Chapter 122
When Wang and Shen Xiangnan returned home, Wang proudly showed off the silver bracelet on her hand to Han.

"Sister-in-law, look, my hands feel a little dry. Why don't you lend me your cream to apply on them?"

Han glanced at the silver bracelet on Wang's hand and said with a smile: "Second brother and sister, this is a new bracelet? It's so beautiful, it really complements you."

"Hey, you saw it. Actually, I don't like it very much. My man bought it for me. It would be a waste if I don't wear it, right?"

After showing off to her sister-in-law for a while, Wang was called into the house by Shen Xiangnan.

"What's wrong, the child's father, did you call me in to discuss the separation of the family? Aren't our families going to dig sticks tomorrow? I have thought about it, and we will separate our families after digging sticks." Wang said proudly. "We have agreed that I will take care of all the money from now on. In fact, I think the tractor driver's position was unfair because the boss didn't draw lots. We should draw lots again..."

Shen Xiangnan couldn't help but interrupt her: "Separate the family? I don't want to separate the family."

Mrs. Wang tugged at Shen Xiangnan: "Didn't the child's father agree before? We will separate the family when we come back. Did you lie to me before?"

Shen Xiangnan scratched his hair irritably: "If we separate our families, do you really want to separate our families? Do you want the people in the village to stab me in the back even though my parents are still living?"

Wang's face was straight: "Then what you said when you were at my house before were all lies to me? Mom agreed to it. Could it be that you and your family formed a team to lie to me?"

Shen Xiangnan said: "Think about what are the benefits of dividing the family? We have three children. Will we be able to support our three children's education with our centimeters?"

Mrs. Wang disagreed: "Isn't there money from selling mallets? With this money, it would be great for our family to live their own lives separately."

Shen Xiangnan actually wanted to persuade the Wang family not to separate the family, because Mrs. Ji had given him two options, one was to separate their family, and the other was to divorce the Wang family.

After all, Wang has been Shen Xiangnan's wife for more than ten years. Although Wang is petty and loves to take advantage, she has given him three sons after all, and Shen Xiangnan does not want a divorce.But he doesn't want to separate the family. If the family is separated, he shouldn't be drowned in other people's spit?

"Mom doesn't want to divide the family, she wants to give us the second house. Although we won't be short of money, we will have to build a house after we are divided. I don't know if the money will be enough to build a house. , what about the children’s tuition fees after the house is built?”

"Then I don't want to live with your mother anymore." Mrs. Wang has long wanted to be the master of the family. "Didn't your sister say that there is a piece of land with sticks? When those sticks are sold, they will definitely be worth a lot of money. Don't do it now. Bluff me."

"I said no points are allowed, no points are allowed!"

Shen Xiangnan slammed the table angrily and left the room.

When I came out, I saw Shen Ruoqing.

Shen Ruoqing smiled: "Second brother, second sister-in-law insists on dividing the family, right?"

Shen Xiangnan said decadently: "Yes, you guessed it right. Also, little sister, is there really a Bang Chui Land in the place you mentioned?"

Shen Ruoqing nodded affirmatively: "Yes, yes, but there is a big snake guarding that place, making it difficult to dig."

What Shen Ruoqing didn't say was that if the Wang family went without permission, she wouldn't be blamed if they couldn't come back. "How big is the snake? It's so dangerous. Are our two families still going? Why didn't you tell us when we were at Wang's house?" Shen Xiangnan immediately considered the danger.

"Didn't I forget to say it? Now that I think about it, it is indeed dangerous. Since the second sister-in-law has also gone home, why don't we tell the brigade about this and let the brigade captain lead people to dig." This was Shen Ruoqing's original intention. As planned, the crime of poaching socialist corners must be placed on the Wang family.

"Why don't you, second brother, inform the Wang family and say that our family feels that doing this is not a good thing and is an act of poaching socialists, so we can report this matter to the brigade."

Shen Xiangnan stared straight at his girl: "Little sister, I'm afraid you didn't plan to dig it out from the beginning, right? You lied to the Wang family from the beginning."

Shen Ruoqing laughed twice and said nothing.

"What do you mean by lying or not? That's what I mean. What did you say to your sister?" Mrs. Ji came over and said, "I've asked the boss to inform the team leader. Anyway, I've left it for you. It’s up to you whether you want to go to Wang’s house or not.”

Seeing her useless second son, Mrs. Ji, made her angry. She blamed the second son for not taking care of his wife, which was why so many things happened.

Shen Xiangnan went to Wang's house again.

When only Mrs. Ji and Shen Ruoqing were left, Mrs. Ji sighed: "My dear, you did it on purpose, right?"

Shen Ruoqing smiled and narrowed his eyes: "I knew I couldn't hide anything from Mom. I just hid the fact that there was a big snake in that area, but it also depends on the greed of the Wang family. If they give up the stick, everything will be fine. I try After that, as long as you don't get close to the stick land, the big snake won't chase you. Mom, do you think I'm too vicious?"

It was impossible to be okay. Shen Ruoqing sprinkled the Wang brothers with poisonous powder that attracted snakes and insects.If you dare to plot against their family, the Wang family must be prepared for revenge.Of course, Shen Ruoqing would not tell Mrs. Ji about this.

Mrs. Ji shook her head: "My dear, my mother doesn't think so. Even if something happens, it will be the Wang family's fault. It's just that I'm old and no longer as good as you. And when you encountered such a dangerous thing, why didn't you follow me when you came back? we say?"

"It's not a big deal. Aren't I afraid of worrying you, Mom? I didn't plan to talk about this matter originally, but you see it still worries you." Shen Ruoqing was a little annoyed. She was wondering if she should use another method. To resolve this matter?

Captain Tang was very happy to know about Bangchui. Although he heard that there was a big snake guarding it, he could call a few more people, and he could call Zhou Feng. Zhou Feng had a shotgun in his hand. No matter how big the snake was, he could kill it with two shots. Pretty honest.After selling the stick, I can buy another batch of fertilizer.

"Captain, my second sibling's mother-in-law also knows about this. When our family went to pick up the second sibling today, she let it slip. So my mother said, why don't we dig it back as soon as possible to save a lot of sleep at night. I'm afraid..."

Captain Tang slapped the table: "What are you afraid of? This is the collective property of our Zhongxing Brigade. How dare the Wang family dig it secretly? If the Wang family dares to dig it, I will let them all go to the farm to renovate it! But what you said There are two reasons for this, let’s call a meeting now, Xiangdong, you go and ride my bicycle, go and invite Zhou Feng, we will go into the mountains in the afternoon.”

Shen Xiangdong responded and hurried away.

Captain Tang immediately held a meeting and selected a dozen young men. When Zhou Feng arrived, he asked Zhou Feng to take them into the mountain.

Of course, Shen Ruoqing also followed into the mountain as the leader.

(End of this chapter)

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