Chapter 116 Mutual Suspicion

Liu Xinyi turned pale: "How could I play tricks on you? There must be something fishy about this matter. I also want to ask if you leaked this news to others. I only told you this news to one person. I have Do you have such a big ability to empty this treasure? You have also seen it. Otherwise, you can only dig down from here, or you can only go in by blowing up the hole. I definitely did not do this. If If I was the one who did it, wouldn't it be better if I hid the treasure quietly myself? Why should I tell you?"

Li Zeqian felt that what Liu Xinyi said made sense, so he kicked a stone irritably and cursed in a low voice.

"What a ghost. The entrance to the cave doesn't look like someone has gone in. How did those things disappear?"

I'm afraid only Shen Ruoqing knows this best.

It was almost dark, and it was useless to stay here any longer. The eight of them had no choice but to go down the mountain in despair.

After going down the mountain, Liu Xinyi learned that Shen Ruoqing also went up the mountain today.

"I know, Shen Ruoqing must have done it! She was the only one who went up the mountain today, so she must have used some method to take everything away!" Liu Xinyi rushed into Li Zeqian's house like crazy and said.

Li Zeqian frowned: "Please be clear-headed. It's impossible for her to move so many things under our noses by herself. She couldn't have done it."

"Then how do you explain the missing thing? I have a hunch that this matter must be related to Shen Ruoqing! Why did she go up the mountain today and disappear for such a long time? There must be something fishy!"

Li Zeqian thought about it, but still thought it was impossible: "Didn't you say that you are the only one who knows about that treasure spot? I still think it might be a coincidence. How could she, a little girl, take away so many things and enter the entrance?" We can only blow it up with bombs. What method can she use? I think it was probably Mubai who did it. This was originally the treasure of Mubai's grandmother's house. Mubai came here last year, and it must have been for the treasure. Come on, after such a long time, he might have emptied the treasures long ago."

It's still too late.

When Li Zeqian said this, Liu Xinyi felt a little unsure.Could it be that this was also due to the butterfly effect caused by her rebirth, which caused Mubai to move the treasure in advance?
the next day.

Mubai went to Daqingshan early in the morning.

Looking at the empty treasure land, Mubai's eyes flashed with a dark light.I really underestimated Li Zeqian.

The treasure hiding place is very hidden, and I don’t know how Li Zeqian found it.

After casually shooting two pheasants, Mubai walked towards the cowshed.

"Grandma, I didn't take a good look at that place. The things have been taken away," Mubai said.

Grandma Hao sighed: "Just take it away. They are all external things. You don't have to worry too much about them. These things are originally guarded by our family. Our ancestors also said that some destined people may take them away." Walk."

Mubai said: "I think it was probably Li Zeqian and his group who took it away. Could it be that he is the destined person that our ancestors mentioned?"

Grandma Hao shook her head: "I don't know about this."

Shen Ruoqing knocked on the door carrying a bamboo basket.

"Girl Ruoqing, why are you here? Come in quickly."

Seeing Shen Ruoqing, Grandma Hao's face burst into laughter and she quickly let Shen Ruoqing in.

"Don't tell me that my house smells much better since I hung the herbs you gave me last time."

"Grandma Hao, just be useful. Mu Zhiqing, you are here too." Shen Ruoqing saw Mu Bai, who nodded to her.

"I'm also here to visit Grandma Hao." Shen Ruoqing didn't care that Mubai was here, so she reached out and took out something from the bamboo basket.There is calcium-supplementing milk powder for the elderly, as well as several kilograms of white flour, several kilograms of millet, and two kilograms of apples.

"Girl Ruoqing, what are you doing? Take everything back quickly."

"Grandma Hao, don't worry. I have something to ask of Grandpa Hao. Is Grandpa Hao here?"

"If you have anything to say, just tell me. If you can help, we, the old couple, will definitely help. What are you doing with the things?" Grandma Hao still stuffed things into Shen Ruoqing's bamboo basket.

Shen Ruoqing was a little helpless: "Grandma Hao, these are just my apprenticeship ceremonies. I actually want to learn ancient Chinese from Grandpa Hao. If you refuse to accept it, does that mean that Grandpa Hao also refuses to teach me?"

"Why are you learning that? But if you want to learn, I will tell the old man later and he will definitely teach you."

"Then you must accept this thing. It's nothing, just a little bit of my thoughts. If you accept it, you must teach me." Shen Ruoqing said with a smile.

The books in those boxes were all written in ancient Chinese. Although the medical books had pictures, it was still difficult for Shen Ruoqing to identify them.When Shen Ruoqing came into contact with Grandpa Hao before, he heard Grandpa Hao say that Grandpa Hao was a professor specializing in ancient Chinese and was very knowledgeable.

"Okay, I'll leave this matter to my old lady. I'll let the old man teach you when he comes back."

"Is Comrade Shen interested in ancient Chinese prose?" Mubai asked.

"It's true that I'm somewhat interested. Anyway, there's no harm in learning more things." Shen Ruoqing laughed.

Hao Dezhong came back just at this time. He was very happy to hear that Shen Ruoqing wanted to learn ancient Chinese.

"Girl Ruoqing, let me tell you this. The things left by our ancestors are all good things. I will definitely teach you everything I know."

After that, he taught two ancient characters.

When Shen Ruoqing left, he was stuffed with a pheasant.

When she got home, Mrs. Ji saw the pheasant and asked very vigilantly: "My dear, are you going to the mountain again? Didn't I tell you that you are not allowed to go? Why are you still going?"

"Mom, I didn't go up the mountain. Grandma Hao gave me this pheasant."

"Grandma Hao? Is there a family named Hao in our village?" Mrs. Ji just breathed a sigh of relief and became confused again.

"It's that pair of grandparents."

"How do you deal with those people? There is no benefit in getting close to that group of people." Mrs. Ji said.

"Mom, that Grandpa Hao is very knowledgeable. He used to be a professor. I want to learn from him." Shen Ruoqing said.

"Mom, we are secretive. If you don't tell me or I don't tell, who knows? You listen to me. There are only benefits and no harm in studying with Grandpa Hao."

Mrs. Ji hesitated, but in the end she couldn't convince Shen Ruoqing, so she had to agree.

(End of this chapter)

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