The people outside waited for a while, and finally Shen Ruoqing and Fan Yanli came out.It's just that Fan Yanli's expression is not very good.

Doctor Ou coughed: "Fan Yanli and Shen Ruoqing will study with me from now on, and the rest of us should go back and take a rest first."

Dr. Ou is a surgeon. His surgical skills are quite good, and Shen Ruoqing really wants to learn from him.

During this period of time, although Fan Yanli often caused obstacles for Shen Ruoqing, she resolved them one by one. She also learned a lot of surgical knowledge from Dr. Ou.

This year our family has a good harvest, and we have prepared more New Year’s goods than in previous years.The whole pig was not sold for much, but bacon and sausages were made.After selling the pigs for so much money, plus the salary allowances handed over by Han and Shen Xiangxi, Mrs. Ji's hands were so loose for the first time when she and Han went shopping.

Most of what Mrs. Ji bought was food, and she also bought firecrackers, which were longer than last year.Moreover, I met several acquaintances while buying firecrackers. The income in the village was relatively high this year. Many people came to buy firecrackers, and everyone bought them with long arms.

Shen Ruoqing also went home tonight. She hadn't been home for more than ten days, and Mrs. Ji still had weird thoughts.

When Mrs. Ji got home, she asked Mr. Han to make braised pork.

Han learned how to cook this braised pork from Chef Gao, and the taste is unrivaled.

"Look, my sweet baby has lost weight. Eat more."

Mrs. Ji was obviously telling lies. The canteen in the county hospital was pretty good. You could see meat and fish every day, and the taste was okay. Shen Ruoqing didn't feel like she had lost weight.

When Shen Ruoqing came back, Mrs. Ji told her what had happened during her absence and talked about some family issues. Shen Ruoqing listened quietly and interjected a word or two from time to time.

"By the way, dear baby, you don't know that our house was robbed a few days ago. Fortunately, your third brother got up at night and scared the thief away." Mrs. Ji was still frightened, "The thief came in over the wall. , I think he is from the village. Everyone knows that we have made money raising pigs this year, and they are all thinking about it. I think he just knows that there are no people in our family, so he dares to climb over the wall, but your eldest brother and second brother will come back the day after tomorrow."

"Are you okay?" Shen Ruoqing asked.

"What can happen to me? The thief just climbed over the wall and came in, and met your third brother, who got up at night, and ran away again over the wall. If he hadn't run fast, I would have had to give him a few blows. In the past two days, I I was afraid that the thief would come again, so I didn’t even sleep well.”

"After the Chinese New Year, let's demolish half of the house and build a new house. Spend the money and save the thieves from worrying about it."

Mrs. Ji thought about it and realized that this is the truth.

"Mom, why don't you give me all the money first, and I'll hide it, so you won't have to sleep hard with the money." Shen Ruoqing thought, she hid all the money in the space, and no one could find it. Give it to her is the safest.

Mrs. Ji completely believed in Shen Ruoqing: "Okay, I'll give it to you. I'll get it for you right away. You've been the best at hiding things since you were a child. If I leave the money for you, I can sleep well."

I didn’t expect that a thief would dare to come in the middle of the night.

Huang Laizi climbed over the wall with ease, reached Mrs. Ji's room with ease and searched for a long time, but he didn't find a single thing.

Huang Laizi was so angry that he wanted to scold his mother on the spot.But soon, he calmed down again. If Mrs. Ji couldn't find the money here, and he heard that Shen Ruoqing was back today, the money must be with Shen Ruoqing. After all, Mrs. Ji's most precious child was Shen Ruoqing.

After figuring it out, Huang Leizi immediately went to Shen Ruoqing's room.

Shen Ruoqing discovered it when Huang Lezi entered Shen Ruoqing's house.

She spent 500 yuan to buy a small smart alarm in the system mall. The original function of this alarm is that if someone wants to enter her room and she is in the space, it can remind her and let her come out of the space.After knowing that a thief was coming, Shen Ruoqing placed a small smart alarm at the door, so she noticed it when Huang Laizi was about to come in.

But Shen Ruoqing still acted like he didn't know and pretended to be asleep.

Huang Laizi came in first and took a look at Shen Ruoqing. He made sure that Shen Ruoqing was sleeping and then started to rummage through the cabinets.

Shen Ruoqing sneered, no one in the family dared to mess with her things, but this little thief was quite brave and dared to mess with her things.After a while, Huang Laizi found a small box.

When Huang Laizi opened the small box, a puff of powder hit his face.Huang Laizi couldn't help sneezing a few times. After sneezing, he glanced at Shen Ruoqing in fear. He was relieved when he found that Shen Ruoqing was not awakened by him.

There was nothing in the small box, but Huang Laizi felt that his exposed skin was itching.

The big patch around my eyes was itchy.

Huang Laizi kept scratching, not forgetting the purpose of his trip, and continued to rummage.

Finally, Huang Laizi found another jar in the cabinet.After shaking it, he felt something was in the jar, so Huang Laizi opened the jar directly.

Unexpectedly, a small snake crawled out of it, which frightened Huang Laizi so much that he turned around and hit his head.As soon as he hit his head, the little snake bit Huang Laizi's calf.

Huang Laizi finally couldn't bear it anymore and screamed loudly.

Shen Ruoqing then pretended to be awakened and shouted loudly: "There is a thief! Someone come quickly!"

Maybe the little snake was poisonous. Huang Laizi felt that his whole body was weak, his legs and feet were weak, and he had no strength to run out.

Shen Ruoqing took advantage of the time when no one was around to take the little snake into the space.

Mrs. Ji and Shen Xiangxi rushed over quickly.

"Little sister! Little sister! Are you okay? Where is the thief?"

"Mom, third brother, the thief has been caught!" Shen Ruoqing pointed to the people on the ground. Shen Xiangxi greeted Huang Laizi a few times, then pulled Huang Laizi's covered face and recognized Huang Laizi at once. Out.

"Huang Leizi, is that you? Do you dare to come to my house and steal things?"

"Don't fight, don't fight, I was wrong, I was wrong. Help me quickly, I was bitten by a poisonous snake, take me to the hospital quickly."

"Bah! If you were bitten, you deserved it!" Shen Xiangxi pouted, and then reacted, "Venomous snake? Where is it? Little sister, are you okay?"

"It's okay. I just saw a cauliflower snake slipping out of the room. The snake is not poisonous, so it's okay. I think Huang Laizi was just scared, and his legs were weak from fear."

The little snake's bite only numbs the nerves and contains no poison.

"It's a cauliflower snake, that's good, that's good."

"Lao San, what are you waiting for? Find a rope to tie him up, and then call the captain." Mrs. Ji spoke.

As soon as Mrs. Ji spoke, Shen Ruoqing handed Shen Xiangxi a rope.

"Third brother, what are you doing standing there, why don't you tie me up quickly?"

Shen Xiangxi came to his senses and murmured in his heart, why does this little girl feel like she has been prepared for a long time?Even the rope is ready.

"I was really bitten by a poisonous snake, it was her, she let the snake bite me! I know, you are a group, you want to kill me." Huang Laizi still felt that he couldn't do anything, and he almost cried.

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