Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day.

Chapter 598: The Destitute Female Beast World Becomes the King

Chapter 598: The Destitute Female Beast World Becomes the King (12)

Lin Yuan's face has turned red.

What he didn't dare to say was that his face was actually relatively good, as his body was even more horrible.

Jin Shu was extremely ruthless. Although she was not very strong, she was extremely cunning and agile. If it weren't for her lack of physical strength at that time, I might have been caught and killed by her.

So when mentioning Jin Shu again, Lin Yuan could no longer be as dismissive as before.

He originally thought that he could crush the female to death with just one finger, but now he has to wait until he becomes the patriarch to be sure of getting rid of her.

Lin Yuan's fear made Jin Ying want to laugh.

"Why are you so easy to bully? I couldn't bear to catch you, but you let another woman catch you like this?"

"I...if she wasn't a female, I would have bitten her to death!"

Jin Ying pursed her lips and sneered.

"What's wrong with being female? Can females act like a spoiled brat? No one in this world needs to pamper anyone else!
But this is the law of this world, you can't do anything about it, I understand.

But you are my man, I won't let you be bullied for no reason!
You are a male, so you can't hurt females at will, right? Then if females fight each other, will no one care?"

Lin Yuan nodded and said quickly.

"You want to fight with Jin Shu? Don't do that. She's too cunning. You might get hurt!"

Jin Ying gave him an amused look.

"She's not worth my personal attack, but there's a trick in Sun Tzu's Art of War called killing with a borrowed knife."

"The Art of War? What is it?"

"Just think of it as a set of rules I created to win a battle. In addition to killing someone with a borrowed knife, there are also ways to watch the fire from the other side of the river, sow discord, and so on... There are many ways to take revenge, you big fool, learn from them!"

Lin Yuan looked at Jin Ying with an obsessed expression, his eyes shining.

"Aying, you are amazing. You are really the most amazing female in the world."

"I have many more strengths, just wait and see."

After saying that, Jin Ying whispered a few words to Lin Yuan.


"Is this really possible?"

"Don't worry, I understand Jin Shu."

As a sister, she really can't stand others being better than herself.

Now, not only has she given birth to more children than Jin Shu, but her husband is of higher quality than Jin Shu's, and her food, clothing and other expenses are far ahead. Jin Ying can imagine how jealous and hateful Jin Shu would be with her personality.

At this time, Jin Shu could not withstand any stimulation or provocation.

The next day, Liang Xu was returning with the hunting team. Just as he was about to go home, he was called over by Lin Yuan.

"Give this piece of meat to Ah Hua."

When Liang Xu heard this, he couldn't help but ask.

"Why not let Ah Hua's male hand it over himself?"

"He had other things to do, so he just passed it on his way."

If he didn't agree, Liang Xu would seem stingy.

So Liang Xu could only nod and take the meat.

At this time, on the other side, Jin Shu was weaving a basket in the cave. While she was busy, there was a person outside the cave entrance who kept peeking into the house.

Jin Shu had seen her a long time ago, but was too lazy to pay attention to her.

Seeing that Jin Shu always ignored her, the female couldn't help but walk in and sit next to Jin Shu. She would glance at Jin Shu secretly from time to time and then began to sigh.


"Hey..." Jin Shu had a blank expression on her face. She continued to work on the things in her hands and ignored her at all.

Everyone calls the middle-aged female in front of them Sister Lin, and she is considered a relatively prestigious person in the cat clan.

Seeing that Jin Shu had been ignoring her, Sister Lin spoke impatiently.

"I just saw your beast husband, Liang Xu, delivering the prey he hunted today to Ah Hua's house!"

When Jin Shu heard this, she looked up at her with a hint of disbelief in her tone.

"What else is happening?!"

Sister Lin patted her thigh, then reached out to grab Jin Shu's hand, but Jin Shu dodged it in a second.

Sister Lin was not embarrassed either. She sighed and looked like she felt sorry for Jin Shu.

“You are a female with superior fertility. Who in the entire cat clan can compare to you?
Liang Xu didn't know what was good for him. He was eating from his bowl while looking at the pot and feeding meat to Ah Hua!

Although Ah Hua is indeed pretty, she is far inferior to you."

After saying that, she secretly glanced at Jin Shu's reaction.

"Look at you. You just gave birth to two puppies for him. If it were me, I would have been unable to bear it a long time ago."

Jin Shu suddenly turned her head and looked at her.

"Sister, you are so kind to me, so I will tell you a secret as a reward."

Have a secret to listen to?

"Go ahead and tell me! It's okay, I'm the tightest-lipped one!"

“That day I saw your beast husband Agang go to the tribe leader’s cave and talk for a long time.

I was just passing by, and then I heard Agang seemed to be saying something like changing players.

What else can I say? If I want to find someone with more flesh, Jinying is the best."

When Jin Shu reached this point, she suddenly lowered her voice and asked Sister Lin.

"I'm telling you this for your own good, and have you noticed anything strange about Brother Gang recently?
Because the last time he and Liang Xu went out hunting together, Brother Gang picked up a particularly large river clam by the river and took out a pearl bigger than a fist from it!

Sister, have you seen that pearl? "

After Jin Shu finished saying these two sentences, Sister Lin, who had just looked like she was watching the fun, suddenly became very expressive.

She looked at Jin Shu and pretended to be calm.

"You kid, we are talking about your own business, why are you dragging me into this? Besides, Gang and I have a good relationship, he would never do this."

"Then go and ask. Many people saw Brother Gang picking up the pearl.

Then you will know who will wear this pearl in the end."


The big pearl on Jinying's neck was given to her by her beastly husband? !
For a moment, Sister Lin felt as if there were needles pricking her buttocks. Jin Shu's words burned her heart like a fire on an iron plate, making her anxious and panicked.

Jin Shu looked at her leisurely.

"Sister, please be careful before you do this. Don't rush back to confront him. You can go and see where your beastly husband secretly went at night."

Sister Lin said it was impossible, but the panic in her eyes betrayed her inner feelings.

After saying that, she stood up and left, as if she couldn't stay even a second longer.

Jin Shu saw Sister Lin off, then lowered her head and continued to fiddle with the basket in her hand, with a faint smile in her eyes.

What a great move to kill someone with a borrowed knife.

The entire cat tribe knows the temper of this old woman. Relying on the fact that she is the tribe leader's sister, Sister Lin lives the most comfortable life in the tribe.

Even though she is already old, she actually found a young and strong beastly husband last year, namely A Gang.

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