Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 456: The first family of a dandy was killed in civil and military affairs of the entire dyna

Gradually, the original owner frequently mentioned the name Jin Chuyao from his servants.

I also learned that one day at the county spring banquet, the person Mrs. Jin brought was not her, but Jin Chuyao.

Even when she went to patrol the store and collect bills, Mrs. Jin would take Jin Chuyao with her.

Once or twice, the original owner could bear it, but every time it was her biological daughter who was ignored, the original owner couldn't bear it anymore and immediately went to Jin Chuyao's yard to make a scene.

Not only did he smash all her belongings, but he also threatened to kick her out.

Jin Shu's riot was completely unreasonable in the eyes of the Jin family, and even made her appear domineering and unreasonable.

Mrs. Jin scolded the original owner a few words, and the mother and daughter started to quarrel in front of Jin Chuyao.

Mrs. Jin also has a fierce temper. She usually spoils her daughter, but when it comes to right and wrong, she is very strict with her daughter.

Seeing her mother protecting Jin Chuyao like this, during this period, Jin Shouan, a loser, was still helping Jin Chuyao to speak, implying that Jin Shu was ignorant and disobedient.

Just like that, Jin Shu just dropped a sentence.

"From now on we are no longer mother and daughter!!"

The original owner was angry, and due to his eyesight disease, his temper became even weirder and more extreme over time. In a rage, he said these unfilial words, which completely broke Mrs. Jin's heart.

The gap between mother and daughter just fell away.

Even though the two of them look like an ordinary mother and daughter when they face each other now, in fact Jin Shu knows better than anyone else that the two of them will never be as close as before.

After all, it was just a piece of flesh that fell off her body. Mrs. Jin still loved Jin Shu, but once the estrangement appeared, it would be too difficult to eliminate it.

Jin Shu understood the madness and extremeness of the original owner.

People with external disabilities are inherently sensitive and suspicious. At this moment, Jin Chuyao appeared in the house as a substitute. The relatives who should have stood firmly on their side, one by one, stood on the opposite side to protect Jin Chuyao. At the same time, he also accuses the original owner of being ignorant.

However, the original owner's suspicion and sensitivity made her the only one in the family who realized that Jin Chuyao was not as docile and sensible as she seemed on the surface.

But once she said it, it was her jealousy that caused trouble for Jin Chuyao.

From then on, the original owner gradually alienated his family, locked himself in Haitang Garden, and regarded a group of unruly slaves as his close people.

This is why the Haitangyuan gang can unite to bully Jin Shu.

Why didn't she tell her family that she was wronged?

Thinking of this, Jin Shu looked in the direction.

Those foggy eyes looked a little innocent and confused because they were dull when looking at things.

Jin Chuyao walked over and sat directly next to her.

"If you have anything to say, you can tell me directly. Is that man in your yard bullying you again?"

Jin Shu usually gets angry because of this.

"Telling you? What can you do? Help me beat him up?"

"I...I can help you talk to him. You are my sister. I hope you can find a good match."

Jin Shu nodded.

"Well, thank you sister." "My aunt is still angry with you because of this. She hopes that you can find a normal man for marriage leave. There are so many good men in the county. You don't have to hold on to one of them, let alone that one." He is still a poor scholar with nothing.

This autumn banquet, my aunt plans to take you with her, saying that she wants to find a good husband for you at the banquet.

You must not let your aunt down again this time. "

Autumn Banquet is one of the two most important festival banquets in He'an County every year.

There will be a worship ceremony to pray for good weather in the coming year.

Because He'an County has good mountains and rivers, beautiful scenery and pleasant climate, many dignitaries from Beijing and China will come here for leisure tours.

Changju Lake, which happens to be adjacent to An County, is directly connected to the capital, making travel between the two places more convenient.

When Jin Shu reached age, Mrs. Jin naturally wanted to find a good husband for her.

The autumn banquet is the best opportunity. Not only the dignitaries from the county will be present, but also dignitaries from the capital. The royal family and relatives dare not think about it, but as the daughter of the sixth-rank county magistrate of the current dynasty, she still has real power. , the son of any fifth-grade upright official can still be worthy of it.

It's a pity that Jin Shu has an eye problem and her reputation is not good. Although in the eyes of her family she is very good and worthy of the best son in the world, Mrs. Jin also knows that her daughter can marry a seventh-rank official. is enough.

When the time comes, prepare a generous dowry so that your daughter will not suffer even the slightest injustice when she arrives at her husband's house.

But there was a reason why Mrs. Jin didn't come to Jin Shu about this matter.

Jin Shu had a stubborn temper and had her sights set on Li Yong. If she had known in advance that Mrs. Jin was taking her to the Autumn Banquet to find a husband for her, Jin Shu would definitely not have gone.

So Mrs. Jin specially asked her to make some beautiful clothes first, and then took advantage of Jin Shou'an's recent frequent visits between mother and daughter to lobby for this opportunity to repair the relationship with Jin Shu.

After all, they are mother and daughter, so there is no such thing as deep hatred.

But now, Jin Chuyao directly told Jin Shu about this, and made it clear that Mrs. Jin took her to the autumn banquet just to marry her off as soon as possible, and to break up her and Li Yong.

In the original plot, after hearing what Jin Chuyao said about this incident, the original owner directly threw these good materials out and asked Jin Chuyao to take the message back. Even if she was an old aunt in this life, she would never marry Li Anyone except Yong.

After returning home, Jin Chuyao only had to repeat the original words, and Mrs. Jin fell down so angry that she almost vomited blood.

The love of the parents is far-reaching.

Jin Shu's eye disease cannot be cured. In the future, when the county magistrate and Mrs. Jin grow old, someone will have to continue to take care of her.

But Li Yong looked cold and aloof, and would never have the temperament to take care of others, so Mrs. Jin would never agree to the two of them being together.

Taking advantage of such a good opportunity as the Autumn Banquet, she just wanted to find a reliable home for Jin Shu, so that she would not have to suffer any pain for the rest of her life and could live a leisurely life.

But the mother and daughter never said anything thoughtful. The original owner only thought that the mother deliberately separated them and just wanted to marry her off as soon as possible so that she would be less of a burden.

Coupled with the fact that Jin Chuyao is the intermediary, just adding one or two words to an original sentence can make the relationship between mother and daughter tense.

Mrs. Jin is not easy to fool, Jin Chuyao does not dare to deceive her at all.

But Jin Shu is different. She is fragile and sensitive, and Jin Chuyao is very good at controlling her emotions.

"Sister, I hope that you and Mr. Wu will have a good outcome, but my aunt will definitely not agree. You should prepare carefully for this autumn banquet. Maybe you can find a good husband at the autumn banquet. Woolen cloth?"

After saying this, she silently waited for Jin Shu's next reaction.

Will you just use scissors to twist the fine fabric, or will you just throw the material out and continue to go crazy?
(End of this chapter)

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