Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 497: The first family of a dandy was killed in civil and military affairs of the entire dyna

Chapter 497: The dandy’s family killed all the civil and military officials of the dynasty (50)

Early the next morning, as the sun shone on the walls of He'an County, countless remnant soldiers knelt dejectedly at the city gate, waiting for the judgment to come with ashen faces.

The war that was thought to last for many days ended last night.

Zhang Shixu was very good at leading troops in battle, but he himself did not expect that everything would go so smoothly.

So when Jin Shu appeared, he walked over and whispered.

"You girl, how did you know that Li Yong's army was out of food?"

"Uncle Zhang, you may not believe it, but the wolves on the west mountain have a good relationship with me. They told me."

After Zhang Shixu heard this, he thought about it seriously for a while, and then smiled.

"Sure enough, to achieve great things, you must have the right time, right place, and right people. It seems that not only God is helping us, but even the wolves in the forest are helping us."

This is why Jin Shu does not object to getting along with Zhang Shixu.

He has a strong sense of boundaries, a good quality that is quite precious in modern times. This ancient man has actually mastered it very well.

He wouldn't ask a single word that shouldn't be asked.

In addition, he will not make you feel embarrassed or nervous. As the person who is disturbed by rejection, he can actually provide you with emotional value.

Sure enough, in ancient times, men who could get into the imperial examination and rise to the top of the imperial examination had to have both IQ and EQ, and they were all top-notch men.

After the first victorious battle, Zhang Shixu did not choose to pursue the victory, but sent all the captured soldiers into the city. Not only did they arrange for doctors to treat them, but they also prepared a hot meal for them.

Zhang Shixu was a natural orator. In front of these hungry soldiers, he promised houses, land and food, tax exemptions and improved soldiers' treatment.

In just one day, all 30,000 captured soldiers surrendered.

This time Li Yong could be said to have suffered a disastrous defeat. He originally led troops aggressively to suppress the rebels and improve his prestige. However, before the army reached the city gate, its morale was greatly reduced due to hunger.

Before the relief food could be delivered, He'an County took the initiative to send troops and attacked without fear of death.

In this way, a battle that was originally a sure win ended up nailing Li Yong to the pillar of shame forever.

Not only that, the dignified emperor of the country was chased by the enemy soldiers and was in a state of panic. All the carriages and dragon chariots were abandoned halfway. Li Yong went down to the ground and escaped from the alley with several soldiers.

Because he was missing an arm, Li Yong could not control his stability at all. He fell down countless times along the way because of panic. The originally gorgeous and luxurious dragon robe was already covered with mud.

The jade crown on his head was lost somewhere, and his hair was even scattered. The king of a country, who was so glorious when he came and accepted the worship of all the people, has now become a beggar who has fled.

There was a leak in the house and it rained all night. On the way, Li Yong unexpectedly encountered the forest wolf that was deeply feared in his bones.

More than a dozen wolves were chasing after them, forcing them to scurry around like headless flies. They couldn't care about any direction, and their eyes could only see the way they could run in front of them.

Finally, they stopped suddenly in front of a wall, and Li Yong looked no different from a crazy refugee.

The yellow robe was torn by the gravel branches along the way, and the face revealed by the disheveled hair was even darker and dirty. When the sweat rolled down, white marks were revealed, which at first glance looked like tears caused by excessive panic.

Li Yong raised his head in despair and looked at the wall in front of him. The heat wave spitting out from the wolf's mouth behind him made him involuntarily recall the fear of that day.

His whole body was shaking uncontrollably, his lips were pale and his hands were trembling. The soldiers beside him had blocked him, but they still couldn't eliminate the panic deep in his heart.

"Protect me! Protect me! Protect me!"

He directly pulled a younger soldier in front of him, hiding his tall body in front of a fifteen or sixteen-year-old child. That scene was seen by other soldiers, and everyone's face showed unspeakable complexity. look.

At this moment, the emperor's majesty and sacred image completely collapsed in their hearts. The king of a country, faced with this situation, all he could think of was to retreat and put others at the bottom. The soldier who originally held the knife silently threw away the knife in his hand.

"Your Majesty, let us surrender."

"Surrender?! Bastard! Who allowed you to surrender?!"

At this time, the little soldier he was carrying in front of him shouted with red eyes.

"I don't want to protect a monarch like you! I would rather be eaten by a wolf than follow you!"

Li Yong was furious, but even his anger seemed cautious in front of the wolves.

Suddenly, the wolves slowly approached, and the black wolf king who bit off one of his arms approached Li Yong again.

This time Li Yong didn't even have the courage to draw his sword.

He clearly remembered the heartbreaking pain when the sharp fangs pierced his body. This pain seemed to be engraved in his heart. He couldn't control the fear in his heart and couldn't get rid of it.

"Don't come here!! Don't come here!!"

In extreme fear, Li Yong clung to the wall and kept retreating. Finally, he had no way to retreat. He sat down against the wall. His face was ashen and lifeless, and he was still mumbling. .

"Please, please, don't eat me, don't eat me..."

Such a monarch completely chilled the hearts of the soldiers on the side.

The warrior who was still struggling a little immediately threw away the weapon in his hand.

At this moment, the wolves that were pressing forward slowly retreated to both sides.

Li Yong, who was curled up in a ball and shivering, raised his head in horror, and against the light, he saw the figure slowly walking towards him.

It was somewhat familiar, but the cold temperament made him feel strange.

Until Jin Shu's face slowly appeared, Li Yong stared at her, his expression seemed a little dumbfounded and ridiculous.

He never imagined that one day he would meet Jin Shu again in this form.

He thought that when they saw each other again, it would be when the young and old of the Jin family were all sent to the guillotine.

But at this moment, he was the loser, and Jin Shu became the winner.

The huge gap in his heart and the hatred of having his country taken away made Li Yong feel a force from the bottom of his heart, causing him to stand up suddenly and rush directly towards Jin Shu.

Hei Lang stood in front of Jin Shu, baring his teeth and threatening.

Li Yong's legs were trembling, but he felt inexplicably confident in his heart.

The person standing opposite was Jin Shu. She loved him so much that she was willing to give up all her heart and soul for him.

He had endured it for so long and ascended to the throne, so what was the problem if he endured it for a little longer?
"Jin Shu...haven't you tortured me enough?"

Jin Shu was so condescending that Li Yong couldn't see her expression clearly.

"You are probably the last monarch of the Li family. It is not a loss if the country dies in your hands."

After saying that, Jin Shu chuckled and waved.

"Come here, take him down and leave him to Mr. Zhang."

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