Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 448: The first family of a dandy was killed in civil and military affairs of the entire dyna

Chapter 448: The dandy’s family killed all the civil and military officials of the dynasty (1)

"Jin Shu, you can choose to have a good rest."

There seemed to be some distress in Arnold's tone.

"Are you concerned about me?"

Jin Shu's attitude towards this savior has always been gentle. Arnold once gave her an extra life. In order to repay him, Jin Shu never thought of taking a good rest.

After all, when she chose to accept this kindness, she was already prepared to spend the rest of her life repaying the kindness.

Arnold smiled softly.

"Yes, I care about you. I don't know if you will believe it, but after so many years, I regard you as a partner.

You are my best partner and you help me a lot. "

"Thank you, but these are what I should do."

After saying that, Jin Shu closed her eyes and let her brain empty out for a short while.

She didn't know where she was now, but because she would return here every time the mission ended, even if it was just a temporary stop, Jin Shu felt that staying here would make her feel more at ease than staying anywhere else.

"Okay, now we can move on to the next mission."

"Now I don't want to make progress. You are putting me under a lot of pressure."

Arnold thought he had worked hard enough, but he didn't expect that in front of Jin Shu, it actually made him look like he was fishing secretly.

"Okay, okay, just kidding. If you're ready, the next mission is about to begin."

"The mission is over.

Task evaluation result: Excellent -.

Tasker: Jin Shu.

Whether to proceed to the next task: Yes.

Mission is starting...

1, 2, 3, the task was started successfully, and the tasker Jin Shu was loaded successfully.

Forty-eight hours the system loaded successfully.

The time flow rate ratio between the real and virtual worlds: 1:1, the system is open for hours. "



After the crisp slap fell, a sharp reprimand sounded in the yard.

"You are so brave, you dare to steal our young lady's things!
Come here, tie him up and beat him fifty times! "

Jin Shu opened her eyes, but before she could clearly see the situation in front of her, she heard the sharp voice beside her getting louder and louder.

"Why are you still standing there! Why don't you hurry up and hit me!"

Who to hit?

Jin Shu felt the burning pain in her hands, and her eyes seemed to be covered by something and she couldn't see clearly, so she subconsciously felt that she might be the one who was about to be beaten.

After waiting calmly for a while, the footsteps on both sides were steady and messy. It was obvious that someone with some skills was walking over.

Jin Shu was ready to stand up and resist at any time, but to her surprise, as soon as she stood up, the domineering voice next to her suddenly turned 180 degrees and shouted flatteringly.

"Miss! If you are feeling unwell, please do not get up and walk around at will!
Come, miss, sit down and rest quickly, and let your slave help you deal with this thief! "

Immediately afterwards, a pair of hands held her gently.

This time Jin Shu finally reacted.

Fortunately, she was a young lady and it was someone else who was beaten.

The current situation was a bit complicated, and Jin Shu didn't understand it yet. In order to prevent any accidents from happening, she coughed and then spoke.


A pink and white figure came close to him and whispered. "Miss, are you soft-hearted again? Don't forget what this man did to you! His old sweetheart outside sent him another letter this morning!
Didn’t I read the content of the letter to you? This kind of man has nothing to hurt! "

From just a few words, Jin Shu couldn't hear much useful information, but she was able to capture some important things.

First of all, the man who was beaten was most likely the husband of the original owner.

Secondly, the original owner's inability to see clearly was not because his eyes were covered, but because he was truly blind.

Finally, the squeaking maid next to me is not a good thing.

The master didn't say anything, so she directly overstepped her authority and took over. Now she is still trying to influence her master's thoughts.

Regardless of the cause and effect, Jin Shu could conclude that she could not listen to this traitorous slave.

"I told you to stop. Are you deaf?"

Jin Shu's voice was cold, with unquestionable decisiveness and majesty. As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone present subconsciously stopped their movements and looked at Jin Shu with a hint of caution.

"Miss, what's wrong with you today? If you have any trouble in your heart, please tell me directly. I will report it to the master right now and ask him to give it to you..."

“There is only one person who makes me unhappy right now, and that’s you.

Your voice has touched my ears. "

After a brief silence, the maid spoke again, her voice aggrieved.

"Since the young lady said that your voice is noisy, I will stop making noise to you.

Come on, let him go, and leave the rest to the lady. "

Because she couldn't adapt to the hazy eyes, Jin Shu didn't say anything more, she just stood up and said something.

"I'm tired, help me go back and rest."

The maid seemed to have noticed something strange about Jin Shu, and even after secretly guessing, she couldn't guess Jin Shu's thoughts, so she silently stepped forward to support her.

Back in the wing, the maid didn't want to leave yet, so she knelt down at Jin Shu's feet and started beating her legs.

"Miss, what's wrong with you today? There are no outsiders now. Can you tell me?"

Jin Shu couldn't see clearly what was in front of her, so she simply closed her eyes.

"Go down, I want to rest."


"Can't you understand people or are you deaf? I'll let you go down."

The maid was stunned for a moment, bit her lip, and finally lowered her head and walked out of the room silently.

Hearing the door being closed, Jin Shu opened her eyes again and looked at the foggy world in front of her.

This feeling is like a veil covering the eyeballs. You can vaguely see the outlines of nearby objects, but it is limited to these. As for whether the other person is a man or a woman, a dog or a cat, you have to guess. .

Jin Shu was not used to this feeling of not being able to see the world clearly. She lay down on the edge of the bed and unconsciously recalled some scattered fragments in her mind.

For example, a handsome boy in a torn white suit, covered in blood.

Since the original owner's imagination of things was so specific, this proved that her eyes were not born half-blind.

"Do you need to receive memories now?"

"Well, yes."

The room was extremely quiet, and the faint fragrance of flowers filled my nose. I closed my eyes and lay on the bed, enjoying myself very much.

But this leisurely life was gone after Jin Shu got all the plot.

Because according to the plot, the original owner's good life will only last a few days.

This time, Jin Shu entered an ancient farming text.

The original owner, Jin Shu, was the daughter of the magistrate of He'an County. She was eighteen years old and had been pampered since she was a child. Her parents loved her like a jewel.

He'an County is not big, but everyone knows Jin Shu's name. Although she is a woman, she never plays music, chess, calligraphy or painting. She only likes to roam around with a group of maids.

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