Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 493: The first family of a dandy was killed in civil and military affairs of the entire dyna

Among the refugees, at the foot of the city wall of He'an County, a figure wearing rags and linen clothes squatted there.

The woman had a gray face, messy hair, her face was blackened and dirty, and there was no valuables on her body. She looked like an ordinary refugee huddled there.

Few people paid attention to her before.

But today, many people came up to ask. Of course, the question was not her, but the girl in gorgeous clothes who was squatting in the corner with her.

The girl was wearing expensive silk satin, and her hair was neatly combed and shiny. Although her face was a little dirty, it did not affect the roundness and fullness of her cheeks.

Anyone can tell at a glance that this girl is definitely not a refugee, and she must be a rich girl from some family in the city.

Nowadays, the world is difficult and everyone is in danger. Let alone wearing rich clothes, even having a full meal is a luxury that is unimaginable in dreams.

Everyone was suffering from hunger. At first glance, both men and women were sallow and thin, so the girl looked more and more conspicuous, and almost no one could ignore her existence.

From the beginning, whenever anyone tried to get close, someone would appear at the foot of the city gate and threaten with swords.

Therefore, those people with ulterior motives were afraid of the girl's identity, so they could only squat nearby and secretly look up.

At this time, the entire He'an County has not had a drop of rain for nearly three months. The ground under my feet is dry and cracked, and the sand and gravel are rolling freely in the wind, and the slaps on my face are painful.

Even if Jin Qi lowered her head, she could feel that her mouth and nose were filled with sand.

"Sister Chu Yao, I feel uncomfortable with the heat. I want to take a bath."

"Keep persisting. If you give up now, then all our previous efforts will be in vain."

Jin Qi frowned in discomfort, her expression somewhat reluctant.

When Jin Chuyao saw this, her eyes darkened slightly, but her expression became gentle in an instant.

"Aqi, my sister is doing this for your own good. If you think about it carefully, if you go back easily this time, your parents will definitely think that you are easy to coax and deceive. No matter how Jin Shu bullies you in the future, They won't take you seriously.

But if you are determined to teach them a lesson this time, as time goes by and your parents see your determination, they will definitely relent and take the initiative to take you back.

By then, everyone will have seen your strengths and weaknesses, and who will dare to talk about you and bully you casually?
The reason why you were beaten like that by Jin Shu that day was because you didn't hold them accountable or teach them a lesson. So in the end, who will give you justice? In the end, weren’t you the one who was wronged for no reason?

In short, if you can persist, then my sister will always be outside with you and protect you.

If you can't hold on, then you can go back. The door is right there. You can go and don't worry about sister. "

Jin Qi looked at Jin Chuyao with tears in her eyes, her voice choked with sobs.

"Sister Chu Yao... From the whole family, you are the best to me.

I want to stay with you, and if they don't let you in, then I'll never go in again! I no longer recognize them as my parents! "

Jin Chuyao nodded with satisfaction, her smile was extremely gentle.

"I know Aqi loves me the most. Aqi is so powerful. I will definitely let my uncle and aunt see how powerful you are this time!"

Jin Qi nodded heavily.

"Yes! Since they are so partial to Jin Shu, let them only keep Jin Shu as a daughter! All I need is sister Chu Yao!"

After saying that, Jin Qi held her stomach and said with difficulty.

"Sister Chu Yao, do you have anything to eat? I'm so hungry."

Jin Chuyao had a sullen face, trying hard to smile, then took out the pancake hidden in the package and broke half of it to her.

"It's too dry. Eat slowly. There will be a lot of delicious food when you go back."

"Don't worry, Sister Chuyao. If they want me to go back, they have to take you with them, otherwise I won't go back!" Jin Chuyao felt much better after hearing this.

Although he still gritted his teeth in pain when watching her eat his precious dry food, when he thought of his true purpose, he could only continue to endure it.

After what happened in the forest last time, when he woke up again, Li Yong had been rescued by his attendants.

The wolves were afraid of fire, so Li Yong had nearly a hundred guards under his command to bring the two of them out of the forest.

Jin Chuyao thought that Li Yong would relent and give her another chance, but she didn't expect that the first thing the man did after waking up was to order her to be thrown out to die!

Jin Chuyao tried her best to make that cold-hearted man change his mind.

So in the end she ended up living and eating with the refugees.

He'an County is her only hope now. The only place in the world that accepts refugees is He'an County.

In order to survive, Jin Chuyao had no choice but to bite the bullet and return to the place she once hated the most.

The situation has developed to a point that she did not expect at all.

I thought that after Li Yong ascended the throne, she would skyrocket and take the position of queen.

In the end, after working so hard for so long, she ended up with nothing and hungry.

Thinking of this, Jin Chuyao's heart almost bursts with hatred!

Now Jin Qi is her last hope. As long as Jin Qi can defeat the Jin family, as long as the Jin family lets her go to the city, she will be confident that she can be accepted by that family again.

But now, she can't even enter the city gate!

The useless Jin Qi only knows how to eat now! After eating, go to bed! Jin Chuyao's expression of ignorance of human suffering made Jin Chuyao surge with hatred.

She worked so hard, but in the end her life was worse than that of a fool!
Seeing that the life outside was getting more and more sad, Jin Chuyao couldn't hold on any longer, so she started to tease Jin Qi again.

"Aqi, why haven't your parents taken you back for so long? Did Jin Shu say something to you behind your back again?"

Jin Qi has been outside for three days, and her originally fair and tender face is now quite darkened by the wind and sand.

"No! My parents love me the most! They will definitely take me back!"

"Where is that person? It's been three days, why hasn't anyone come to pick you up?"

Jin Qi suddenly fell silent.

Yes, her parents love her so much, why haven't they come to pick her up after so long?

Jin Shouan happened to be standing at the city gate tower at this time. Seeing this, Jin Qi couldn't help but rush into the city gate to ask for an explanation from him.

As a result, she was stopped by the guards as soon as she arrived at the city gate.

"Do you have a pass?!"

The guard was aggressive, with a stiff attitude and a stern expression. Jin Qi was frightened to death with just one word.

She trembled for a moment, then angrily pointed at the guard's nose and shouted loudly after she realized what was happening.

"Dog slave! Do you know who I am?! Do you dare to stop me? I will ask my father to beat you to death!"

(End of this chapter)

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