Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 460: The first family of a dandy was killed in civil and military affairs of the entire dyna

Chapter 460: The dandy’s family killed all the civil and military officials of the dynasty (13)

The next second, Jin Shu said something again.

"The pavilion in our yard has no ventilation at the front and back. It's very hot and stuffy when you sit there. Xiaowu and Xiaoliu, you two demolished the pavilion and rebuilt it for me before dark today."

The two looked at each other, and after looking at Aunt Zhou, they made gestures for a while.

Grandma Zhou stared at Jin Shu, and then walked forward.

"Miss, are you dissatisfied with these slaves in Haitang Garden today?
All of us have been working hard all morning for you, Miss, just so that you, Miss, can be happy when you return to Haitang Garden.

Xiaowu and Xiaoliu fell so badly a while ago, and they haven't recovered yet. Just let them do such heavy work.

Mammy, I am so old, and it is so hot today and you are deliberately making things difficult for me by asking me to dig up those stubborn bamboo shoots. Could it be that you want to watch the old slave die directly in that bamboo forest?

Did you get angry in the yard next door again? After all, grandma is the person who has nurtured you for several years. If you are angry somewhere else, you want to come back and take it out on grandma? "

Who in the whole yard doesn't know that Jin Shu and Grandma Zhou have the best relationship. There is only one elder in the yard who has watched Jin Shu grow up. Even if others don't give him face, Jin Shu, who has always been domineering when he goes out, never What kind of temper will he lose to Aunt Zhou?

In the past, when Grandma Zhou said this, Jin Shu had already apologized in a low voice.

The reason why the big guys in Haitang Garden can be so honest and lazy is precisely because of the protection of Grandma Zhou.

Seeing someone standing up for themselves, Xiaowu and Xiaoliu looked at each other and smiled. They were about to leave, but the next second they heard Jin Shu coolly say something.

"Thank you for remembering who is the slave and who is the master. I hold all the bonds of renunciation in my hand. You refuse to do anything when I tell you to do something. What's wrong? You don't want to work in Haitang Garden or stay in Jin Mansion. ?
Whoever doesn’t want to stay here should come to me and make it clear now.

This lady is not a mean person. If you want to leave, you can tell me anytime. After you get slapped, someone will immediately throw you out of the backyard!

Xiao Wu Xiao Liu, I heard that one of you broke his arm and the other broke his leg a while ago. You haven't recovered well after half a month of rest, right?

Such a weak body is really not suitable for working in the house anymore. Come on, give these two people twenty bucks each and send them out directly through the back door. "

what? !

Want to drive them out? !
The two people who were laughing and joking at first and not taking it seriously were now visibly panicking. Their pleading eyes kept looking towards Grandma Zhou, and they kept begging for mercy.

"Miss, miss, please don't make fun of us. This slave has grown up in the mansion since he was a child. He has never left the Jin mansion in his life. From now on, he will be a member of the Jin mansion and die as a ghost of the Jin mansion!"

Jin Shu was tired from standing, so she simply held the table and sat directly under the pavilion. Although her tone was leisurely, it was full of undeniable majesty.

"I just fell down and lay down in bed to rest for half a month. I didn't do any work. There were people waiting for me to eat and drink. I also asked this lady for some medical money.

With such treatment, who can tell whether you are a slave or a master?

I wrestle every day and have never stayed in bed for so long like you!

Jin Mansion is not a place to do good deeds. I spend money to buy slaves like you just to make you work hard.

Since you can't even do this bit of work, what else does Jin Mansion want you to do? Do you want to continue to be the masters of the house? Are you going to have to ask me to serve you food and drink someday? !

Come here, twenty boards per person, call me now! Beat them until they can't get up! "

Guarding Jin Shu were the guards whom Jin Shu asked Jin Shou to pay a lot of money to hire. They all worked as servants in the palace, and when they got older, they retired and became domestic guards. With their current skills, it would be no problem to kill three domestic slaves with one punch.

With an order, Xiaowu and Xiaoliu were directly pushed to the ground, howling loudly and unable to move.

Jin Shu frowned as she was dissatisfied with the noise, and the two guards stuffed their mouths tightly with rags.

Seeing that something was wrong, Grandma Zhou panicked and rushed over to snatch the person, but was pushed to the ground by the guard.

"You bastards dare to push me!"

After she finished scolding, she woke up in surprise and hurried to Jin Shu, crying loudly.

"Miss! Miss, why are you doing this! Xiaowu and Xiaoliu have been with the miss since childhood, and they have been loyal to the Jin family for so many years!
Your Majesty also has great trust in them and sends them to serve you.

Miss, if these two children do anything wrong, you can beat them and scold them, but you must not drive them away, which will chill the hearts of everyone in the house! "

What he said was sincere and full of emotion.

But even if Jin Shu couldn't see clearly, she could still guess that the old guy in front of her was howling and making a fuss despite thunder and no rain.

"Are you teaching me how to do things?"

As soon as these words were said, the two guards no longer hesitated, one held down the other and dragged Xiaowu and Xiaoliu out of Haitang Garden.

"Miss! If you drive them away, you are equivalent to driving me away!
If they leave today, the old slave will not be able to stay in this Jin Mansion any longer! "

"Oh, that's okay. You are so old. You can just go out with your two grandsons. You won't have to worry about no one to take care of you."

Jin Shu said this calmly and coolly, and the maids nearby were all frightened when they heard it. They all lowered their heads and did not dare to say anything.

Aunt Zhou, who was crying just now, stopped crying instantly. She looked at Jin Shu with an old face in shock. She was still howling at first, but the next second she burst into tears.

"Miss! This old slave has been working hard in the Jin Mansion for decades. In the end, you will not only drive away my grandson, but also drive out my useless old bones, right?"

With this tearful accusation, Grandma Zhou seemed to have turned into Dou E at this moment. She was filled with grievances and could not vent her grievances. She was covering her heart with one hand and was about to collapse at any moment.

But unfortunately, Jin couldn't see her life-or-death look at all.

Her eyes were calm, as if she was staying out of the situation, and it seemed that Aunt Zhou's crying could not reach her ears at all.

"Why are you still standing there? Drag her out too. After a few mouthfuls of your milk, you will treat yourself as my lady's master.

Isn’t it enough that you have been allowed to misbehave in Haitang Garden for so many years? Now I still want to beat him up, it's really a pity that people are old and have a bad heart. "

When Grandma Zhou saw that the two guards were really coming to arrest someone, she saw that Jin Shu was determined to drive away her whole family, so she turned around and ran out the door.

Just as the guard was about to chase after him, he heard Jin Shu say calmly.

"No need to chase her, just let her go."

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