Shu's ears were all the secrets on this train.

"So? You were also a player back then."

"Don't know so much. People who are too smart will not end well."

Jin Shu continued to pull on the red rope, making him continue to feel the heartbreaking pain.

"I said these are all good for you. I'm helping you, but you do this to me?!"

The boy roared angrily.

Jin Shu showed no mercy.

"Unprovoked benefits are the most deadly in the world. Either tell me everything you know now, or I will make your life worse than death.

Don't worry, my methods will definitely make you talk, but are you sure you want to wait until then to tell me? "

The young man just lowered his eyes and sighed.

"I believe you, of course I believe you."

After saying that, he stretched out his hand towards Jin Shu. There was a black star on the young man's slender and pale wrist.

"Everyone who passed the customs back then had this mark on their body. It said that with this, you will not be selected by the system again.

Later, I volunteered to let it imprint, and when the next station opened, what was waiting for me was not the outside world, but the next carriage. "

The young man looked at her, his eyes calm with a hint of desolation.

"Do you know that feeling of being ready to leap into the light only to be dragged back into the darkness?"


"How do you understand? But you will understand soon. You are so powerful, you are simply the servant it dreams of."

Jin Shu wanted to ask who "it" was, but the boy shook his head.

"You don't have to ask me, I don't know either. Since you are so capable, it's up to you to find it."

The boy who needed to say it was almost done.

He looked at Jin Shu with a smile on his lips.

"I am the last boss of this game. You have to kill me before you can pass the level."

Jin Shu ignored him, turned around and handed the other section of the red line to Xiao Pai.

"Look at him."

Xiao Pai looked at the red thread in his hand and suddenly felt a little nervous and scared.

"I...can I do it?"

"If he's not honest, just pull him."

"like this?"

With a gentle tug from Xiaopai, the bound boy couldn't help but change into a ghostly face. It was obvious that he was in great pain.

That's fine, as long as it's useful.

Seeing Jin Shu was about to leave, Xiaopai asked quickly.

"Where are you going? Aren't you going to kill him?"

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