No, the health clinic hasn't been built yet, and several of them are in tit-for-tat competition over the position of intern nurses.

This position has work points and subsidies, which is equivalent to half a worker.Who is not jealous?

Educated youths from the educated youth spots are also taking notice.

After Yang Pingfang learned the news, she picked two things and went to Captain Tang's house to give them as gifts.Unexpectedly, when I entered the door, I bumped into the Xu family sisters who also came to give gifts.

Both of them were holding things in their hands, and both sides could see each other's intentions at a glance.

"Tsk, just a few eggs and a bag of pastries, and you want to work as a trainee nurse in a health center?" Xu Ruhua couldn't help but sneered when she saw what Yang Pingfang was holding.

Yang Pingfang looked at the malted milk in the hands of the Xu sisters: "What? Did the captain agree to give the seats to you two after you two took the malted milk and canned soup? Captain Soup still confiscated it, otherwise Can you two walk out carrying your things?"


Xu Rushi pulled her sister, "No matter what, the two of us are more sincere than you, but it seems that all three of us have worked in vain. They obviously want to leave this position to the people in their own village."

After snorting, the Xu sisters carried their things and went back.

Although the Xu sisters had obviously failed, Yang Pingfang was not willing to give up so easily, so she still knocked on the door of the captain's house with her things.

The Xu sisters on the other side.

Xu Ruhua said unwillingly: "Sister, should we just forget it? I can't do the farm work in this village for a day. You see, my hands are calloused. It's not easy to have a brisk person." live."

Xu Rushi said, "What are you anxious about? If Captain Tang's side doesn't work, can't you just try the other village leaders' route? Let's go to Vice Captain Qi's side and have a look."

Xu Ruhua said: "Why didn't I think of it? Sister, you still have a flexible mind."

The two of them went to Vice Captain Qi's house carrying malted milk and cans.

After a while, the Xu sisters left happily with empty hands.

"What? You said you also want educated youth to sign up?"

The village party secretary looked disapproving, "We are finally going to build a health clinic in our village. We must first focus on the people in our own village. How can we give this quota to outsiders?"

"Since we want to select trainee nurses, we should treat them equally. The educated youth are also part of our Dashuishou Village, so why can't they be allowed to sign up? Those educated youths can't carry hands on their shoulders or lift, but their education level is still quite high. If you become a trainee nurse, you should be able to get started quickly." Vice Captain Qi accepted the benefits of the Xu sisters, so he naturally wanted to help the Xu sisters.

"Besides, all the girls in our own village are rough-handed and rough-footed, so how can the girls in the city be so careful?"

The village party secretary said: "Then we can't let this fertilizer flow to other people's fields. We still have to take more care of our own people."

"Then we can't just ignore those educated youths. If those educated youths knew about it, they might go to the commune and file a complaint."

"What should I do?"

"Let both educated youth and villagers take part in the assessment, and whoever is good will be successful."

"That won't work. There are many people in the village who don't have the same word. Aren't these two places taken up by educated youth? That won't work." The village party secretary disagreed.

Captain Tang rubbed his eyebrows: "Aren't we going to recruit two more people? How about this, one place for educated youths and one place for villagers. Is that okay?"

The health center hasn't been built yet, so this matter has been discussed in this way.When the busy farming season was almost over, Shen Ruoqing also went back to school to finish his exams.

Captain Tang found Shen Ruoqing: "Girl Ruoqing, can you make more of those blue bricks you made before?"

Shen Ruoqing was a little surprised: "Is it to build a health center? But building a health center was approved by the commune. Didn't the company have a note approving the green bricks?"

Captain Tang took a puff of dry cigarette: "The commune wants us to build a stone house. But I thought that since we want to build a health clinic, and our brigade now has money in the account, we can build a better one. So this Qingzhuan wants us to figure it out ourselves."

It turned out to be the case.

But Shen Ruoqing was a little embarrassed: "Last time I brought back the green bricks that others ordered but didn't want. I don't know if I can catch it this time. Otherwise, Captain Tang, you should talk to the commune and ask for a approval note. , it will be more convenient.”

Captain Tang thought for a while: "That's right. I can't rely on you to do everything. I'd better go and communicate with the commune."

"Captain Tang, my mother's birthday is on the [-]th next month. You must remember to come then."

Captain Tang waved his hand: "I know this. Your third brother has said hello to me a long time ago. I will definitely come."

After saying that, Captain Tang went back to think about Qing Brick.

After the period of food distribution, it was also Ji Laotai's sixtieth birthday.

Ji Meihua also went to Shen's house the day before because she wanted to see Mrs. Ji's jokes.

She had already asked her son to say hello to the meat factory, and she was determined not to let anyone sell pork to the Shen family.

There was no pork, so she wanted to see what kind of dishes Old Lady Ji would serve to entertain the guests this time. She would probably have to use the loach and eels that couldn't be served on the table, right?

Unexpectedly, the day before, Shen Xiangxi came back with a whole fat pig waiting for ingredients.

The tractor contained not only a whole fat pig, but also a whole sheep, a large piece of beef, and a basket of fish.

So many good ingredients.

"Daughter-in-law Dahai, your boy is really capable. He actually brought back so many good things. It seems that I will be in luck tomorrow." A woman who had a good relationship with Mrs. Ji smiled cheerfully.

"Where did you get these things? They can't be from the meat factory. Did you go to the black market to speculate?" Ji Meihua pointed at these things, "I want to report them. The origin of these things is unknown!"

"Do you have evidence?" Shen Ruoqing glanced at Ji Meihua lightly, "Auntie, please don't slander me. You said this thing came from the black market. Have you seen it with your own eyes? These things were all helped by my godbrother. We got it. We didn't go to the black market. And you think the black market is omnipotent? You can buy anything you want?"

"Then how did your godfather get these things? Anyway, they definitely didn't get them from the meat factory!"

"My godbrother is capable. Do I need to know how he got it? Auntie, why are you so insistent that these things in my family did not come from the meat factory?"

Ji Meihua choked, and then said: "Isn't my son Liu Wei a worker in the meat factory? Your family has never ordered meat from the meat factory. I must know that."

"Perhaps my family has a relationship through other leaders of the meat factory? Auntie, what you said seems like you specially said hello not to let our family buy meat." Shen Ruoqing said with a smile.

Ji Meihua glared at Shen Ruoqing and left angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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