Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 499 The lady of the Republic of China killed the male and female protagonist

Chapter 499 The lady of the Republic of China killed the male and female protagonist (1)

In this life, Jin Shu lived a comfortable life.

He was known as a wise king in the founding era of the country. He usually paid no attention to state affairs, but he was still famous for generations to come.

Zhang Shixu had no children all his life and guarded the Jin family for more than 40 years. He died in his seventies.

Jin Shu had no interest in this world anymore, so she found an excuse to pass away.

It's really not interesting. I've lived for too long and seen too much. Once the mission is completed, there will basically be nothing to do with Jin Shu.

Finally, Jin Shu died in her thirtieth year as emperor.

She didn't know the rest.

After all, when she regained consciousness, her body returned to the state of floating and swaying again. She was very familiar with this state. She had experienced it so many times, and it still felt kind to her again.

"You're back."


"You did a great job on this mission. It's so great that I can't describe it in words."

Jin Shu smiled.

"Thanks for the compliment."

"Jin Shu, can I discuss something with you?"

This was the first time Arnold said this, and Jin Shu agreed without hesitation.

"Well, you said."

“As you travel more and more times, your memories and skills will be superimposed, which will be of great help to you in completing your missions.

At this time, the role that the 48-hour skill can play seems somewhat dispensable. "

Jin Shu thought for a while and responded.


“I don’t want to hide too much from you, nor do I want to do anything to you without respecting your wishes.

So I will tell you in advance that in the next world, I may have to erase your memory to a certain extent. "

Before Jin Shu could speak, Arnold continued.

“I chose you because I want you to prove the importance of time.

Forty-eight hours, twice as long as a normal person's time, to what extent human potential and limits will be opened up.

But now, with the accumulation of your memory and the continuous improvement of your skills, with so many innate advantages, the importance of time has been weakened, and in this way, this proof of the importance of time is no longer justice.

Therefore, my lord, you can also understand it as my boss, proposed the method of erasing memory to once again prove the importance of time.

Can you understand what I'm saying? "

Of course Jin Shu can understand.

She seemed to be a guinea pig.

She exists to prove a theory, the importance of time.

At this moment, her overly wise and calm brain, as well as the accumulated knowledge and skills from previous worlds, will affect the fairness of this experiment.

After realizing this, she acted calmer than Arnold imagined.

"Okay, I can understand."

"Thank you, Jin Shu."

"You don't need to say thank you to me, I was already prepared to do this when I accepted your help.

You don't have to tell me this. "

Arnold was silent for a while, looking at the girl in front of him who could almost be described as "submissive", his voice became softer and softer.

"You know you have no other choice. My advance discussion seems a bit hypocritical and unnecessary."

"No, I'm grateful."

"I will try my best to fight with the superiors to give you freedom as soon as possible."


These two words fell into Jin Shu's ears, and she was in a trance for the first time.

free? What will you do after you are free?
She thought about it.

"If I can be free, I hope you can send me to a small world and let me become an ordinary person, experience life, old age, illness and death that will never happen again, and experience the most real death.

After that, let me disappear into the sky forever. "

Her words were calm with a hint of heart-shaking sadness.

Arnold was silent for a long time, and then responded gently.

"it is good."


"The mission is over.

Task evaluation result: Excellent.

Tasker: Jin Shu.

Whether to proceed to the next task: Yes.

Mission is starting...

1, 2, 3, the task was started successfully, and the tasker Jin Shu was loaded successfully.

Forty-eight hours the system loaded successfully.

The time flow rate ratio between the real and virtual worlds: 1:1, the system is open for hours. "

In an old Chinese-style house in the center of BH, at night, the old housekeeper in a gray and white robe hung a lantern in front of the door early.

Red lanterns lit up in front of the gatehouse, which looked a little out of place compared to the Western-style houses next to them that were immersed in the warm light of red lights.

The old housekeeper hunched over and closed the door blocking board, then walked along the corridor from the side door, bypassed a rockery and flowing water, and arrived in front of the wing in the inner courtyard.

"Madam, the Major General is staying at Wutong Mansion today and will not come back. You should rest early."

"Well, okay, you should also go to bed early."

In the wing room, the lights flickered, and a desk made of golden nanmu was placed in front of the slanted window.

There is a piece of paper, a writing brush, and an inkstone on the table.

The lotus-shaped electric lamp is the most modern equipment in the whole room. Under the lamp, a woman wearing a pink and white shoulder-wrapped cheongsam is leaning over and writing something.

Looking closer, there are only two words on the entire paper.

Jin Shu.

This is her name, but it is the most familiar thing about herself.

"Jin Shu..."

The woman had her long hair tied up, and a few strands of hair at the temples could not cover her plump and smooth forehead and her two thin eyebrows.

Jin Shu put down her pen, stared at the two words in front of her, and read them out loud from time to time.

The name was familiar, it was indeed hers.

But she didn't know why, she always felt that her life was a bit in a trance.

Before the fall of the feudal kingdom, her grandfather was an important minister.

After the emperor was abolished, her parents passed away one after another amid the displacement.

She was left alone, with an old house, multiple properties, and a very generous dowry, and married Zhang Jisheng, the son of her father's best friend.

Zhang Jisheng, her nominal husband, married her before being drafted into the army for the sake of his parents' orders.

On their wedding night, there was chaos in the north, and he hurriedly left by car for the northern front line.

This time, it will be five years.

It's not like there was no news about him in the past five years. After all, newspapers would often report on the extraordinary achievements of the troops he led.

It was in that newspaper that she saw the woman who would stand next to him every time.

Zhao Hanying.

The first batch of international students who returned from studying in the United States speak fluent English, have short shoulder-length hair that is the most popular at the moment, and have bright eyes and bright smiles.

At first, Jin Shu just thought that this girl was very powerful. She could decisively choose to return to China in such troubled times. She could also help her husband negotiate with foreign soldiers, and she didn't show any stage fright when talking to other scholars.

Until not long ago, she happily received the news that the northern warlord had returned from victory. But the moment she opened the newspaper and saw the photo, the smile on her face disappeared.

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