Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 458: The first family of a dandy was killed in civil and military affairs of the entire dyna

Chapter 458: The dandy’s family killed all the civil and military officials of the dynasty (11)

"More than ten years have passed in a blink of an eye."

Zhang Shixu sighed with emotion.

Mrs. Jin echoed with a smile.

"Master Zhang was only sixteen years old at that time. In just twelve years, you were already the governor of the current dynasty, and our man is still staying in this county."

The county magistrate and Mrs. Jin are both natives of He'an County.

Zhang Shixu left home two years in advance to take the exam. When he was in He'an County, he encountered bandits. The book boy was killed and his baggage was robbed. He wandered alone in He'an County, earning money by selling calligraphy and paintings.

At that time, the county magistrate and Mrs. Jin were already married. Mrs. Jin's natal family was the most famous wealthy businessman in He'an County. With his wife's help, magistrate Jin's exam preparation career was very smooth.

Magistrate Jin had limited talent and failed the exam twice.

Fortunately, Mrs. Jin has been silently supporting him and has taken on the responsibility of supporting the family and raising children on her own.

It was at this time that Magistrate Jin saw Zhang Shixu selling calligraphy and paintings in a bookstore.

Although there was a huge age difference, the two hit it off and had a great conversation.

After hearing what happened to Zhang Shixu, Magistrate Jin immediately went back to discuss with his wife and free up a guest room for Zhang Shixu to stay temporarily.

Although Zhang Shixu was only sixteen years old at that time, his speech and behavior were calm and sophisticated, not to mention talented. Magistrate Jin, who had studied for so many years, could only call himself a student when he was in front of him.

Mrs. Jin immediately sent her servants to vacate the guest room, accepted Zhang Shixu, and lent him money to study.

Two years later, the two took the scientific examination together.

Zhang Shixu won six yuan in a row and became the number one scholar in one fell swoop. Although Magistrate Jin was far inferior to him, he still got a good ranking and was assigned to He'an County as a county official.

Over the years, Zhang Shixu has been like a golden dragon entering the sea, showing off his talents in the court, and is deeply valued and trusted by His Majesty.

Magistrate Jin didn't have much ambition for fame, so An Anxin became the magistrate of He'an County.

Seeing each other again after ten years, the cautiousness when we first arrived soon became a lot more harmonious and harmonious with the addition of Jin Shu.

"I still remember that when I called you Uncle Zhang, you hit me on the head and asked me to call you Brother Zhang."

There is only a difference of ten years, so there is something wrong with calling him uncle.

Jin Shu's words couldn't help but make Zhang Shixu laugh.

"It was fun to see you at that time, just to tease you. Now you can just call me Uncle Zhang."

As soon as these words came out, Mrs. Jin on the side looked shocked.

The governor will never have any relationship with officials.

This time I invited him as a guest, and I was prepared to avoid suspicion, and just treated it as a gathering of colleagues.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Shixu, who had always been cautious in official circles, would actually ask Jin Shu to call him Uncle Zhang.

This shout out was a disguised admission of his close relationship with the Jin family.

Mrs. Jin originally wanted to gently pull Jin Shu's arm to remind her to call someone, but unexpectedly, Jin Shu grinned, revealing a row of white teeth, and shouted softly.

"Brother Zhang."

The girl's voice was soft, but not even flattering, and it didn't make anyone feel any discomfort.

"After all, you are only ten years older than me, but calling you Uncle Zhang makes you look older.

When outsiders are here, you are Mr. Zhang. When family members are here, I will call you Brother Zhang just like when I was a child. "

This chapter is now an important minister in the court, and his words are quite weighty. If he can have a good relationship with him, it will also be good for what Jin Shu wants to do.

It is absolutely impossible for Jin Shu to push out people who can be friends.

In the original plot, the reason why the Jin family was executed by the prince was because Zhang Shixu failed in the court. He was a centrist, but after rejecting the invitation of the prince Li Yong, he was framed and briefly imprisoned. When he came out, more than a dozen members of the Jin family had their heads dismembered and could no longer recover.

After that, Zhang Shixu blamed himself excessively and was framed by others. The current situation was turbulent and the court was in a turbulent atmosphere. The powerful only cared about fame and fortune, but the people suffered numerous life and death injuries due to the severe drought.

Feeling negative and sad, Zhang Shixu chose to resign and return to his hometown. Soon after, he also fell seriously ill and passed away.

When he died, he was only twenty-nine years old.

Such a genius, who is rare in a century, died in the civil strife in the court when he should have shown his talents.

After reminiscing, Jin Shu toasted Zhang Shixu with a cup of tea.

"Ah Shu is sensible and well-behaved. Is she married?"

At this time, Jin Chuyao, who had been left alone for a long time, finally had a chance to speak.

"Sister Jin is not married yet."

Mrs. Jin on the side smiled helplessly.

"The child has been spoiled by us. Even though he is a grown-up girl, he just wants to stay at home and make you laugh."

This topic was brought up, and Jin Chuyao sat contentedly waiting to see Jin Shu's next reaction.

"Marriage still depends on Ah Shu's wishes. The matchmaker's words are not enough to satisfy the two people's love. It is serious to like each other."

For what he said, Jin Shu almost applauded him.

For ancient men to have this kind of enlightenment, it was like a meteor hitting the earth. It was a unique thing.

Mrs. Jin didn't like hearing this, but due to Zhang Shixu's status, she could only smile bitterly.

"As parents, I naturally like my children to marry the person of their choice, but the premise is that the man is indeed of good character. If this is not satisfied, I will definitely not agree."

"It's natural."

Having said this, Jin Chuyao has been observing Jin Shu's reaction.

I found that she was just drinking tea silently from beginning to end, nodding slightly from time to time, as if she was agreeing, and she was not angry at all!

What happened to her today? Mrs. Jin's words made it clear that she wanted to break up her and Li Yong. Jin Shu, who would jump in response whenever someone said anything bad about Li Yong, was actually calm at this time, with her eyes slightly lowered, as if she was not involved.

Was she so stupid that she didn't hear the objection in Mrs. Jin's words?

Jin Chuyao realized that it was not okay to continue like this, and such a good opportunity could not be missed in vain, so she seemed to have no intention of saying it.

"Isn't the Autumn Banquet coming soon? Why don't you, sister, take advantage of this opportunity to make more preparations? I heard that the Autumn Banquet has the most good guys. This opportunity only comes once a year, so I can't miss it."

Everything he said was for Jin Shu's sake.

There was a hint of concern in his words, and no one who heard it could find anything wrong with him.

Mrs. Jin was speechless.

She knew her daughter's temper, but she must not lose her temper in front of Governor Zhang.

At this time, everyone was waiting for Jin Shu's reaction.

Jin Chuyao was sure of what Jin Shu would say next.

Nothing more than a strong rejection.

It just so happened that Jin Shu was not going to attend the autumn banquet this time. As the county magistrate's wife, Mrs. Jin had to attend the autumn banquet and would definitely bring others with her.

Then this person can only be Jin Chuyao.

Those who can attend the autumn banquet are all dignitaries and people with high status.

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