Chapter 446: Horror game kills NPC (40)

No one has ever been able to survive under her hands for so long!

Precisely because she was confident enough in her own strength, she was able to appear in front of Jin Shu with such ease.

Even if Jin Shu kills two of his planners without anyone noticing, the girl is not worried at all.

She was the one who released Jin Shu. She could release Jin Shu, and now she can also keep her in the game forever. Life would be worse than death!
The girl pressed hard again and again, and several times the fist almost touched Jin Shu's cheek, but Jin Shu was lucky enough to avoid it every time!

She was like a slippery loach, getting into big trouble but still running back and forth in the water, challenging the girl's last patience again and again, making her strike harder and harder every time!

Seeing Jin Shu rolling on the ground for two or three times and finally getting up in embarrassment, the girl kicked her all the way and finally forced Jin Shu into a corner.

She raised her lips and smiled contemptuously. The electric baton in her hand was already "sizzling" and "sizzling" with terrifying electric light. Even the air was filled with that terrifying electric current wherever it went.

"I gave you a chance to defeat me, but you didn't succeed!"

After saying that, she hit Jin Shu hard with the electric baton!
This time, she would definitely be separated by the electric spirit, leaving her dying!
The electric baton flashed blue light in the air, and the "cracking" electric current was about to fall on Jin Shu's body. Then at this moment, Jin Shu, who was originally trapped in the corner with no way to escape, suddenly grinned at the girl.

Seeing her smile, a trace of confusion flashed across the girl's eyes, and then the next second, Jin Shu directly raised her wrist and blocked the full blow of the electric baton without any fear!

There was a loud bang.

Electricity exploded with fire in the air.

Jin Shu used the copper coins on her bracelet to block the electric baton's blow. By the time the girl reacted, Jin Shu, who had just been blocked in the corner, had disappeared.

When did she disappear?

The girl was startled and turned around immediately.

Jin Shu was standing behind her at this time, with her hands in her pockets and a smile on her lips.

The girl's eyes were cold and full of murderous intent, and she finally regarded Jin Shu as an enemy.

"Do you know what will happen if you anger me?
Not only you, but also those friends who have followed you through life and death, must stay in the game forever! "

Jin Shu said "tsk".

I learned this from Xiaopai. A simple modal word can express many complex emotions.

"You want me to stay here forever? Then do you want to see where you are now?"

When the girl heard this, she was stunned.

Then she raised her eyes and looked around.

The lights flickering on and off, the empty carriage, the rickety seats, and the horrifying bloodstains painted on the walls...

This scene was all too familiar to her.

After all, everything here was designed by her herself.

But now, she is in the middle of her own work, and standing opposite her is the cannon fodder player she randomly selected.

Looking away, the girl smiled "hehe".

"Jin Shu, you are indeed quite capable. You actually led me into the game..."

No wonder every time she almost kicked Jin Shu to death, Jin Shu managed to escape with great luck. It turns out that she is waiting for her here.

"But so what? Don't forget, this is a game I designed, and this is my home court."

She is more familiar with everything here than anyone else. As a God's perspective, an eternal bystander, so what if she is in it now? If you want to clear the level and leave, isn’t it just a matter of minutes?
Jin Shu smiled, then slowly raised her hand and waved a small thing on her fingertips towards her.

A small, boxy screen looks quite inconspicuous, like a fingertip toy. Most people can't tell what it is.

But the moment the girl saw it, a trace of panic flashed through her eyes, which was originally domineering.

Her breathing was stagnant at this moment, her heart was beating wildly, and her blood was flowing backwards, but she still wanted to remain calm on the surface, with a smile on her face.

"What? You just stole something from me and thought it was a treasure?"

When she said this, the girl's eyes were fixed on the thing in Jin Shu's hand.

Jin Shu ignored her and raised the small screen in her hand. Then in front of her, she easily unlocked the screen's hidden secret key. Then the screen flickered, and a small fingertip computer suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

When the girl saw this, she was completely panicked. She almost screamed and rushed forward, grabbing the things in Jin Shu's hand regardless.

“Don’t fucking touch my things!!”

Jin Shu avoided her lightly.

Without the need to disguise, Jin Shu shuttled through the car with ease with the fingertip computer in her hand, challenging the girl's inner defenses like a cat catching a mouse.

The girl didn't expect that an ordinary high school player would have an unexpected situation like Jin Shu's IQ and strength!

You must know that when selecting players, the reason why we try to choose students is because we want to ensure that they have a clear mind and will not die after entering the game, and at the same time, we also want to ensure that they will not rebel against the game and lose control.

And now, as the world's ancient martial arts genius and the number one person in the ancient martial arts world, she has never met an opponent so far, but she can't even defeat a small high school student!
She was hysterical, getting more and more crazy, and her whole body showed an emotional explosion that almost collapsed.

Jin Shu, however, stared at the screen intently, tapping her fingertips quickly on the screen.

The girl sneered.

"Don't waste your time. This is not something that people like you can control. Do you think you can control your own destiny by stealing my computer?

Ha...your fate has already been arranged when you get in the car!
Now, return the computer to me, and maybe I can leave you a note..."

"Does your computer still have a screensaver? You usually like anime?"

Jin Shu directly turned the screen to face the girl. After seeing the comic characters on the screen, the girl's arrogance that was still hidden in her eyes was completely shattered.

Jin Shu believed in a saying that the light in a person's eyes cannot be hidden when he is frightened.

She has seen a lot of people and things, and it is clear to her whether the person opposite is really scared or is pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger.

It was obvious that the girl in front of him was really scared and panicked.

She clutched the corners of her clothes tightly with both hands, her whole body couldn't stop tensing up, and she stared at Jin Shu, wanting to tear her into pieces.

"When you were playing tricks on others, you never thought that you would be like this one day?"

Jin Shu smiled and tapped the small keyboard flexibly.

"what are you doing?"

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