Wearing the shopping mall through the 70s

Chapter 125 Shen Xiangnan’s Divorce

Chapter 125 Shen Xiangnan’s Divorce

Shen Xiangnan first looked at Mrs. Ji, then looked at Wang with disappointment: "Let's get a divorce."

Wang was still holding on to the militiamen to prevent them from taking her brother away. When she heard this, she stiffened: "Shen Xiangnan, what did you say?"

"I said, let's get a divorce. When you chose your mother's family to slander my little sister, our relationship as husband and wife has been severed. Let's divorce." Shen Xiangnan did not expect that his wife would choose to confuse right and wrong to defend her mother's family. To clear away the charges, it can be said that Shen Xiangnan was already heartbroken when Wang said those words.

Wang looked at Shen Xiangnan in disbelief: "I gave birth to three sons for you, and now you tell me that you want to divorce me? Shen Xiangnan, your conscience is feeding the dog!"

The villagers who were originally going to leave did not leave now. Things in the Shen family have been really lively recently. One or two of them are getting divorced!

"Shen Xiangnan, you have no conscience. I have been married to your family for more than ten years and have given birth to three big fat boys for you. You want to divorce me right now? Let me tell you, there is no way!"

"Xiang Nan, your boy is still young. If you get divorced, your child will have no mother." An aunt advised.

"No need to persuade me, my family can no longer tolerate her doing such a thing." Shen Xiangnan seemed to realize that it was not good to say this in front of everyone, and helped Mrs. Ji back to the house.

"Ms. Wang, I'm divorced!"

Shen Ruoqing gave Wang a meaningful look. In fact, she could directly choose to drug Wang to make her mute.But she knew that if she did that, her second brother might take care of the Wang family for the rest of his life. Shen Ruoqing was worried about keeping such a bomb in the Shen family. She might as well let Shen Xiangnan recognize the true face of the Wang family and divorce her. Good.

As for doing this, others may criticize the Shen family, but Shen Ruoqing is not afraid.What I have been doing for so long has not been in vain. I have been helping the village to sell mountain products and helping to obtain fertilizer. How can the people in the village believe the words of people from other villages?As for the gossip about being divorced twice, when life gets better in two years, others will naturally stop gossiping.

It's just a pity that building the house will be postponed.Because of family matters, Shen Ruoqing didn't have time to go to the Hongqi Brigade to ask about the brick kiln.

When Liu Xinyi learned about the Shen family's affairs, she was very surprised.

In the previous life, the Wang family did not divorce Shen Xiangnan so quickly, and nothing bad happened.As things developed further and further away from what she knew in her previous life, Liu Xinyi became more and more uneasy.

Could it be that Shen Ruoqing was also reborn?

Liu Xinyi doesn't know.

In the previous life, after the Shen family became prosperous, the Wang family couldn't help but join forces with her natal family to plot against the Shen family, which caused the Shen family to suffer heavy losses. In the end, Shen Xiangnan had to divorce the Wang family.

I didn't expect that they would leave because of some stick thing this time.And Cui Zhaodi is dead.

Liu Xinyi felt that Cui Zhaodi was killed by Shen Ruoqing, and then thinking about herself, she broke into a cold sweat.She must hold on to Li Zeqian tightly.

Ji Meihua is still chattering there: "I just said that there is no good person in the Shen family. Now that it is better, both sons are getting divorced. Now I don't see how Ji Hongying can hold her head up!"

Anyway, Ji Meihua will be happy if something bad happens to the Shen family.

The Wang brothers were eventually sent to the farm. After hearing the news, Ms. Wang was so angry that she smashed many things in her house.

But Shen Xiangnan said nothing and watched her smash things.

Wang still disagrees with the divorce.

Moreover, Wang also deliberately used Shen Hanxi to blackmail Shen Xiangnan.

But there was still Mrs. Ji here, and Mrs. Wang didn't care about Shen Hanxi, so Mrs. Ji simply brought Shen Hanxi over to raise her.But Shen Hanxi refused to give up and cried every day, and there was nothing Mrs. Ji could do.Wang now seemed to have someone to rely on and threatened Shen Xiangnan with Shen Hanxi.

Shen Ruoqing sat down calmly and said: "Second sister-in-law, it's not sweet to be so stubborn. Just tell me how you are willing to divorce."

"Divorce? In your dreams, I will never divorce."

"You really don't want to divorce? You don't want to think about your two brothers. I heard that your two sisters-in-law are going to remarry with their children?"

"Can you let my brother come back from the farm?" Wang looked at Shen Ruoqing suspiciously.

Shen Ruoqing shook his head: "How can I be so capable?"

Wang's face changed: "Then you are kidding me?"

"I'm not kidding you, second sister-in-law. If you insist on not getting divorced, as long as my brother applies to the court for a divorce judgment, but the procedure is a little more troublesome, you will get divorced sooner or later. I advise you with good intentions, or get divorced now, You can still get some benefits. You don't want your brother's children to remarry and change their surnames with others, right? If you get divorced, my mother agrees to give you 100 yuan. Anyway, second sister-in-law, you are still so young, you can still remarry then, right?"

"100 yuan? How about sending a beggar away?" In fact, Wang also knew that she could only delay for a while. If Shen Xiangnan was determined to divorce, she would still have to divorce.

"It's only 100 yuan at most, and all my nephews belong to my brother and second sister-in-law. This 100 yuan is a lot."

Shen Ruoqing spoke casually.

"That won't work. I gave birth to my son. I have to take one away. I want to take away Han Xi. Han Xi is still young and can't live without me." Shen Hanxi is destined to be rich and powerful, and Wang will do whatever he says. Shen Hanxi must be taken away.

"Second sister-in-law, I'm afraid it will be inconvenient for you to remarry with Han Xi. I do it for your own good." Shen Ruoqing's face did not change.

"I agree with you taking Han Xi away." Shen Xiangnan's words came over.

"Second brother..."

"I know. Hanxi belongs to you, and Hanwen and Hanwu follow me. Let's go to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get divorced tomorrow. Pack your things."

"Not only does Hanxi belong to me, I also want 200 yuan. In addition, you have to give me ten yuan in child support every year." Feeling that Shen Xiangnan was easy to talk to, Wang began to make excessive demands.

"Second sister-in-law, you have to think clearly. Logically speaking, my second brother raises two children and you raise one. The alimony must be shared equally. You should give my second brother alimony instead. .”

Wang gave Shen Ruoqing a hard look: "These are my demands. If you don't meet my requirements, then I won't get divorced."

Shen Xiangnan frowned: "If you continue to make such unreasonable troubles, then we will go through the legal process. Just drag it out, and you won't get a penny by then. Just 100 yuan, Hanxi is yours, If you agree, leave, if you don't agree, go through the legal process."

This Shen Xiangnan learned from Shen Ruoqing. His sister said that if the Wang family would not leave, she could sue the Wang family.

Wang looked at Shen Xiangnan with sad eyes: "My mother just left, and my brother was sent to the farm. Are you so unkind and can't wait to divorce me? We have been husband and wife for more than ten years. !”

"That is your own fault, and it has nothing to do with me. The money given to you is based on our past relationship as husband and wife."

In the end, Wang agreed to divorce on this condition.

(End of this chapter)

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