Chapter 16 Buying Space
"I have a warehouse in the west of the city. That place is remote and there is no one. I will take you to identify the door first."

Brother Biao asked his men to count 1000 yuan and handed it to Shen Ruoqing.

"Okay, but my brothers don't like to be disturbed. When transporting goods, make sure there is no one around."

Shen Ruoqing made another request.

"no problem!"

Then Shen Ruoqing followed Brother Biao to visit the warehouse in the west of the city. Shen Ruoqing was very satisfied.When Shen Ruoqing was the last to leave, he put the grain into the warehouse.

"Okay, no one should walk around this warehouse now. I have marked this room above my head. Your people can go and receive the goods at three o'clock in the afternoon! I want 6000 yuan! What's left is Give me 600 yuan in exchange for various bills. If my brother finds out that someone is spying on them, then the deal will be over! The money will not be returned to you."

Brother Biao originally wanted his people to watch from here, but after thinking about it, he decided to trust this little Wuyi, so he gave up the idea.

It was already noon. Shen Ruoqing looked at Brother Biao with a smile: "I still have something to do, so I don't need Brother Biao to send it to me. I will come to see Brother Biao at three o'clock in the afternoon."

Shen Ruoqing left.

She first looked for a state-owned restaurant. She had exchanged some food stamps on the black market before, so she happened to go to a state-owned restaurant for a meal at noon.Shen Ruoqing's money was enough to buy the smallest space, but she looked at the smallest space and found that it was only ten cubic meters and couldn't fit anything at all. Shen Ruoqing decided to wait until she had saved 1000 yuan before buying a space. There were 1 yuan in the space. [-] cubic meters is enough to hold a lot of things.Moreover, the space of [-] yuan can be upgraded. As long as the later funds can keep up, all spiritual fields and spiritual springs can be arranged.

Today, the blackboard says that the state-owned restaurant serves pork dumplings, Erhe noodle steamed buns, noodles, braised pork, etc.But Shen Ruoqing arrived late. All the pork dumplings and braised pork were gone, leaving only Erhemian steamed buns and noodles.Shen Ruoqing had no choice but to order another bowl of noodles.

The taste of this noodle is average, not as good as the Yangchun noodles sold at that small stall.Shen Ruoqing was a little disappointed with the state-owned hotel.

After dinner, it was already past one o'clock, and Shen Ruoqing decided to visit the supply and marketing cooperative and department store.

Things from supply and marketing cooperatives are still the same, everything requires coupons, sugar coupons require sugar coupons, cloth requires cloth coupons, and items such as aluminum lunch boxes, enamel basins, enamel cups, and thermos require industrial coupons.Shen Ruoqing didn't come here to buy anything, he just wanted to see the prices.

After looking at the prices, Shen Ruoqing just wanted to say, it's too cheap.

Most items cost a few cents or cents, or a few dollars at most. Larger items like that are more expensive.Things in department stores are a little more expensive and more comprehensive.There were many beautiful clothes in the department store, ranging from a few yuan to expensive. Shen Ruoqing couldn't hold back and bought two sets of clothes.In fact, there are all kinds of clothes in the system mall, but they just don’t have the impulse to spend that comes from shopping.

There are also big items like bicycle radios in department stores, but they are few and far between. There is only one bicycle left.Shen Ruoqing asked and found out that the bicycle was a Feige brand and a bicycle ticket was required, which cost 180 yuan.

Shen Ruoqing didn't have a bicycle ticket, and even if he had one, Shen Ruoqing wasn't going to buy one.There are bicycles in the system mall, and the cheapest one is only 30 yuan.But the problem is that it is a black car and cannot be registered. If you buy it, you can only ride it secretly.

After wandering around, it was almost three o'clock. Shen Ruoqing went back to find Brother Biao. He should have received the food by this time.

Brother Biao sent someone to follow Shen Ruoqing.

Nonsense, that’s 1000 yuan.He would feel uneasy if he didn't follow Shen Ruoqing.However, his subordinates reported that Shen Ruoqing didn't interact with anyone at all, and just had a meal and walked around the mall. This made Brother Biao suspect that Shen Ruoqing had lied to him.But Shen Ruoqing didn't run away, and just walked around the county town.When it was almost three o'clock, Brother Biao finally couldn't help but go to the warehouse. Unexpectedly, it was really full of food.Every bag of grain has been inspected, and there is no fraud. It is all genuine grain, and it is all new grain this year.The summer harvest hasn't started yet, so the grain can only come from outside the customs.The most important thing is that Brother Biao didn't hear any movement at all, and the food was transported here without saying a word.

"Brother Biao, we must be honest when doing business. You really don't need to send someone to follow me, right? How about it, have you received the food?"

She naturally found out someone was following Shen Ruoqing, but she didn't alert him and just went shopping as usual.

Brother Biao smiled and didn't answer, just asked his men to bring the money and tickets.It's not like he never thought about taking it all for himself, but after thinking about the energy behind Shen Ruoqing, he gave up.A person at this age who can get so much food without saying a word is definitely not a young person.

"Brother Xiaowu, please order some. The food is all right and good. If there is still this kind of business in the future, just come to me."

Brother Biao gave me a lot of tickets, including bicycle tickets and sewing tickets. Moreover, the useful life of these tickets is quite long, and only a few tickets are about to expire.

Shen Ruoqing put the thick wad of money directly into the bamboo basket, and actually charged it directly into the system mall.

"Next time there is such a business, I will definitely not forget Brother Biao, but this time Brother Biao won't have to send someone to protect my safety, right?"

"That is that is!"

Brother Biao chuckled, "Next time the fifth brother comes, just tell me Brother Biao's name. You will definitely be indispensable in terms of price."

Shen Ruoqing carried the basket on his back and turned down several alleys. When he came out again, it was Shen Ruoqing who had changed his clothes.

When she turned the alley, Shen Ruoqing bought a space from the system mall, a total of 1000 cubic meters, and put all the bamboo baskets and electric batons into the space. The space was static, no matter whether Brother Biao would follow her or not. , it’s better to be careful.

Shen Ruoqing was very excited, space, she finally had space!
After purchasing the space, it may have reached a certain amount, and some high-end things in the original system mall were also unlocked. Shen Ruoqing took a rough look and locked on one thing: the physical enhancement liquid.

Physical Strengthening Liquid: Priced at 1000 yuan, it works to strengthen the physical constitution.

What are you waiting for, buy it!
The physique strengthening liquid that he got was green and shiny. Shen Ruoqing believed that the product produced by the system must be a high-quality product.I was immediately bored after one sip.The taste of the physical enhancement night was not as bad as expected. It went down the throat and into the stomach. Shen Ruoqing suddenly felt relaxed all over his body.

With more than 5000 yuan and a large number of bills on hand, Shen Ruoqing decided to buy some more things.

First of all, Shen Ruoqing bought cloth.She had a lot of cloth stamps in her hand. The clothes that Mrs. Ji wore were not only patched, but also washed white.Buy some cloth and give it to Mrs. Ji. She will definitely be very happy.

Another one is toothpaste and toothbrush.She was fed up with rinsing her mouth with salt every day, and she didn't dare to use the toothbrush from the system mall. The toothbrushes in the system mall had too soft bristles, so she just happened to buy toothpaste and toothbrushes for the whole family.But now everyone uses tooth powder instead of toothpaste, but it is still better than gargling with salt.

Shen Ruoqing's cheap second brother doesn't brush his teeth or rinse his mouth, and the teachers Shen Hanwen and Shen Hanwu don't rinse their mouths either. This needs to be changed.

(End of this chapter)

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