Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 462: The first family of a dandy was killed in civil and military affairs of the entire dyna

"Nanny Zhou has followed me into the mansion for so many years and raised you. Jin Shu, how could you treat her like this now!"

Mrs. Jin values ​​​​love and justice, which is her advantage, but now it has become a shortcoming that makes people feel ridiculous.

Jin Shu stood up. Although she could not see, she could walk straight in front of Mrs. Jin.

"Mom, why don't you listen to what I have to say and become the judge again?"

"What else can you say? You want to drive away Aunt Zhou and Xiaowu and Xiaoliu. Have I wronged you?"

Mrs. Jin did not expect her children to become talented in this life, but she only hoped that they would grow up to be well-behaved, repay kindness, be rich and benevolent.

But today Jin Shu can be so heartless even to her former wet nurse, how can she be expected to treat the people of He'an County!

Jin Chuyao looked serious on the side. Although she was a cousin, her tone sounded like Jin Shu's elder.

"Sister, it is true that you did something wrong this time. You can do whatever you want on weekdays, and my aunt tries to tolerate you as much as possible.

But Aunt Zhou has worked hard for the Jin family all her life, and she is considered half a relative of yours. No matter how Xiaowu and Xiaoliu provoke you, how can you be so willful as to drive the whole family out if they don't talk to each other? .

My daughter is lucky. She just recognized Governor Zhang as her uncle in the morning, and something like this happened in the afternoon!

Every time she saw this scene, Jin Chuyao felt happy.

These words really spoke to Mrs. Jin’s heart.

Anyway, no matter what, she shouldn't be as indifferent and expressionless as she is now.

However, this family only cares about themselves at the critical moment! At a time when no one has enough to eat, the ones who really deserve to survive should be people like her who are both mentally and physically sound!

Jin Chuyao looked at her, looking forward to Jin Shu's next reaction.

In the last life, this selfish mother and daughter, in order to escape famine for their own family, actually left her to fend for herself in He'an County!
Although she is just a relative, she is also a member of the Jin family!

Jin Chuyao no longer remembers how many nights after her rebirth she was awakened by nightmares.

This made Mrs. Jin, who had had some changes in her view of Jin Shu, now even more filled with hatred for iron!
"Jin Shu, you disappoint me so much!"

If you really do this, what will the people of He'an County think of our Jin Mansion in the future? As an official in He'an County, how will my uncle gain a foothold in front of the people and the governor in the future? "

And of her two daughters, one is blind! What a fool! What's the use of surviving? It’s not a burden in the end!
Thinking of the scene when the family left, Jin Chuyao was so filled with hatred that her teeth almost broke!

It was so interesting when the mother and daughter quarreled. No one gave in to the other. In the end, one was so angry that she wanted to roll on the ground, and the other was so angry that she almost suffered a stroke and fell to the ground. In short, they were more enemies than enemies.

Just use such a small amount of money to make up for the guilt of abandoning her?

At this juncture, it was when the governor was on tour, and the nearby officials wanted to let their relatives eat fast and chant Buddha's name, just to leave a good impression on the governor.

And what about Mrs. Kim?
At the last moment, he chose his biological daughter!

After saying this, I thought that Jin Shu would feel a little guilty or upset, or be emotional.

Especially at the end, Jin Shu threw her a bag of copper coins like charity.

But now, God has given her another chance, so that she can not only make all complete preparations in advance, but also free up time to take revenge.

The entire Jin family is her enemy!
And she wanted everyone in the family to taste the pain she felt back then!
Didn't Mrs. Jin choose Jin Shu at the beginning? Then Jin Chuyao wants to see how long the drama of the deep love between mother and daughter can continue!
Faced with a useless trash like Jin Shu, how long can Mrs. Jin tolerate her?
Jin Chuyao felt extremely happy when she thought about the scene where the two mother and daughter broke up.

This scene happened much faster than expected. Maybe today, depending on Jin Shu's temperament, these two people will have a good fight again! However, Mrs. Jin here has finished outputting, with a serious expression, waiting for her daughter in front of her to go crazy at any time.

As a result, Jin Shu didn't cry or make a fuss. She walked straight to Mrs. Jin and took off the pink robe she was wearing. Amid everyone's puzzled eyes, she rolled up the two sleeves on her arms and pulled Bai Shengsheng's arms away. So exposed.


Before Mrs. Jin finished speaking, her eyes suddenly caught sight of Jin Shu's two arms hidden under her long sleeves. From the elbows to the wrists, the layers of scars were shocking.

New ones, old ones, stacked together.

Among them, the snow-white skin of the one injured recently turned bright red, and the black scabs looked quite dazzling, which unexpectedly stung Mrs. Jin's heart.

Jin Shu's absent-minded eyes were facing her. She didn't need any crying or reasoning, just a light question.

"In the entire Haitang Garden, there are nine people from top to bottom, all of whom are serving me.

Do you think that I live a very comfortable life every day and scold these servants all because I am unreasonable? "

Mrs. Jin’s eyes turned red at some point.

Even when the argument with Jin Shu was the most fierce and intense, she didn't even see her eyes turn red.

But now looking at her daughter's scarred arms, the originally strong woman suddenly seemed to have had all her strength removed.

"What...what's going on? Why did you never tell me? How did this happen?!"

Nanny Zhou, who was crying and howling beside her just now, bent down with a guilty conscience, trying her best to look more pitiful.

"Madam, these old slaves don't know. My lady never lets old slaves serve me personally, and these injured old slaves don't know either!"

No matter what, let’s get rid of it first.

Jin Shu "looked" at her, knowing that she couldn't see anything clearly, but Grandma Zhou still felt an inexplicable sense of oppression.

"You are the grandma who manages the courtyard. You said you didn't know I was beaten like this?"

Jin Shu raised her lips and sneered.

"Every day, I trip over different things, branches, stones, benches, chairs, these things appear in front of me as if they have legs.

I have never cared about you since you have been with me for so many years.

But now, you two are cheating and cheating right in front of my eyes, and you still want me to continue to pretend that I don’t know anything? "

Mrs. Jin was breathing rapidly and couldn't help but reach out to grab Jin Shu's arm, but Jin Shu dodged it and put her two scarred arms into her sleeves.

"Why did you never tell me?"

"Is it useful to say that? Three years ago, during the winter solstice, I was thrown to the head and my head was bleeding. I told you that someone put rocks under my feet, but you blamed me for being playful.

From then on I knew that I was blind and could only rely on myself. "

(End of this chapter)

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